» Shops, Products, Services » Complaint / Review: Verizon - Practicing Unfair Contracting and cheating customers. #590219

Complaint / Review
Practicing Unfair Contracting and cheating customers

The TRUTH about VERIZONAfter moving to a new apartment my Wife and I decided togive Verizon FIOS a chance after seeing their ads on bundles. We called on our move in day, a Tuesday. They must have been busy, because we were onhold for 41 minutes. We decided to callback. When we did we were greeted with a pleasant 15 minute waittime and finally a customer service rep. She seemed very enthusiastic and we were immediately disarmed by hergood nature. We signed up for the Bundlefor Internet, TV, and Phone. We alsoagreed to get the DVR. Life was good, and we were looking forward to our new service. 2 weeks later a Verizon technician arrived to install ourservice. I had to take the day off towait for him, which I did for about 6 hours, but that happens with everyone, right? No biggie. I welcomed this gentleman into my home, grimacing at his muddy shoes on my carpet, hoping that he would be in and outas quickly as possible. 3 hours later my Television and Internet were up andworking. He started packing up his tools (I was helping! Get out now!) when hementioned to me that everything was good to go, with the exception of myphone. He explained to me that my phone lineswere set up incorrectly and that I would have to get my maintenance departmentto re wire my phone lines in my apartment. I remember thinking what a hassle, and I asked thetechnician if I was able to correct the issue would he be able to come out aninstall my phone? He told me to callVerizon and make an appointment with service installation. He left. My TV workedgreat, my internet was blazing fast. SoI was missing a phone. So what? Ill get it fixed within the week. Right? 40 weeks later, it was still not fixed. Heres the timeline: 1 week) I had my maintenance department go through my phonelines and learned something interesting: the previous tenant had Verizon Fiosand his phone worked just fine. 2 weeks) I had a friend of mine who is a fiberoptic andtelephone wiring technician take a look at my lines. He told me that they worked fine, anddemonstrated this by hooking up a machine that showed each outlet worked great. 4 weeks) I call Verizon. They set up a time for a technician to come out. 6 weeks) After waiting all day, no technician shows. Call Verizon. Put on hold, hang up after 30 minutes. 7 weeks) Call Verizon, service center tells me they willsend another technician out, tell me there will be ANOTHER service charge. No Way! Im not paying for another service appointment! They claim they will open a ticket to researchmy issue and call me back. 10 weeks) Still no call. Call Verizon because I cannot see my bill online anymore and do notreceive paper statements, yet Im still paying them through my banks Bill Paysite. Verizon is unable to help mebecause I do not know my account number. 11 weeks) I pretty much give up. 18 weeks) I call Verizon and ask them to cancel the phonethat I have been paying for. Thecustomer service rep tells me that they need to open a ticket to research theissue. I tell them I will HOLD while theylook it up. 18 weeks and 3 hours) After speaking to 4 different accountreps I have a resolution. They willCancel my phone line and refund my money in the form of credits to my account, beginning on the next bill cycle. Imsatisfied with the resolution. 22 weeks) My account has been credited but I am still payingfor the phone service. Again I call, again Im on hold, again my account is credited and I am assured the phonecharges will not be applied again. 30 Weeks) I receive a credit to my account and my bill paytells me nothing is due. 32 weeks) I receive a check in the mail from Verizon forrefund for excess charges. 39 weeks) My service is shut off due to non payment. I call Verizon, am put on hold for an hour, reach a customer service rep. I explainthe situation. She transfers me to a repin the finance and collections department. She pulls up my account by name / address and DOB (since I do not havemy account number). She tells me I havemissed 2 months payment and owe them near $400. I explain that I have been credited and do not know which payment I havemissed. She explains that she will opena ticket to research the issue (!!!) I have to fax proof of payment to Verizon. I ask to be transferred to someone who canassist me with canceling this god-awful service. She politely transfers me to a dead linethat hangs up on me. I finally get through to the customer retentiondepartment. They are very clever: they use names such as Mr. Smith and Mr. Wainwright to hide their identities to avoid negative feedback andconfrontation. And their supervisors areall conveniently out to lunch (even at 10:30 in the morning). Mr. Wainwright is unable to assist mebecause I do not know my account number. He tells me very not-so-politely that if I dont know it then I have aproblem and I should always know your account numbers. I ask again to be transferred to asupervisor. He transfers me to a deadline. The next day I received a call from a Verizon AccountSupervisor. She tells me that my accountis past due (which still makes no sense). I asked her to give me some information on cancelling my account (contract should be up in 2 months! Thank you LORD!). You know what she told me? When I had CANCELED my phone service (that they could not install forme!) I was automatically signed up on a NEW BUNDLE CONTRACT that does notexpire for another 7 months. Im prettysure that is ILLEGAL. Slamming, maybe??? She said she would open a ticket to researchmy issue and call me back. No Lie. Verizon opened up numerous tickets to research the issuesthat I experienced. Not one of themresolved correctly. I cant say Imoptimistic about this last one. Myentire experience has been battling to be served CORRECTLY. I made my payments, paid for more than I wasreceiving, and never once complained about it. However, as soon as I start asking some questions the answers becomemore and more veiled, the responses are sharper and harsher, and the staff issuddenly incompetent and outright mean. VERIZON is cheating its customers and practicing illegalcontracting. They want to charge me over$600 to get out of my contract. Be WARYof this type of practice! Be WARY ofVerizon. I have been paying over $160 amonth for a DVR, TV, and Internet and have been screwed around every corner ofthe block. I can get the same servicefor HALF from a competitor if I could only get out of my contract! They can only cheat the little people if welet them! They will NOT be receivinganother dime from anyone I know! Imvowing to keep Virginia CLEAN of Verizon scum. You should too.

Offender: Verizon

Country: USA

Category: Shops, Products, Services


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