» Shops, Products, Services » Complaint / Review: Tammy Black - ARS National Services - Unfair, dishonest, thieving employment practices, wrongful termination, inferiority complex. #104299

Complaint / Review
Tammy Black - ARS National Services
Unfair, dishonest, thieving employment practices, wrongful termination, inferiority complex

I was terminated by Tammy Black and was surprised when it happened.information I have recieved from people still employed with ARS has confirmed my original suspicions. I was falsely accused of not doing my assigned work and her accusations could have been proven wrong had I been given the opportunity to defend my work and my job performance. I have since learned from several sources that my termination was a set up. It may sound crazy but I assure you that given the type of employee I was, and the loyalty I held for that company, no employer would have terminated an employee like me the way she did.

I was put in a new position in the company and was given no direction and no instruction as to how they wanted things to work. I am good at my job. I was a skip tracer, the only one at that location. Now my background and upbringing make it pretty clear as to the line of work I would eventually pursue. I come from a family of detectives, law enforcement and a judge. I worked for four years at a major corporation doing fraud investigations, and I received much of my training from a former employer-and still good friend-who is a Private Investigator. She, as well as her two partners, who both happen to be retired FBI Agents, and a gentleman currently employed with the Secret Service, taught me the majority of what I know. I was probably over-qualified for the position I held, but I saw potential in growth and I felt I could be a part of it.

Let me get past the part about being insulted because of the person I was replaced by; a woman who claims to have been a skip trace manager with her former employer. Odd how she did not have a clue as to even find a website to locate public records. Tammy, I've noticed, and others in the office have observed, only promotes people who do not pose a threat to her. The recent promotion was given to someone I thought was my friend. It turns out that she was just getting information from me and she ultimately stabbed me in the back.

When I was told I was terminated I was not permitted to go to my desk and I was not witness to the people who boxed up my belongings. All of my notes supporting my work were stolen. These are the same notes that Tammy had said would not prove a thing, yet they were taken. A notebook containing some personal information was taken, some hand lotion (how sad is that), a calculator, some pens and other miscellaneous items.

Arizona is a right to work state, so it's not illegal to fire a person because you think she lied about eating French fries. An incident occurred involving a collector at the company. I did her a favor and she abused the information and caused some trouble. I got a written warning and that was another reason I was given for my termination. An event that occurred months ago and an event that became an event because of the actions of the other person involved. She is still employed.

Drug tests are required by the client I worked for. One man failed his drug test and Tammy did not fire him, nor did she transfer him. She told him to cool it for a few days and he could retest at the end of the week. Tammy also said I made too many personal calls the day she fired me. I did&that day. It has never been an issue with me because I work. Another friend of mine still employed there told me she got written up her first month there because of personal calls.

I had a quota of ten contacts per day. I got the ten or more contacts, but I never worked more than 20 or so accounts, unless I was helping to answer the overflow of incoming calls. That fact was never brought to my attention as being a problem until the day I was terminated, yet on two seperate occasions I witnessed, two collectors (one now in my old job) were reprimanded for not working enough accounts.

I don't know what or why Tammy Black had such personal problems where I was concerned. I rarely gave her a thought except when she was crying in a meeting or walking around moody, bouncing a ball.

The sad thing is, she has been there for a few years so she is the one the bosses trust. If only they were in the same office.

It really is a good company, but I think of how much better it could be if Tammy did not get rid of the most qualified people. As a manager she should want people under her to shine, she could take some credit. Her biggest problem now is her new supervisor. She should stop and think that if this woman totally betrayed me like she did, what is she going to do next?

I've never gotten so wrapped up in circumstances such as this, but this is so incredibly wrong and needless. She has the least popular person in the office now trying to fill my shoes. (using my notes...) This woman is so full of self-entitlement one almost feels sorry for her. Perhaps she will tone it down a bit. She would if she only knew what her co-workers—supervisors—too, said about her. She actually could be pretty good at collecting if she ever did any real work.

I want to do a favor for some people in the office at ARS: TAKE YOUR KIDS HOME!!! This person, the one I've been writing about brings her kids to the office and there is an entire row of collectors and two supervisors who cannot stand it. No one ever wants to be the one to tell. They are loud and they disturb people trying to work and their mother never does any work when they are there anyway. (If I come off seeming petty, I'm really not. Everything I've written is the absolute truth.) I said that my concern was that these kids could get hurt. There's a lawsuit waiting to happpen! Not only with the company, but the clients as well. I'm pretty sure OSHA would not deem her kids running around the office as being in compliance.

Since I have attempted on numerous occasions to get my side heard and have not been met with a reply, I feel I should let it be known that as long as you have any talent, a college degree, a good work ethic, you either need to hide your talents or don't work for this woman. This same woman who claims to hate liars so much... I noticed with her as with anyone who shouts the same message too much; Tammy Black is a liar. Quiet down, Tammy, the more you claim to hate liars, the more you say it, so much in fact that it's like a Mantra, the guiltier you look. You hate liars yet you had two people lying for you to me for several weeks.

I did not deserve to be fired and I did not deserve to have my reputation damaged. I deserve so much more than you gave.

Karma. Karma always collects her debts—with interest.

Offender: Tammy Black - ARS National Services

Country: USA   State: Arizona   City: Phoenix
Address: 3225 N. Central Ave, Ste. 801
Phone: 6022300700

Category: Shops, Products, Services


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