» Miscellaneous » Complaint / Review: Magic Jack - Magic Jack. Don t waste your time or your money!. #601381

Complaint / Review
Magic Jack
Magic Jack. Don't waste your time or your money!

Magic Jack states that it can do 3-way calling. However, how many people do you know that use three way calling just to "chat'? I don't know many. As a matter of fact, in my own experience, it is used whenever there is some type of dispute with a company and you have the need to get your spouse or another party on the line to verify your claims. Or, what if you are trying to make a call regarding an account and the person will not speak with you unless the "main" account holder is on the both of those cases, you have to call the other party and make them a part of the conversation. Well, not with good ol' Magic Jack! You must have BOTH parties call you and then you can connect the call.
Okay, so just TRY to get a bill collector or support personnel whom only gets "in-coming" calls to call you back. Further, try getting your spouse to drop what they are doing and make a phone call back to you. And, I assume all of this has to be orchestrated just right in order for it to work.

Then, there is the "LITTLE" (and I say that with as much sarcasm as my little fingers can muster on this keyboard) issue that is SO well know with us Magic Jack suckers... The dreaded in-coming call static line or worse yet, the thought stealing "echo" in which, unless you are the worlds best at tuning yourself out, you get to hear your words repeated over and over again. And, since the other party cannot hear this wonderful mind-screw as it is going on, you try to just speak slowly in an attempt to let the echo die down before daring to utter another word. Oh yes! It makes for interesting conversations, indeed!
The moral of this? Don't waste your money on Magic Jack. There is just nothing "magic" it. Other than the fact that is "magically" still here and has not been stomped into a million little pieces and mailed back to the company that continues to mass produce this crap.

And, one other thing. I finally had a "live" conversation with one of their customer service people. She informed me that they were "working" on it. My suggestion, Magic Jack, is to stop "working on it" and take a good hard look at other VOIP products out there that do not have these problems. Ask THEM for some hints... And then, just FIX IT!!!

Offender: Magic Jack

Country: USA

Category: Miscellaneous


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