» Electronics and household app. » Complaint / Review: Magic Jack - Customer Service. #473073

Complaint / Review
Magic Jack
Customer Service

I have had my Magic Jack for less than 90 days, but over the 30-day free trial. During the trial it worked well enough most of the time, but since then the audio quality has continued to degrade. I have tried all the prescribed resolutions available on line, but nothing has worked. Today I engaged in a chat with Magic Jack to request the return of at least the five years additional service I (foolishly) signed up for. The chat transcript is below, but the bottom line is that I was told I was SOL, and to reread the terms of service. Has anyone gotten any satisfaction at all when requesting a refund outside the 30-day trial?

Please wait for a site operator to respond.

You are now chatting with 'Sheri'

Sheri: Hello, how may I help you?

Customer: Hello, Sheri. I am not satisfied with the voice quality of my Magic Jack, and want to return it for a refund. I'm not satisfied with the info I received when I queried your FAQ. I've had the unit for about 90 days, but the audio problem is not always there. Just often enough to make this impractical to continue. Please tell me how I can at least get back the money I paid for the additional five years.

Sheri: Do you want to opt for a replacement?

Customer: No. I've already had my land line re-installed.

Sheri: Okay.

Sheri: Please fill in the RMA form.

Sheri: http://my. Email=&ordernum=&tracking=&ccnum=&btnRetSubmit=Search

Customer: This is no good. The order was placed over 30 days ago. The RMA form will not allow me to continue.

Sheri: Okay.

Sheri: One moment please...

Sheri: Please wait while I check that for you

Sheri: Thank you for your patience. I will transfer you to a higher level of support. Please hold while I transfer you.

Please wait while I transfer the chat to the best suited site operator.

You are now chatting with 'Evert'

Evert: Hi, this is Evert, from higher level of support.

Customer: Hello, Evert.

Evert: I am sorry but you cannot return your Mj anymore, you are already beyond the 30 day free trial

Customer: I am not satisfied with that answer. I can understand being stuck for the first year, but I paid for an additional five years. I at least want that money refunded.

Evert: No I am sorry, it cannot be refunded as well, if you want, you may sell or give it to loveones so that they can use the MJ. Make it sure that they have good internet service provider so that they wont encounter any audio problem like what you having right now. Because I believe you are using wireless card or aircrad connection

Customer: My internet connection is an aircard, but it is a good connection. Why would I give something that doesn't work properly to any loved ones? That would not be very loving. I really must insist that you refund money received for services that will not be provided. To not do this will generate much negative publicity that can easily be avoided. You know it is not right to keep the money paid for the five years extra service.

Evert: We already gave you 30-day free trial, and with that certain of time, you must decide if you want to keep th product or not, but then you were using it for morethan 2 months. Your internet connection is intermittent, resulting to bad audio on your calls. Even if your internet connection is very strong, because of the type of internet connection that you have, that will still result in the bad audio on your calls

Customer: The 30-day trial did not present the persistent problem now being encountered. I continued to try to make it work, but it is hopeless. If you are not authorized to comply with my request, please transfer me to someone who is.

Evert: I am one of the supervisors here, so please believe me, you will still receive same answer from them

Customer: I am not going to give up on this. It is not right for you to keep money for services not provided. Please comply with my request.

Customer: Why would you want to damage the reputation of your company over such a small amount of money?

Customer: One unhappy customer tells at least 10 others.

Evert: Would you like to read our term of service? On the process of registration, we let our customers read it. Would you like to read it again?

Customer: No. I don't need to read it again. Regardless what your terms of service say, as a matter of goodwill it would be in your best interest to refund the money received for the additional five years service that will not be provided. We are talking about customer goodwill here, not your terms of service.

Evert: Yes we are, but also, we must stick with our terms of Service. That is why every business have its own TOS because anytime there is a problem, we can stick for it.

Customer: OK. You stick for your terms of service. Please give me a phone number to call to complain further. And, I would like a mailing address so that I can send a registered letter complaining about this.

Evert: We dont have it and I believe that I have already provided you all the information needed and we are keep on repeating the same process. I have to end this chat, Bye

Chat session has been terminated by the site operator.

Offender: Magic Jack

Country: USA   State: California

Category: Electronics and household app.


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