» Real Estate » Complaint / Review: Green Tree Servicing LLC - Assistance with Modification. #820368

Complaint / Review
Green Tree Servicing LLC
Assistance with Modification

February 6
Keith Anderson, CEO
Green Tree Mortgage, LLC
342 St. Paul
St. Paul, NM 50102

RE: Account 681886156

Dear Mr. Keith Anderson,
We are writing requesting some intervention on our behalf to FNMA and Green Tree Servicing.
For years I have worked full time in an executive administrative employee and Social Worker for various non-profit organizations and consulted worker for a private behavioral agency. We were by no means well off but we were able to make payments on all our obligations in a timely manner. When the economy collapsed, funding to these organizations that I worked for were lost due to federal, state and county contracts not renewed due to lack of monies or funding reallocated to other projects. Along with representing a larger portion of the income my employment also took care of our medical coverage.

Upon my being laid off I applied for unemployment benefits, I was awarded my benefits, seeing that this was not enough and the fact that I had never collected unemployment since I began working. I began to actively seek full time employment. I was able to obtain part time employment at Camden County College as an adjunct professor. I believed that with the partial unemployment benefits and my part time this would help assist with our financial obligations.

For some time the small income I received from the 2 classes I taught and unemployment allowed us to continue to maintain the payment and our Cobra medical coverage, that was until it was decided that teachers could no longer receive unemployment Benefits. My claim was denied, my medical coverage lost, my income reduced by 90% with 1 letter. I was then informed by the Employment Benefits Office that due to the fact that I am employed by and educational institution I am not eligible to collect partial unemployment. I appealed and explained and provided all documentation that I only taught two (2) classes a week for a total of 6 hours and only for 15 weeks (no grantee that I would be employed the following semester). This is not full time employment and no benefits are paid. They informed me that because it was an Educational institution it didn’t matter whether it was full time or part time. The only way to secure unemployment benefits full or partial was to quit or find another part time job. At the age of my mid fifties and with vast experiences, academic credentials trying to secure a full time job proved to be very difficult. Our recent economies depressive status has also made it a difficult task seeking full time employment. Either you are overly qualified or they cannot afford to pay you. So at this time all my unemployment benefits were discontinued due to my part time employment of then (6 hours a week). The only way to secure unemployment benefits full or partial was to quit or find another part time job. Well this did not make sense to me nor was it ethical. To stop working even a part time job to collect unemployment benefits, I wasn’t raise like that. I was raised with a very strong work ethic and to be honest. So I continued to pursue part time or full time employment.
I have at this time been able to continue my part time employment at Camden County College increasing my classes to a minimum of three per semester (which is 9 hours per week for 15 weeks only) and also recently became employed part time at Burlington County College with 2 classes (which is 6 hours per week for 15 weeks). At both colleges my position is part time adjunct faculty; this position does not offer any medical coverage (at this time I do not have any medical coverage at all). Mr. Santiago (my husband) is a veteran, disabled, and a severe insulin dependent diabetic and has a heart condition. He requires large amounts of daily mediations, in addition to the frequent doctor and specialists visits.

We requested assistance in mid “2010”, as soon as I was laid off, from Bank of America (BOA) who was the servicer of record at that time. We were told since the account was current and I could not provide proof of continuous UEB, that there were no assistance programs available. We fell 30 days behind. I continued to call and continued to struggle to make my payment. I was then advised to send in a financial package for FNMA’s imminent default program. We sent all the documents necessary for review and were denied for HAMP, which we were aware would happen based on the DTI requirements as were told we had to go through that process to be forwarded to the loss Mitigation area for a manual review of the alternative workout options FNMA offered. We were denied for HAMP twice by BOA and NEVER reviewed for any additional Loss Mitigation Assistance.

During this time I researched what could possibly be offered. I went on the FNMA’s website at that time the modification that I would have qualified for would have afforded me a reduced rate down of 2%. It would have increased over a period of addition there could have also been a term extension and possible reduction in my Unpaid Principle Balance. This would have all been done to reach my Affordable Payment Amount which would have been the difference of our current income minus our expenses, excluding the mortgage payment. This program would have decreased the payment substantially and saved us from the financial situation we are drowning in due to a decrease in income and increase in living and medical expenses.

