» Miscellaneous » Complaint / Review: - - Bad billing, website!. #903268

Complaint / Review - Bad billing, website!

Holy Cow. I love Target. But is a total 180 from the brick and mortar and I cannot justify spending any more money with them.

This all started with my baby registry. The registry somehow duplicated itself and i was unable to delete or access either one. Customer Service Call #1: apparently the new website was experiencing glitches - so sorry, we'll email you a discount code. So after my showers were done, I went online to purchase items I was missing. I applied the discount, but it didn't work. Turns out, I should have read the email, it expired 3 weeks ago. My fault! But really, I figured I could complain myself into getting the code applied, right? Disappointed, I tried to go into my account to show my husband and found my password wasn't working. I don't recall changing it, but I clicked on “forgot my password”, and tried to change it. 7 attempts later I turned it over to my husband because wouldn’t accept my password change. I’m not the idiot I thought I was, he can’t get it to accept either. Customer Service Call #2: They reset my password for me, with no concrete explanation as to why it wasn't working. I asked about my discount expiring. The woman on the phone looked it up and told me that it didn’t expire until 11/6. I told her I am looking at an email that clearly stated that it expired 10/6, that I tried it anyway and it didn’t work and that I would like the discount reinstated because my last baby shower wasn't until just this last week. She told me to try it again. (why is there a discrepancy in what she sees over what my email says?) It worked. 7 or the 8 items shipped the next day and 2 days later we had that shipment - fast. One item was scheduled to ship next week - totally fine. I checked my bank account though. One charge was posted for a certain amount that didn't add up to all that was shipped (it was less). Then there is a pending charge for another, higher amount on the card. Adding those together doesn't give you the total of my order at all, it's way higher. Customer Service Call #3 - I go through the process of explaining my issue to the woman. She tells me that i will have a pending charge of $23.54 on my account until the other product ships. I told her that would be understandable, if that was the amount that was pending, but instead, there's over $100 pending. She tells me she has to transfer me to a specialist. Oh. My. God, wouldn’t you know i have to go through the ENTIRE conversation again? After everything, the "specialist" tells me the pending amount (which again, matches NOTHING on the order) will fall off in 7-10 business days. No explanation to why it’s that amount. What bothers me too, is that when they pulled up my account, the total charge was a dollar and some change less than what is posted on my order review online... How do we have two different subtotals?

Overall, here's the issue: Something is wicked-funky with their billing. It doesn't add up or make any sense, and that's highly suspect.
Their customer service has no idea what they are talking about or doing. They are incoherent and useless. They escalade a problem and make the customer (who frankly, is already peeved at having to call for a problem) explain themselves multiple times? And then they don't have a logical solution or explanation?

I feel as if Target has third partied out billing, customer service and website management so that really is only loosely based on the name we all love to shop in person. Stay away. I have not had a smooth transaction yet. I can’t order from this site anymore. I don’t have the time to follow it up with calls to customer service. I can’t trust the billing, either. Lose-Lose. Shame.


Country: USA

Category: Miscellaneous


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