» Miscellaneous » Complaint / Review: FedEx - FedEx did I fall off the turnip truck?. #653298

Complaint / Review
FedEx did I fall off the turnip truck?

I was supose to recieve my package today (8/9) before 7pm. So I had someone to wait to sign for my package. 3pm rolls around they come and leave within seconds of getting there. There's no way the driver drove up knocked on the door waited 2-3 minutes like they are supose to then put a door tag on and leave. I had someone waiting for the package, they heard the knock and by the time they got to the door (which was less than a minute) and the driver was off.

Once I called to complain about this, the first customer service rep tells me that I can't say 'what the hell' because of religious reasons (I know for a fact that I CAN say that but I cannot say to a CSR to go to hell) then puts me on hold to speak with a manager knowing that all managers were in a group meeting at the time. How do I know they were in a meeting? Cause I called back and spoke with someone else about it and they informed me that all management for my area were in a meeting and they weren't sure when they would be out of said meeting (at this point they found a manager/supervisor on the otherside of the USA that could possibly help me). Once I tell the guy (who was actually nice and understood my delema) what happened and how I was very upset he paitently listened to me and told me he would call back with the manager in my area. And mentioned that they could possilby get my package to me this same day by speaking with the dispach. I could tell he was placating me that's fine whatever. At least this guy was willing to do that much.

So the supervisor from across the USA (who was a real gentlemen) calls back and puts the manager in my area on through the phone with me. The manager in my area tries to over talk me, didn't care about the insident prior to speaking with him (about the religion) and then INSISTS that he was with the driver that came to my house to deliver my package.

Seriously? What manager of FedEx goes out with the drivers? I know people in the mail industry (FedEx, USP, and the USPS... I have a lot of friends) they would send a seasoned driver out with someone for training purposes only and there has never been any instance where a manager would go out with a driver. Plus I was just told moments before hand that this 'manager' was in a meeting. The driver was at my house at 3pm I called at 3:30pm, spoke to the 'Manager' who "went with the driver" at around 4-4:30pm. I was told by ALL the customer service reps that the driver for my area would not be back until after 5pm. Hence the reason why they could not re-deliver the same day.

I can't believe the type of treatment I've gotten. It's got to be the WORST treatment EVER.

I've put a complaint at the corporate office as well as on here because FedEx needs a wake up call. Your customer care is terrible, you KNOW your going to deal with customers who are naturally upset. It's your JOB to make sure the upset customers calm down and some type of solution can be found AFTER the customer is not as upset. And considering the type of reason why this customer was upset can you really blame me for any type of foul language that comes out of my mouth? Religion or religous believes are very unprofessional to even bring up especially for a mail carrier. Customer Service is about helping a customer and to meet somewhere in the middle between the merchant and the consumer. It is NOT your job to add religious aspects, talk over, or rudely lie to customers about situations. If you can't hack it then get out of that line of buisness. CSR's around the world know they are going to get the brunt of whatever it is that's caused customers to be VERY upset.

Recently I spoke with the gentlemen who was a huge help to me from across the USA. I wanted to call him and express my thanks to him personally and let him know that he was the best person I've ever had to deal with today. (other than the ladies at the corporate office) When I told him about how the manager he put me through lied about his where-a-bouts the gentlemen was again really nice about it and didn't even try to cover for the other guy that lied to me.

Offender: FedEx

Country: USA

Category: Miscellaneous


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