» Traveling & Tourism » Complaint / Review: Northwest Airlines - RACIST/RUDE ripoff. #220521

Complaint / Review
Northwest Airlines

Northwest airlines seattle airport has the racist unprofessional staff ever! If you're not japanese and your flying to japan out of gate s9 on your benifits good luck buddy!

Dear Sir or Madam:

I recently attempted to travel on Northwest on a vacation trip to Japan. I am an employee from a different airline traveling on my benefits so I have a firm understanding of what's required of you when you're traveling and I also know the customer service hand book like the back of my hand. Rather than boarding, the flight I found my self-being treated with total disrespect and racist comments by their staff.

When I got to the gate and kindly asked the agent if he could please assign me a seat for the flight he looked at me and begun to mumble under his breath which didn't offend me because sadly I run across a lot of agent who just hate when employee's from other airlines travel on them at a reduced rate. So I patiently wait for my seat assignment, when waiting he came around the counter and looked at what I was wearing and I asked him is everything ok or is there something wrong? He said yea we got seats but I'm not letting you on because you have a whole in your jeans!

I told the agent the inch hole was due to TSA agent who ripped my jeans trying to rush by the check point with a wheel chair and he could call down to TSA if he would like them to verify my story. The agent got upset and said in a rude tone I don't care how they got a whole in them your not getting on this flight like that!

I then asked if I could speak with a supervisor about the matter; when the supervisor came to the counter before I could ask her if she could make an exception due to the fact that my jeans were ripped because of a TSA agent the guy at the counter begun to speak to her in another language. I waited for them to finish saying god knows what about me before I spoke to her. Before I could get one word out of my mother she says no no no you not getting on flight with whole in jeans I don't care what happened I'm not letting you on.

I then asked her is she had some type of tape I could place over the whole since the flight was leaving in 15 min? Again, she responds NO! Therefore, I asked her did I have any other options and she give me a nasty look and just walked off as if I wasn't even present. Now I'm stuck to deal with Mr. Polite once again, who told me the only way I'm getting on if I chance my pants. So I rush to the bathroom behind S11/12 run back to the gate and ask are these ok?

The guy says you're a LIAR! You lie, you're a liar! I respond what are you talking about! I would appreciate if you stop calling me a liar! Well you lie! You said you TSA said you could get on flight and I called down and they said they never told you that! I replied no I never told you they said the whole would allow or deny me boarding so please stop saying that; could you just please issue me a seat so I can board the flight. Well you a liar!

At this point I'm just fed up with the name calling an ask if I could please have his employee number and name, out of no where all three agents at the desk began to jump on me. We don't have to give you anything were not required to give you our employee numbers or anything thing else we just have to give our first name and that's it. I say ok that's fine what is your first names? A.R. I! I say your name is A.R. I or Ari? It's A.R.I. I say ok Ari you guys have a nice day and proceed to walk over to S9 and board the flight while leaving the gate he and the other agent say you know what give me your employee number since you want to report people you show me ID I said I showed you my passport and that's all I have to show you any other information dosen't matter the moment but thank you for everything.

When I get to the gate who is waiting for me other then the stupid supervisor who takes my ticket from the agent I hands it to and say YOU NOT GETTING ON FLIGHT! I ask her what are you talking about? Why can't I board? Cause you have whole in jeans. I tell her that problem have already been solved and is no longer an issue so may I board now? NO! I don't like your attitude so you're not going period and close the doors and walk off. So I'm just sitting there with my carry on looking for help so I ask the other agents if they could call a manager several times, and they look at me if I'm speaking a foreign language so I say HELLO DO EITHER ONE YOU HEAR ME??? COULD YOU PAGE A MANAGER!

After rolling her eyes, she calls a manager cause at the point I'm getting very loud and other passengers becoming interested in what's going on. Once the manager arrives once again the supervisor doesn't allow me to speak with him and try to solve the issue, she unlock the door to get on the flight and takes the manager in with her talking about who knows what but all while I'm watching the time go by before the flight departs.

After 10min or so, the manager comes out and I ask can I get on the flight! No cause it's to late. How in the hell is it to late when I been here for 3 hours and everything was fine up till 30min before I'm suppose to get on the flight? Well because the agent says that, you were very rude and you scared her with your body language. How in the hell did I scare her! He says well look at you! I say what the hell is that suppose to mean? Do I need to remind you that some one that looks identical to her just killed 33 people at VT so don't you dare sit here and say she has a right to be scared if anyone should be concerned its me! Therefore, after sitting there telling this guy the story and watching the flight take off his gone to tell me oh well I didn't know all of that happened!

If I would have known that I would have allowed you on the flight! Well you didn't give me chance to explain anything you just came up here listened to what she had to say. What ever happened to the customer being right? His response was well let's remember your flight as a NR so you can't do what you want to do your skating on thin ice when you're traveling on us.

I ask him are serious dude! My family and I traveling at least 100,000 miles on your airline per year going back and forth to Japan so don't sit here and assume I don't spend money with this company. Your telling me if your wife decides to use your benefits the ones you work your ass off for and some gate agent decides to get rude with her and deny her boarding simply because their a incompetent agent? He says no I would be highly upset and would do something about it!

I say exactly so let me fill out a report against your agent! No I'm not gone to allow you to do that it's not necessary how in the hell isn't it necessary! You were the one being called out your name and being treated rudely were you so don't tell me its nothing well ill talk to him what in hell is that gone to do! If I decide to take the same flight tomorrow, I have to see the same agents from today so what's going to change. You guys are a joke!

Customer service! Right. Well we don't take these types of things lightly well what's going to happen other than you giving him a talk? And that's what you're telling me! Nothing is going to happen to these agents but you know it just reelects on senior management, you guys accept this type of BS in your company and it just rolls right on down hun? Well I'm not saying that but you know. No, I don't know but I do know I will never fly your airline again bye.

If you're an employee for another airline and northwest is one of your partners please think twice before you decide to use their airline! They have the most disrespcetful gate agents ive ever had contact with! And if you're a nwa exexutive or agent jerking people around cause i woulndt dare call it working or customer service please get it together before your company end up in a law suit!

SEATTLE, Washington

Offender: Northwest Airlines

Country: USA   State: Washington   City: SEATTLE

Category: Traveling & Tourism


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