» Miscellaneous » Complaint / Review: Bobbi Hayashi - Hayashi Syndication Llc - Hayashi Assets Management Llc - Promised us jobs, had us relocate across country, promised us housing and upfront monies and gave us nothing. #371025

Complaint / Review
Bobbi Hayashi - Hayashi Syndication Llc - Hayashi Assets Management Llc
Promised us jobs, had us relocate across country, promised us housing and upfront monies and gave us nothing

You do NOT want to deal with Bobbi Hayashi aka Denise Walters or her daughter who works with her, Christy Hayashi aka Christy Walters. These people are nothing but liers and thieves. They portray themselves as being an accomplished company worth millions when in fact Christy, who lives with Bobbi, is on state welfare who collects food stamps and also receives financial assistance.

Bobbi offered us jobs selling real estate and promised us upfront monies, traveling expenses, promised to ship out our furniture and vehicle and pay for our housing for 6 months. She claimed to have this multi-billion dollar building in the process of being built on International Speedway in Daytona Beach, Fl, consisting of high-end condos, high-end businesses, beauty salons, etc. And to have celebrities such as Julia Roberts and Mathew McCaughney, who she said were already owners of two of the condos, be spokespeople to promote this building called "SKY VISIONS". She even went as far as showing us a 10 page outline and artist renderings of this project. She also had someone on the phone talk to us pretending to be Matt himself! Our young son was so excited to be able to talk to a "movie star" and was even more excited thinking he was going to be able to meet all these stars as this is what was told to him and my husband and I.

Well, we thought this would be a great opportunity for us so we packed up our house, put our things in storage, left our vehicle there and flew out to FL with the airline tickets she purchased for us. When we got to FL, we had no house or apartment waiting for us other than her house which is about the dirtiest home we've ever seen! She gave us an air mattress to sleep on the floor with, we used our own pillows and blankets and every morning we woke up to tons of bug bites on us. We weren't provided with a vehicle nor did she give us any money nor buy us any food. She would leave with her pregnant daughter and her granddaughter and tell us they would be right back with food only to see them 10 days later! We survived on the canned and boxed food I had shipped down prior to us getting there. Her excuse for all this craziness was that the "mansion" she was buying in Viera, FL, which included a 4,000 sq. Ft. Guest house on the property which was to be ours, would be closing in 10 days and that's why there was no furniture or vehicle there for us, it was already in Viera in an apartment close to the house and we would be moving into that apartment until the house closed. It was one lie after another!

When they finally came back 10 days later with no food, we told them we wanted our money, our furniture and our vehicle that was all promised to us so we can get out of that crazy atmosphere and go get our own place and jobs but the lies began again. She said they were gone for so long because she was finalizing the paperwork for the house and getting all the paperwork together that the banks required for her "billion dollar" project. She told us that her "investor" from India who was investing 50 million dollars needed the rest of the paperwork notorized and that everything would be complete and ready for us to begin sales in a few days and then she took us to see our "new" house that was on the same grounds as her "mansion". When we got there, she drove us by the property but wouldn't let us go inside because it wasn't "finalized" yet and she said for us not to pay any attention to the "FOR SALE" signs all around the property. She even took us to enroll our son in the elementary school near the "new" house. The school needed documentation stating that we indeed were moving into the "mansion" and she said she had all the paperwork at her office (?) and would bring it to them in the morning. Needless to say, that never happened.

I can go on and on with this story but I think you get the point. These people lie, they have nothing but tell you they are millionaires and the only thing we've seen them do is ruin peoples lives. We weren't the only family this was happening too. There was another family who had a little boy that Bobbi Hayashi did this too at the same time it was happening to us! These people have no conscience and have no problem ruining peoples their sick minds, they twist it around and say "they tried helping us and the other family but we just weren't patient enough!"

For anyone who comes across these people, run, don't walk, the other way before they have a chance to ruin your life too.

Puerto Rico

Offender: Bobbi Hayashi - Hayashi Syndication Llc - Hayashi Assets Management Llc

Country: USA   State: Florida   City: SOUTH DAYTONA
Address: 2331 S. PALMETTO AVE
Phone: 3862995800

Category: Miscellaneous


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