We continued to call and then in 4 we were advised to send an entire new package. We did so and again we were denied for HAMP. We were assured the loan would be manually reviewed. We waited and then called and were advised that here was a “glitch” in the system and it denied the case and they had no way to give the documents to the Loss Mitigation area for review. “THAT IT HAD TO GO THROUTH THE SYSTEM??? ” once again we were not reviewed any further or any other workout options although once again we qualified for a non-HAMP workout.

Almost a year later the standard modification FNMA was offering would have reduced the rate to a fixed amount and extended our term. This option would only reduce the payment slightly but in our mind any reduction in payment would help.

At this point we contacted FNMA’s help center in Franklin Mills, PA. We had to fill out all the documents we had filled out 3 times before and submit more documents than would be necessary to prove American citizenship (we are of Puerto Rican ethnicity, which means we are Americans citizens born on the island or the mainland. Since Puerto Rico is a commonwealth of the United States of America.), but we did so none the less. The case was forwarded to BOA by FNMA for review. BOA never reviewed the request and in the interim service transferred our loan.
Again, we called for a status and were advised ONCE AGAIN we had to submit a full package but we couldn’t submit what we had already sent to BOA because Green Tree had its own documents and we were REQUIRED to use their forms if we wanted to be reviewed. We filled everything out and sent it in with the documents that were sent to BOA. To their credit we did get a call almost immediately. What I didn’t realize at the time was the person was a collection representative reading notes and was not the processor I believe she represented herself to be. We were advised not all documents were legible and to refax. The documents were re-faxed but also scanned and emailed to the FNMA representative Devine Morrison and the PA help Center. He confirmed receipt and that he had forwarded them to Green Tree. Months have gone by and in 11we received a call requesting the Dodd Frank Certification. So we signed it and that was faxed along with updated bank statements and pay stubs. Since they were of course outdated at this point, we were then advised that a 4506T would be needed for my 80 year old parents who haven’t worked in 20 years and are my dependents as is evident by the 2 years of tax returns I have provided. A 4506T is not a necessary document for review of my assistance request as per FNMA guidelines.
On 12/24 I spoke to Anita (Collection representative) and confirmed with Amy that the DFC was indeed received, signed and on file along with updated statements on 11/30. At that time Amy advised me that Anita (Loss Mitigation specialist) notated the account that she was waiting on 4506T from my senior parents.

On 1/4 I received a call from Anita who informed me that Anita had notated that the claim was denied because the 4506T document was not received. (A document that has been clearly stated by FNMA is not needed)
The FNMA help center was immediately contacted to intercede on our behalf.
At this point the delinquency is now so high that even with a slight rate of reduction and term extension the increase to the unpaid principle balance will in all probability, increase the payment that we were seeking assistance with. Had this been handled correctly in 2010 the assistance we would have received would have actually helped our situation greatly.
We have no desire to lose our home. We did not refinance to cash out for hundreds of thousands of dollars. Like many Americans, with the loss of income came the dependence of credit cards to provide the basic necessary living expenses.

The loan originator we dealt with stated we could refinance it in to the property since the value had increased and that even thought the amount was high we could refinance in a short period of time because the rates than were at all time low. He assured us this was the best solution to our financial troubles and of course we believed him. We believed that he should know because this is his area of expertise. He refinanced us 2 times in 12 months. The 2nd time was indeed for a lower rate but nowhere near the 3% he had mentioned and it made no difference in the payment amount after the closing costs where rolled in. The mortgage on this properly is now well over its value and even less than when it was when we first purchased it in 2001.
We have answered every call, sent every document, followed all instructions and cannot get a positive resolution form either of FNMA or their 2 servicers. What is becoming painfully obvious to us is that FNMA and their servicers have either a desire to take this property and displace a disable, diabetic war veteran, and an 80 year old woman who has lost her hearing and suffers from hypertension and COPD and 80 year old man who no longer has the use of his sight. Or I am beginning to believe that they held off reviewing or making a decision on our loan so that, they didn’t have to offer us a program or they believed they weren’t going to making enough money.
To date I have had no response from FNMA’s help center. But I did receive in the mail on 1/27 a letter dated 1/16 stating that Green Tree is in need of the Dodd Frank Certification to review my request. 17 months later I am no longer surprised and I dare to say the events are almost comical if it were not for the seriousness of losing our home. It probably is a laughing matter to FNMA’s, BOA and Green Trees CEOS’s who continue to receive a million dollar salaries and million dollar bonuses. After all to them we are a number, among millions of faceless individuals who obviously don’t deserve the respect and consideration that kind of money seems to buy.
On 2/7 I received a letter from Green Tree identifying a new assigned associate who is to be my contact person with this organization and to please call her. This same letter informed me that I did not qualify for the HAMP program (This I already was aware from the BAC process and the initial Green Tree Process). I placed a called to Melissa and she informed me that according to her records I did not qualify for HAMP, but they (Green Tree) were in the process the paper work through all other programs. That I qualify for a modification program at 5% interest and what is in arrears will be placed at the end of the loan. She also informed me that it would take several weeks. That I should call every week until and decision is made.

