» Business & Finance » Complaint / Review: Go To Inc - Job scam filled with lies and false reports for success! Beware!. #527248

Complaint / Review
Go To Inc
Job scam filled with lies and false reports for success! Beware!

This job was a scam from day one!!! Read this carefully and I will tell you ALL YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT GO TO INC!!! Let me tell you my experience with this horrifying job opportunity that was glorified from internet job listings to be a legitimate job for college grads but turned out to be a DOOR TO DOOR marketing joke. I found this job from under Go To Inc in Braintree, MA and I believe that they also have ads in Craigslist and Indeed among a few other sites. What a scam this job turned out to be and I am happy to share my experience with others in hopes that you guys do not fall into the same trap that I did as it is a total waste of time and money.

As a college grad, I chose to go to an interview with Go To Inc because I thought it was a legitimate opportunity to use my excellent job traits with their marketing company. My first interview was a joke in that it only lasted 3 minutes and they asked me to come to a second interview. During the second interview, you are asked to go out into the field and shadow one of their "higher up" employees while they do their door to door marketing attempt to try to get customers to admit to their windshield damage in hopes they would be willing to sign up for a replacement. That is the jist of the company first and foremost but wait and see the companies idiotic methods of trying lure customers in, I laugh everytime I mention it!

I ended up being stupid enough to leave my fantastic full time job to attempt this one in hopes that they carried out their promises. Upon being hired, I was told that I was one of 40 people hired as they stated many people are not asked to even come to a second interview. I was astonished to see 3 people that were waiting in line for the first interview with me at my first day at the company. Right there I started to question the legitamacy of the company as my first thought was that they are willing to take anyone they can sucker into coming back. I continued to pursue it and as I walked in the first day I was greeted to a loud, overcrowded room with a bunch of people wearing auto glass shirts. Oh Great! Now to the good stuff...

During your interview, you are brainwashed to believe your are going to be promoted after 3-6 weeks to a "marketing manager", after 3 months to an assistant company manager, and after 6 mths to an owner. Whatever you do, do NOT believe the promotions, the pay they say you are going to make, or even the time frames. They say after X amount of time you get to salary. Out of the 50 poor souls that work for the company, only 2 or 3 were on salary and they have been doing it for YEARS!!! Every other person whether they were there for 4 weeks or 4 mths were getting paid solely by commission. This is a commission-based job only and should be viewed as such. This 45,000-75,000 per year crap is total BS and I made it a point to talk to as many employees as possible to see how long they worked there and if they were on salary and they were not. All commission all the time.

Okay, so as an employee you go out into the "field" which means you travel a minimum of 30 minutes to a "virgin" area and try to get people to admit to windshield damage and ultimately try to get it replaced through their insurance company in which you make 45.00 every person you get to fill out your form. You get to work by 8 AM, spent 2 hours in the office prepping and learning stupid stuff that any half-wit would know about customer interaction, and by 10 30 you are on your road trip with your own car and no gas money to a located far away from Braintree. We went to Plymouth, Fitchburg, Worcestor, you name it... Your own gas and own car... No company vehicle or gas compensation. After believing everything I heard in the interview you would think your employees would be driving nice cars right? Wrong! I feared for my life riding in my trainer's car 45 minutes away. The sad thing is, it was the nicest car I saw out of all the employees that work there. I laughed at all these so called leaders and managers believing they were going to be making great money in 3 months.

Anyway back to the normal day at Go To Inc, you get there at 8 30, leave for the field at 10 30 after dillydallying for 2 hours and are expected to market windshields for 6 hours then be back at the office at 7 and dillydally more til 8. You are looking at a 10-12 hour day everyday and Saturdays. If your lucky you will spend 60 hours a week here but dont be surprised if you work 72. The way they market is a total joke to say the least. You walk into business while people are hard at work trying to get people to admit they want a new windshield through their insurance company. I did this with my "leader" during my training for 2 days and got kicked out of 6 places for soliciting. They all ignore these signs and try to target the Wal Marts and Home Depots until they get the boot. They all know what they are doing is wrong but it seems like they can target employees of these types of stores. Most of the time employees are too busy at work to even care about what you have to offer and I dont blame them. At the end of the day you ask 100 people and you are lucky if one wants a windshield replacement.

After a long day of pretty much irritating people at their businesses you drive all the way back to Braintree.By this time you are mentally and physically exhausted but you are not done. You spend another hour doing paperwork and conversing with other employees to discuss the best strategy to lure people in. During my two days I wasted about 30 hours of my time getting absolutely nowhere. Funny thing is, my "leader" who was supposed to be moving up soon only got 1 person to get a replacement. So you have a so-called experienced worker getting 1 commission in 2 days for 45.00 working 24 hours for it. It that worth it? I dont think so!!! Too bad it took me two days to figure out it was a total scam and you have to spend more time trying not to get kicked out of places for soliciting than actually trying to get business.

This is what to expect when you are hired - you go in at 8 AM, leave at 7-8 PM first and foremost. You are put together with your leader and they drive you in their crappy car an hour away to another spot in Mass. They try to teach you their stupid marketing techniques that I cant even call marketing while brainwashing you to believe that the hiring process is very hard and your lucky to have made it and how great the oppotunity is and how it will happen so fast. This is all a lie as I saw more people leave during my two days than I saw leave in 2 years at my current job. (I got my job back by the way after this horrible stint with Go To Inc) Please, do not get caught up in their BS as you will be very sorry you even attempted it as the job is full of headaches from day one. It is not marketing and you spend more money in gas and tolls than you actually get in commission. At the end of the day, you make no money and are stuck with no life outside of work as you have absolutely no time. I dedicated this to anyone who has came across their adds and you will see more reports on this site from Go To Inc. Put your hard earned degree to something that actually requires skill and in turn makes you money. Go To Inc in Braintree, MA is an absolute disgrace of a job and if you do end up getting hired (which Im sure you will), you will soon see what I mean!!!

Offender: Go To Inc

Country: USA   State: Massachusetts   City: Braintree
Address: 25 Braintree Hill Park

Category: Business & Finance


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