» Telecommunications » Complaint / Review: Att AT&T American Telephone And Telegraph Ma Bell - At&t has still not made restitution!. #493978

Complaint / Review
Att AT&T American Telephone And Telegraph Ma Bell
At&t has still not made restitution!

But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whorewongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters and all liars shall have their part in the Lake which burneth with fire and brimstone, which is the second death. -Revelation 21:8
Greetings: AMERICAN TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH = AT&T is abominable. The mis-management teams are loaded with sodomites and have sodomite toleration courses. They expect you to put up with anything!

Donate to my cause of doing seminars, exposing evil, teaching and showing you can save on your Federal and State taxes. Thank you.

AT&T a thief. Won't save e-mails; refuses to retrieve. AT&T shouldn't have deleted the e-mails in the first place

AT&T has waxed worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived:

More horror at the hands of sodomite AT&T:

Don't buy AT&T Go phone! Http://

AT&T owes many for time, including the fact that they owe me:

AT&T has a staff of lawyers. No such thing as a verbal contract. Extortion in all its hideousness, dishonesty and immorality. Teach a lesson to evil: end AT&T existence.:

AT&T steals from your debit card and your credit card. They did to me! Http://

AT&T, Cingular Wireless abomination. They make up outrageous lies! Http://

AT&T: deceit, don't sign up. Termination fee is outrageous and they will terminate you if they feel like it. That's what they did to me:

More typical AT&T nowadays:

At&t has turned very, very corrupt

American Telephone and Telegraph is AT&T. AT&T took care of my great grandfather, my grandfather, my grandmother, and, in some part, my father. That means through payment of stock dividends. Saying all of the following, I am not a short. I get no pleasure in sharing this. I only share because every means of negotiation has led to snubs or no response at all from AT&T.
Here's the incident:
In 2002 or I switched to AT&T to get their world net ISP service. I also switched to AT&T to get their long-distance and international long distance service. I had inquired about their service to a country overseas. Late in a salesman called and offered AT&T service to that country for. 23/minute to calls made to a cell;. 18/minute to a landline. I accepted the salesman's offer.
When I received the bill, I immediately noticed that I was charged between 4.425/minute and 8.01/minute instead of. 23/minute. I e-mailed AT&T and a representative of the outfit e-mailed back to me saying that the charges were correct and no adjustments were warranted. I called customer service and the representative said she could immediately perceive what had happened. There had been a 'computer error' and she would credit me, no problem.
I went on vacation and when I returned, I discovered that, not only had my bills not been credited, but that AT&T had cut my phone and internet access and referred my 'overdue' account to a collection agency! It should be strongly emphasized that AT&T on 4 occasions had stolen $25 from my bank account when they had no right {I was in the right on disputed billings; they stupidly depend upon a computer like all large corporations} and two of the violations had occurred by this point in time. They illegally, wickedly and immorality store your debit card when they promise not to. I inquired around and eventually found a representative of the company, a Mr. Justin Williams. Told him what had happened. He looked in it, called me and e-mailed me and told me that the collection agency had been called off and that my account would be credited. I noticed a month or two later that the severe overcharges had been credited.

A month or two later, a salesman working for AT&T called me and offered me a rate of. 18/minute to a cell;. 16/minute to a landline. I accepted the offer. Immediately I noticed the same occurence: I had been charged between 4.425/minute and 8.01/minute for calls to a cell. The same thing happened as I related in the previous paragraph; the rep right away said that she could tell that the 'computer had not been adjusted', and eventually my bill was credited before they cut my internet, e-mail, phone service and before referring my account to the wolves: an evil, lecherous, criminal, illegal, heinous, atrocious, filthy collection agency.

A month or two later, in July, a salesman with the firm called offering me. 16/minute to a cell;. 14/minute to a landline. I accepted the offer. He promised the new, reduced rate would be seen in my bill of September, as the 'cycle' ran from the 16th of the month to the 15th of the following month. That would seem correct as you pay to get on, then get billed roughly a month later for calls.

In December, I went on vacation. I sent AT&T $400 extra as AT&T used to be a good company and, out of loyalty for all they had done in the past for the buying public as well as the shareholders, I had been sending them money in advance, any way. I just happened to check to see how much credit I had on my bill since I was vacationing in the country I had been calling so did not need to make international long distance calls. Was I ever disturbed to see that AT&T not only did not show nearly a 300.00 credit; AT&T had billed me for nearly $300!!! The third time did not turn out to be a charm. AT&T had cashed my check; charged me between 4.425 and 4.685 per call, cut my internet service and all my important e-mails were lost!

