» Shops, Products, Services » Complaint / Review: Monti Moving - Total Disappointed and Fooled. #958052

Complaint / Review
Monti Moving
Total Disappointed and Fooled

Cuidado con esta compaa, mi familia y yo confiamos en ella nuestros muebles y vehculo para trasladarnos de San Juan, Puerto Rico A Orlando, FL en Julio de 2012 y estamos totalmente desilusionados con el servicio y el trato tan poco profesional de estas personas, ya que el Sr. Anbal Rodrguez de Monti en San Juan, Puerto Rico quien esta a cargo de las personas de Monti que van a recoger las cosas a tu casa y ayuda a empacar nos entrego una forma que se titula "Household Goods Descriptive Inventory' la cual es una lista de las cosas que se van a llevar, ellos solo te dicen frmame aqu que esta es la lista de lo que me estoy llevando pero no te dicen que son los numeritos 16 que te ponen al lado derecho de cada articulo, no es hasta que recibimos nuestras cosas en

Orlando y nos percatamos que nuestra lavadora nueva de paquete estaba toda rayada en la puerta de en frente y varios artculos tambin estaban rotos y rayados, tratamos de reclamarles y ellos nos dicen que no porque en el listado de las cosas que recogieron deca que los artculos estaban rayados. Este Sr. Anbal Rodrguez se encargo de ponerle a cada una de nuestras cosas el numero 16 que significa scratched inclusive a mi alfombra de rea (sala) de cola de ratn tambin.De cuando ac una alfombra se raya? Este Sr. Anbal lo hizo con toda la intencin para tirar de nuestra cosas como le viniera en gana para que luego si te las daan no poderles reclamar. Tambin al fijarnos en el listado de cosas de mis padres tambin le pusieron lo mismo a cada una de sus cosas.

Este Sr. Es una persona bien poco profesional y poco de fiar no se como una compaa de tantos aos puede tener a una persona en la cual no se puede confiar trabajando para ellos a menos que sea un acuerdo entre el y la gerencia para engaar de esta manera a los consumidores. A esto tambin le quiero aadir el mal manejo de mi vehiculo por parte de estas personas, mi auto del 2009 el cual tengo bien cuidado y lleve a brillar antes de ser enviado tard casi 7 semanas en llegar y me llaman que vaya a recogerlo y cuando llego, noto que tiene el retrovisor del lado del chofer roto y que para agarrarlo le haban puesto un tornillo.

Tambin tenia las puertas rayadas y los paneles con abolladuras, al cuestionarles me indican que dentro del vagn se soltaron unas cadenas y que el vehiculo se movi de lado a lado, causando daos y que un pedazo de madera se haba soltado golpeando la puerta de mi carro, luego me dicen que van a tomarme la informacin para reclamarle al seguro, que les haga llegar un estimado y que ellos se comunican conmigo para dejarme saber cuanto me van a pagar. Les entrego el estimado, pasaron dos semanas y me llega una carta de Claim Release diciendo que de $1,500 el estimado de daos solo me van a pagar $230.00 yo se las devuelvo para hacerles saber que no estaba de acuerdo

Con la cantidad ellos me indican que ellos pagan. 60 centavos multiplicados por el peso del vehiculo los cuales serian aproximadamente unos $2,045 y que con unas deducciones las cuales nunca me dijeron cuales son me quedaba en $230.00, igualmente intente hablar con el gerente de Orlando, FL el Sr. Hiram Rodriguez II y nunca me dio la cara simplemente le indicaba a sus secretarias que no quera atenderme, lo cual me parece bien poco profesional de parte de una persona que se supone que represente a una compaa y que ms an este disponible para atender clientes. Todo esto sin resolver nada y sin nadie hacerse responsable por los daos causados a mi vehiculo por el mal manejo de Monti.

Beware of this company, my family and I trust it our furniture and vehicle for moving from San Juan, Puerto Rico to Orlando, FL in July and we are totally disappointed with the service and unprofessional treatment of these people, and Mr. Anibal Rodriguez of Monti in San Juan, Puerto Rico who is in charge of people who are going to pick Monti things to your house and help you pack gave us a form entitled "Household Goods Descriptive Inventory' which is a list of things that are going to take, they just say frmame here that this is the list of what I'm wearing but do not tell you are the antics 16 that put you right next to each item, not until we got our stuff in

Orlando and we realize that our new washer package was all scratched on the door in front and several items were also broken and scratched, try to claim them and they tell us that because in the list of saying things that articles collected were scuffed. Mr. Anibal Rodriguez This custom of putting each of our things the number 16 which means' including' scratched my area rug (room) of mouse tail also. Since when have scratched a carpet? Anbal did this with every intention to pull our things as he pleased for the damage then if you do not claim poderles. Also to look at the list of things in my Parents also put the same to each of their things. This is a well

Mr. Unprofessional and unreliable as a company not so many years can have a person in which you can not trust them to work for unless an agreement between management and thus to deceive consumers. To this I would add also the mishandling of my vehicle by these people, my car of 2009 which I have and take good care to shine before shipment took almost seven weeks to arrive and I called to be picked up and when I arrive, I notice he has the driver's side mirror broken and had been placed to grab a screw. Had also scratched doors and panels with dents, to question them tell me that inside the car came loose chains and the vehicle moved from side to side, causing damage and a piece of wood that had come loose hitting the door of my car, then I say they will take me information in order to claim the insurance,

They do get an estimate and they communicate with me to let me know how much I get paid. Gave them the estimate, after two weeks I received a letter from "Claim Release" saying $ 1,500 the damage estimate only going to pay me $ 230.00 I will return them to let them know that he did not agree with the amount they tell me that they pay 60 cents multiplied by the weight of the vehicle which would be approximately $ 2.045 and with a deductions which are never told which I stayed in $ 230.00, just try talking to the manager of Orlando, FL Mr. Hiram Rodriguez II and never showed his face I just told him his secretaries did not want to assist me, which I think rather unprofessional from someone who is supposed to represent a company and even more is available to serve clients. All this without resolving anything and no one taking responsibility for the damage to my vehicle by the mishandling of Monti.

Offender: Monti Moving

Country: USA   State: Florida   City: Orlando
Address: 10208 General Drive Bld. B
Phone: 4078358144

Category: Shops, Products, Services


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