» Miscellaneous » Complaint / Review: Verizon - I got charged for 6 months dsl service that I did not use! Nationwide. #455924

Complaint / Review
I got charged for 6 months dsl service that I did not use! Nationwide

I wonder if it is a waste of time to add another report here because complaint alone has (1,660) One Thousand Six Hundred Sixty Reports.

I Googled "Verizon Sucks" and found out there are (1, 000) One Million, Two Hundred Thousand entries!

I next Googled "Verizon Customer Service Sucks" and found (50,200) Fifty Thousand Two Hundred entries.

I next Googled "Verizon dsl Sucks" and found (37,900) Thirty Seven Thousand Nine Hundred entries, and furthermore Verizon had the audacity to be in the #1 paid advertising position!

Then I decided to search for something a little more specific to my problem so I Googled "Verizon Billing Sucks" and found out that (107,000) One Hundred Seven Thousand entries exist for problems similar to mine.

OK, so there are more than a million people that are unhappy for some reason with Verizon and more than one hundred thousand that have an issue with customer service/billing like I do. What good does it do to complain about a monopoly? What can be done about a multinational corporation that ships our jobs to the India, the Philippines, and elsewhere in the world, that neither cares about the country that it is collecting the revenue from or weather it's customers are really satisfied? Will one more complaint do any good? Maybe not, but since complaint had a box to check for being contacted by a lawyer in case of a class action lawsuit, I want to get my complaint on record. Although usually the only ones that win in class action suits are the lawyers themselves, that is a long off topic subject not related to this complaint.

Last April I switched my digital telephone service to an American based telephone company that employs people in America for customer service, but was having constant problems with my local cable company due to frequent outages, so in July I contacted Verizon dsl to replace the cable service. My dsl service did not work but Verizon blamed the issue on the phone company. As the other complaints will attest a call to Verizon technical support is a very frustrating experience; going through menus, being put on hold, putting up with dropped calls, and eventually getting hopefully someone that can help you. That is an even more trying experience for someone that is ill or recovering from illness. Calls that take more than an hour for someone in chronic pain are next to impossible, and to have the culprit "pass the buck" because it is their job to get you off the phone as fast as possible weather they solve your problem or not makes it so exasperating that it is easy to just give up. After all, my phone still worked through cable so it became easy to just put it off until another day, so my off and on attempts contacting Verizon tech support totaled around 7 or 8 times and I eventually got all new telephone equipment through the superior service of my digital phone company, but with my chronic pain issues the process took SIX FULL MONTHS.

Now that Verizon had no excuse and could not pass the buck, their tech support had no choice but to spend time with me doing the programming to solve the problem. It took almost 2 hours from the time I called till the time my Verizon dsl worked, but I could finally use it. I requested credit for the six automated payments deducted from my checking account, but the technician told me that was a different department and gave me another number to call.

The billing department could find no record of my frequent attempts to solve the problem talking to tech support, and claimed that my service had been working the whole time! It took much heated argument to get them to admit that I had spent almost two hours with tech support only the previous day, and would have had no reason to do the programming that they did if my service had worked! OK, finally, admission of guilt, but now the customer service representative tole me that they only had authorization to give me 2 of the 6 months credit! They informed me that to go further a manager would have to call me back (and do so within 24 hours), but that they would immediately issue my 2 months credit. A manager finally called me back 8 days later. He gave me the same dishonest arguments that I received the first time and I had to argue with him as to why he was calling me at all if I didn't have an issue. OK, so he gave in and told me that he was prepared to offer me a total of 4 months credit for the 6 months that I did not receive but was charged for Verizon dsl service! BEING WEARY OF BEING ON THE TELEPHONE ARGUING ABOUT WHAT I WAS ENTITLED TO, I accepted his offer. I figured that being cheated out of 2 months service was better than being cheated out of 6 months service but it does not matter because TO THIS DAY VERIZON HAS NEVER GIVEN ME ONE THIN DIME CREDIT FOR THE SIX MONTHS OF SERVICE THAT THEY CHARGED ME FOR BUT I NEVER RECEIVED.

Like I stated above the monopoly situation that the utility companies have for things like dsl is very exasperating, but the walls have come down for other products like telephone service, and the only thing I can say is don't just get mad, GET EVEN! If you think that you are stuck with Verizon for a telephone company, let me steer you to some other options. Perhaps if they lose enough customers in any one department they will start paying attention to customer service everywhere.

Ripped off in washington
Carnation, Washington

Offender: Verizon

Country: USA
Phone: 8005676789

Category: Miscellaneous


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