Very criminal: AT&T, in the tradition of Enron and Arthur Andersen, cuts your internet service, hence, all the vital e-mails are addition, I had worked out an arrangement in which I would pay 16.50 to have a message left to all callers while I was on vacation. It was understood that I would pay the fee and receive unlimited messages that could be left in return. Not only did my phone stop at only 12 messages, but AT&T had attached other fees on top of the 16.50 and taxes! I was very angry that AT&T had deceived me regardling the worthless service and the high bill for the worthless service {it was worthless to only get 12 calls taken: most of the slots were filled up by solicitors}.
AT&T had committed fraud and had deceived. They docked my debit card 25.00 (again and I never give any one permission to do such a violation to a person). AT&T can't use the excuse of 'we didn't know e-mails could be lost'. Were that the case, just don't offer the fraudulent so-called service. That's as bad as a bank renting you a safe deposit box, then not allowing you access because there's a bank holiday: FDR.
Further, I saw more breaches of promise. Upon study of the fraud and overcharges on the part of AT&T for long distance charges, fees, international long distance charges, I noticed that AT&T had dishonestly raised my calls to the cell from the promised. 16/minute to. 22/minute. This was breach of promise. And, of course unjustifiable as costs keep going down for telecommunications companies doing international long distance service.
Furthermore, no notice was mailed stating that rates would go up in 90 days or whenever. Then looked at the past bills and noticed that the promised. 16/minute to a cell had never been implemented. Observed that I was charged. 21/minute for calls to a landline;. 22/minute for calls to a cell fone beginning September. AT&T is responsble; the company cannot say 'he was not an authorized representative. It had been stuck in to their computers as the reps had confirmed it the first two corrections of the fraudulent overcharges.

So I went through the cycle again: tried to get the fraud settled via e-mails and received rude responses. Then called the number and told the rep what had happened. This time the rep refused. So I asked for a supervisor. The supervisor said she would look in to it - no apologies nor offer to correct. I called back and another rep said the same and her supervisor said the same: no apologies nor offer to correct. So attempted to call Mr. Williams again and a different middle level mgt spoke with me. He refused to help me and said the bill was right. All attempts to explain to him the situation, what had happened before and to reason with him failed. When I called back, again Mr. Williams did not answer and a different guy in middle management told me he could not help me: my account had been referred to a collection agency.

So I called the attorney some states, the attorney general offices need my state, a recording came on saying to call a different number AFTER I had gone to a lawyer. Out of loyalty to AT&T, I still hoped the mobsters would be reasonable. I made a huge mistake. I wrote Joliet, IL, where the checks were being sent and explained everything to them. There were no responses, and bills kept coming. AT&T sent more bills, adding interest when AT&T owed me! In May, called the rep back and asked for copies of the bills. They said they were in archives! Already in archives! So it took 3 weeks or longer, but finally the copies were mailed. Most were included, but the December bill {Nov 16-Dec 15}, where I had written a check for $400 was not.
I went to the BBB, then called the Attorney general again. Still got the recording. I wrote, but no response. I then sent a bill to AT&T demanding the firm pay me for what they owed as well as credit my account for a few months of internet access and phone service (since important e-mails were lost and my e-mail address was lost when they irresponsibly cut my internet access and my international long distance and long distance had been cut: the PIN# would not work and I would've been overcharged vastly yet again in any event). I wrote Joliet, IL many times and received no response. I emailed AT&T on their website and received no response.

Began receiving bills from a collection agency in California. I wrote them explaining what happened and demanded they rectify the situation. Result? More billings from the collec-tion agency. I wrote the CEO (don't know if Mr. Stephenson was yet there) and on the envelope also addressed the Director of Customer Relations, the Director of Public relations and the director of the international long distance dialing dept. No response. Then I made copies of all the bills, enclosed in a manila envelope and wrote addressing the envelope to some of the members on the BOD. I've forgotten how I found some of the names; don't think it was Value Line. I also made a copy of my bank statement proving that AT&T had cashed my check and that if AT&T would pay me for the expense of getting the bank to make a copy of the front and back of the canceled check, I would fax that to them. No response from them, either.

I very nicely told AT&T every time in my correspondence that I wanted to work something out with them - credit for the calls on future bills, a discount in the internet service, something. All efforts resulted in snubbing. They had taken me to a collection agency and they were through with me. What a deplorable way to treat the people who pay your salary! Customers like I are the lifeblood of their company.

I still have the bills that Joliet, IL sent to me. The state attorney, FCC have done nothing to force AT&T to reimburse me. Such ingratitude! I was a loyal customer. From what I've been learning, AT&T is doing to same unscrupulous duplicity and nastiness to other all my correspondence, I told AT&T I am willing to work with them. Let's work something out - reimbursements, free internet for 3 months, discounts on long distance calls for a year, communicate with me, the buying public: something. I'm not going to go to a lawyer against AT&T. All my pleadings with the firm were unanswered.

