» Miscellaneous » Complaint / Review: Wal Mart Supercenters - Walmart CSM this is a crying shame. #606451

Complaint / Review
Wal Mart Supercenters
Walmart CSM this is a crying shame

I am a constant shopper at walmart and have experienced bad customer service on many occasions. As a result, I am really fed up with the service of the walmart "CSM" or claiming "CSM" that display bad attitudes and neglated leadership ability. I belive that walmart trians thier employees but sometimes there are problems that exist with the employee who can't figure out how to do certian transactions. With this particuler problem accumulating in most of all the walmarts I have been to, there are customers such as my self that has been serviced by a very nice employee or a rude fed up employee who demostrates the constant negative actions from poor training in customer service or negligent acts from the CMS that do not respond to the employee's problem when the light is blinking for them to come help with a issue. I have watch on many occasions as well been a part of the action of being neglected the help that is suppose to be provided at the given time. The so call "CSM" have actually made me stand at the register with an employee who has been trying to get thier attention for help because they could not fix the problem themselves as well as trying to demostrate calm efforts to keep other customers that where standing inline behind me calm. There Where Four "CSM" at the time standing in at a podem talking and laughing as well as watching the light blink. The made no effort to move from that space as well as give up a good converstaion to help this employee out who was trying her best to help me. I Stood at that register for approximatley 30 minutes, getting frustrated with the service and they way that the CSM where in a constant jolly mood with one another and looking at the light blink with out neither one of them making sound judgement that this cashier needed some help. This was the weekend of Holloween and Walmart was very busy. Lines where long and other customers where also fed up with the wait and the rudeness that the employee's and thier managers displayed. Needless to say when after 30 minutes, when one CSM finally made a move she looked straight at the cashier and that light blinking and contiued to walk right by to attend to another cashier who had just turned thier light on for help. The cashier them looked at me and could tell that I was getting really mad now because how this situation was starting to turn out. She politley apppogised for the CSM actions. I could feel the tention rising as the cashier herself started to appear to be upset. She then explained to me that this happens everyday to certian cashiers because the CSM have thier certian picks and Chooses on who they want to rush and help and who they leave stuck out for customers to get angry and go off on them because off the lack of help. I could belive this because this was not the first time this happen to me at this paticuliar store. Finally when she relalized that the CSM where not going to come her aid, the cashier actually, Politely told me please excuse me and left the register to go get a "CSM". Me and the other five customers behind me that also where angry and fed up because the line had not moved for 30 minutes watched her walk from the front of the store all the way to the middle of the store to get help. When she got thier the CSM still contiued to talk and laugh with one another ignoring that fact that she was standing there trying to get thier attention. Finally One CSM turned around and responded and followed her back to the register where she realized that thier where some angry customers and tryed to calm the situation down by giving apologies for the long wait. Needless to say my issues with the transaction was resolves but the issue with these lazy, CSM 's who lack poor leadership ability wasn't. I am tired of going through this same issues constantly and would like this issue to be resolved. It is apparent that the Walmart CSM's here demostrates the act of favoritism to certian employees when they should treat all of them the same. I have been to three walmarts in this area and have been caught in this issue constantly. I am sure that thier are other's as well that have been in this sutiation but don't know where to turn to compliant and have no clue where to complaint to. Please be advised that even through Walmart offers a great place to shop this sort of situation can esculate and prevent problems in the long run with the wrong individual who has be treated the way I was and would not take the problem so nicely. I appreciate the chance to let people know what is happening and would like the situation to get fixed. Thanks for your time and who ever reads this respond and let me know your views and opinions.

Offender: Wal Mart Supercenters

Country: USA

Category: Miscellaneous


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