» Education & Science » Complaint / Review: American Intercontinental University - (What Should I Do?) Is AIU trying to get you to sign on the dotted line? Atl. #225115

Complaint / Review
American Intercontinental University
(What Should I Do?) Is AIU trying to get you to sign on the dotted line? Atl

AIU contacted me yesterday and set up an appointment for an interview for earlier today. I am interested in the whole on line aspect of education and have recently sufferd an industrial accident that has made it nesissary for me to further my education.

Although I am very interested in a program such as this I cant help feel like I am being pushed into the situation as if the school has something to hide. I used to be a car salesman and believe me when I tell you that there is no-one shiestier than me. I have done a little bit of research (as much as can be done in a few hours) and have seen mostly bad info on AIU. The only thing that I have seen that was good has been testimonials from current students, and staff. What bothers me about this is the fact that these so called students could very easily be AIU employees posing as sheep. Just another marketing scam. The other thing that scares me is the schools accreditation status. It appears to me from everything that I have read that AIU may not be accredited for long. They seem to have been on WARNING/PROBATION for the past three and a half years. I dont know much about the accreditation process but if you ask me having that status doesnt seem to reputable.

I would realy love to hear from someone who can shed some light on this whole accreditation issue for me. Untill then I think my mind is made up about AIU. I hope that anyone who is in this situation takes a little time to find out for yourself what the admission advisor doesnt tell you before making up your mind on this one. From everything that I have read it looks like making the wrong choice here can bite you in the _s.

I have came in contact with many scams in my day and from those experiences have became very sceptical to anything that seems rushed. Maybe I am just being paranoid, but it seems that the negatives outway the positives in this case. Just because Its labeled as education doesnt mean its legit.


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