Necessary restitution now on the part of at&t:

- AT&T has to award me damages because they went to a collection agency vs. Me. Collection agencies have to be banned until they cease and desist forever the presumption that you are guilty until you prove your innocence, but that's beyond the scope of this expose.
- AT&T must restitute the 100.00 that they illegally, immorally and surreptitiously docked from my bank account by lying. I only authorize one-at-a-time debits. And AT&T must award damages for the mental stress.
- AT&T must pay for my time and the bank fees to reproduce the front and back of the check that I mailed to them on or about December 5.
- AT&T has to pay for the valuable and vital e-mails that I lost or else pay a database repair co. To retrieve.
- The Board of Directors at AT&T must go. They do not answer to the public that pays their salary. I have copies of my letters to them.
- AT&T must pay my $300 back plus interest and penalty.
- AT&T has to pay the expense of restoring my credit, and, if necessary, pay the rent, deposit, etc, for as long as necessary if my application to an association, corporation or partnership for a place to live is denied.
- If AT&T refuses to make restitution to its former customers that it bilked, defrauded, extorted - AT&T is to be dissolved by Congress, its assets sold and the proceeds used to pay the customers that they owe. Why Congress? Because the regulatory agencies refuse to do their appointed job. They are to be banned and Congressmen are to be held accountable to we, their constituents who elected them in to office.
- 'Computer glitch' has worn out as an excuse. Surveys as long ago as 1998 have found that computers have resulted in a NET LOSS in office time of 10%, NOT a gain of 500,1000,10000% or more as you might expect. AT&T cannot say 'it was a computer error'. People's feelings are worth more than an idiotic, brain dead computer. But many companies apparently do not like to face reality, apparently.

Often times AT&T won't come up when you type it in the search engine on ATT will bring up a few that pertain to AT&T. You have to type in "Cingular Wireless" or "American Telephone and Telegraph". Easier: scroll to the bottom of their home page. Click on the letter "B". Find AT&T in the upper left corner and click on it. There are nearly 1250 exposes of AT&T ripoffs and corruption, and the number grows every single week! Sometimes a day does not go by for weeks without a complaint.

At&t {american telephone and telegraph } no longer is the ma bell it used to be.By their fruits, ye shall know them. Matthew 7;16,20. We all see the fruits of at&t now, a corporaton that has largely been taken over by sodomites and, like hate crime activists, feel that they are above the law!!!

The Better Business Bureau is dishonest and is bought! Those that are members give the "better business" bureau bribes. That's what the dues amount to. Those who want to check out AT&T are denied by the "better business" bureau because the reports that the Attorney General submitted have been purged! When you have sodomites guarding the child to protect him/her from molestation, you know what's going to happen! Hence, those whom are members of the "better business" bureau and remain so will have their derogatory and disadvantageous records expunged from their records!!! Enron! Arthur Andersen! Be sure to check out Donate to their cause as well as to mine. Thank you. Scroll to bottom where Top Rip-off Links is. Click on "B" in the alphabet. Click on AT&T 1210 complaints as of mid - October. Grows almost daily. Http:// Q1=ALL&q4=&q6=&q3=&q2=&q7=&searchtype=0&submit2=Search! &q5=AT&T

(“Holocaust Survivor: molested by Guards, â€The Massachusetts News, April 5 in Government/AIDS and Population Elimination/holocaust_wish.htm
My profile: http://blog. 360.
Pyle, The Truth About the Homosexuals {20th Century Sodomites! } Cfm/ID/549 FEST.htm http://360. MANY LANGUAGES Pdf in America/Sodomy/protest_gay_day.htm in America/Sodomy/homosexuality_is_a_sin.htm in America/Sodomy/child_abuse.htm in America/Sodomy/homoviolence.htm
Sodomites are 2.3% or less of the population yet responsible for 56% of the child abuse and 99% of the murders of children!!!
Http:// in America/Sodomy/lesbians_guilty.htm
Sodomy is an abomination!!! Http:// in America/Sodomy/frightening_gay_statistics.htm 988d3e3.html FEST.htm Shtml
get: lively, the pink swastika, sodomy in the nazi party. Fight sodomite lies! They are attempting to lie about proven, factual human history, as is the holocaust museum, pbs and all the lying, environmentalist
lying, liberal, globalist sodomite press. 2005.6.htm / The ALA is a massive evil! That ass'n is abominable. I've tried to reason with that devilish, child molesting group before!
Http:// Pdf Cfm/ID/549
(“Holocaust Survivor: molested by Guards, â€The Massachusetts News, April 5)
Pyle, The Truth About the Homosexuals {20th Century Sodomites! } Cfm/ID/549
OR, Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek, old Syrian, old Latin, German, and English marks the seventh:
The Answer Book: ProductID=2

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