» Miscellaneous » Complaint / Review: Kohl s - Nebraska. #627951

Complaint / Review

Pay is ok I work as a full time associate but I would tend to expect more than what i get paid for what i offer. There is some respect from within the building only from the ops manager, however at a district level the only people who get the credit is the SM and She does non of the work.

The benefits at Kohls are great in my opinion. For those part timers complaining about benefits i would love to see you do better at another company. Even part timers have a full benefits package after 90 days and retirement/vaca/p days after a year. Its true that the cost of benefits is high, UM DUH! Have you ever just gone to state farm and seen how much they charge. DONT COMPLAIN lol

Job security is the best of any retailer in the country right now. Period.

To the detriment of the company, corporate makes it so impossible to fire someone that you have 100 associates, 4 of them are good workers, 20 are ok, and the other 76 are total morons who dont show up half the time. (if this is you, dont worry even the district manager themselve cannot fire you without going thru territory HR so you are 100% safe!!! As for being "fired" the only way it will happen is if you just dont show up for a whole week or you steal.

Career growth is absolutely a joke unless your kissing the DMs ass. The asms are only concerned with their own advancement so dont bother. The DM is so visual the store might as well be a movie set. NOTHING and i mean NOTHING operates as it does when he is in the store. The 03 is totally incompetent, 04 is insane and yells and bitches about everyone to their faces and the rest of the part timers. And the Store manager sits in the office all day and does nothing but take the credit for the work that the 02 does as she is the only one with a brain. The most support and understanding comes from the area sups as they are the ones taken advantage of the most and do next to all of the work or the asms. The 12 has to consume himself with credit all day long he doesent have time to do anything else and the 14 has to do all of the work of the 04asm because as stated before shes insane. They both are the ones who would do anything for anyone in the building and are the best E3s when they are which is not often enough (I assume that as not an asm they are restricted to the amount they can manager the store?) the 13 like the 03 is either incompent or just does not want to be there I not sure. The admin has his head so far up the ops managers a* that all they do all day is sit in the office and laugh or roam the sales floor following eachother like horny school children. (theres nothing going on there as the admin is gay so idk what shes hunting after lol) I think they are laughing bacuse the like to schedule the store with 2 people as to save payroll which i assume they get a bonus or something for doing because they make a huge deal about it.

Theres is alot of talent in the building but as I said before advancement just does not happen.

Even if you do work your ass off, the dm will never see it as they only come out to the store once a month (I assume they have to at least once because on the dot its 30days) and the Sm and asms will take all of the credit for everything anyways while they walk around the store acting like they have a clue whats going on,

Work environment has its moments, if you work at all with the customers or at the registers, forget about it. The credit solicitation goals are so high for us and the managers that they literally harp on you about it 24-7! There are only a couple managers/sups that will actually quit harping and get up there and do it themselves. If you work on freight dont worry the store will use enough payroll to have 6 people unload unpack and merchandise a semi in 5 hours.!!! LOLOLOLOL total joke! And humanly impossible. The PO who is responsible for the dock spends most of her time bitching about how the truck team does not get done. She needs to schedule it right and give us enough people. But her and her homo admin are to busy running around the store having play time and giggling to get any work done.

The YES We CAN policy is a joke as well. All it does is let the customers rip the company off. Bringing back shoes to exchange with no receipt every year as to get a new pair. Every customer says oh i left my 0 off coupon at home even tho we have no coupons out. The managers get the most pissed off about this policy and mostly it is unethical and it frustrates them. All that empowering the associate means is that you dont have to waste the mangers time because they will just bend over backward anyways so you may as well just do it yourself.

Offender: Kohl's

Country: USA

Category: Miscellaneous


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