Again, Green Tree has dragged their feet in processing my paperwork in a timely and efficient manner that by the time the complete and award the modification; what I originally would have received a 2% rate I am now not eligible. Due also to their mismanagement of the process I will not be able to benefit the full advantage of services that could have been awarded me.
2/17 on my 39th wedding anniversary I received a letter dated 2/7 informing me that they are offering me an opportunity for a Short Sale and Deed-In-Lieu of Foreclosure (DIL). And that they need the answer by 2/21. This organization and their inappropriate handling of the services and paper work have dragged this process longer than it has too. This again strongly makes me believe that all they wanted was to acquire my house and remove an honest loyal Americans, a disable veteran, and my 80 year old citizens out of our home. I want to make it perfectly clear I want to keep my house and remain in my home.
We did not put ourselves in this situation and if you want t be honest about it FNMA, FHLMC, BEAR STERNS, LEAHMAN BROTHERS, AIG, and all the other Banks/investors that participated in purchasing risky products and then selling them on the secondary market. Those who stood by while property values increased, knowing the amounts were inflated while decreasing the credit requirements lending. Those who regulated RESPA and TILA and turned a blind eye when it was all going on are to blame. I do not understand with all this information being public knowledge and with my tax dollars bailing FNMA out that my plea for assistance goes unanswered with no care.
The only thing I do know for sure with 100% certainty is that it is not funny to us. This is our home and I will fight for what is right. I am an educated woman who raised four children while in school earning my Masters Degree. I am fully bilingual (Spanish), I have worked hard all my life and pay my dues within my community and society. I have received the Dr. Martin Luther King Medial for my service to my community. I am also a very proud American and vote because it is my right to do so.

I am beginning to believe that, this is the process and review procedures conducted to applicants who are not of the dominant group in society. Am I and those that are Spanish speaking Americans treated in this manner? Does discrimination due to a persons’ ethnicity still exist, by being ignored or treated as unintelligent. Is this the reason, why I have been continuously asked for the same documentation time and time again? Is this the reason why none of these agencies have process my paperwork, but have waited so that by the time the work is processed there are no resources available How many others like myself will not be able to qualify programs offered due to inadequate reviews and poor processing procedures by ineffective staff members of these various organizations. I did my research, I asked the right questions, I followed up, I understood the process and if this was done to me what is being done to someone who doesn’t understand it as well as I. I will be my voice and theirs. I am forwarding this letter to the Governor, every Senator, every Congressman, FNMA specialist and President Obama for their assistance it well maybe my letter will gets lost among the thousands of others written to them, and maybe it won’t either way the congressional complain, regulatory complain and BBA complaint will also be filed. If all this fails to produce any answers I will have no recourse but to forward a copy of this letter to the local newspapers and national broadcasting stations. Perhaps they will be able to assist with the appropriate processing for my assistance.
I Remain,
Norma I. Santiago
Norma I. Santiago
3242 Horner Ave.
Pennsauken NJ 08109
Governor Chris Christi - Office of the Governor PO Box 001 Trenton, NJ 08625
Congressman Robert Andrews – 515 Grove Street 3rd Floor Suite 3C Haddon Heights NJ 08038
Senator Frank Lautenberg – One Port Center – Suite 505 2 Riverside Dr. Camden NJ 08101
Senator Melendez-208 White Horse Pike Suite 18 Barrington NJ 08087
Mr. Terry Edwards, FNMA Officer – 1835 Market Street Suite 2300, Philadelphia PA 19103
President Obama-Office of the President 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. NW Washington, DC 20202

Offender: Green Tree Servicing LLC

Country: USA

Category: Real Estate


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