» Miscellaneous » Complaint / Review: CitiLife Financial Group - Tucows Inc. (Website Registrar) For The Former Advanced Fee Scam. #153777

Complaint / Review
CitiLife Financial Group
Tucows Inc. (Website Registrar) For The Former Advanced Fee Scam

The following is a brief synopsis of the events, which have occurred over the course of the last three weeks. I have obtained numerous sources, both federal and international, in hopes to ascertain a means by which to resolve the financial loss perpetrated against me. Unfortunately, there I have encountered, quite to my surprise, a rather perpetual cycle of brush offs and redirections that have ultimately led me to believe that both the U.S. Government and Canadian authorities simply feel that my loss of $10,425 is just not substantial enough to justify any investigation. However, as a tax payer, with a flawless legal record and an incredible career, at the age of 24 that kind of money is too much to roll over on.

Originally, I had taken action through a various number of online lending associations in order to have them solicit my name and other insignificant information simply to match me up with a financial lending institution that could satisfy my need for $25,000 in loans. I was contacted, approximately early December, by CitiLife Financial Group (URL: with an offer to lend me the aforementioned amount at 6% interest of the course of 15 years. I was astounded, and naturally become a bit curious. So I justified their validity by validating their burl, and the registrar of that website (Tucows Inc.), who I will explain in further detail a bit later. For your sake and mine, I will not go through the logistics of each contract as I have copies of all four and the amounts that I have sent via Western Union and copies of those receipts as well. Once I had fronted what Jeff Bowman, the lender specialist, considered being the LAST PAYMENT as collateral, I rest assured that the money would be transferred into my account. He then called me with the news that his private lender could not support the loan due to my age, and therefore requested another $2500. I just simply didn't have it, as he had already forced me to take an upfront cash advance from my credit card, and for the first time in my life, I am forced to make minimum payments. (For the record, I have no clue about loans, but work as a Derivative Collateral Specialist, and so the need for collateral seemed only natural to me.) When I told him I couldn't do it, and after much persuasive retort on his part, I just referenced the section in the contract relating to refunding the money if the collateral needed could not be met. He said that that was fine, and would be done on the 28th. I had my doubts, and began to do some of my own investigations.

Before that, however, I called the FBI (Wilmington, DE Division) and asked if there was a way they could help. They simply replied that they could not as they did not have ANY JURISDICTION in Canada and that I would simply have to take a loss on this. Let me tell you something I know for certain; if Jenna Bush had this happen to her, GW would have Greenspan in his office immediately, just after using whatever tactics necessary to bring the perpetrator to justice, and have him amend all monetary policy that supports the CAD. However, that is a whole other issue. So, I then Contacted the Secret Service, and they responded that they have less jurisdiction than the FBI, and that the FBI, in fact, do have resources and coalitions which can be utilized to investigate. I then went onto the website as I felt that Jeff, his website, and his number, would all soon disappear, and researched the Domain Registrar (Tucows Inc.) who are traded on the AMEX yet reside in Toronto, Canada. They sell website space, or rather rent, and do not monitor any of the information that passes back and forth through the site. I had to go on that side to input my information, and it was that very information that they could have used to, had they been monitoring, to keep any tabs on these people for control purposes. I called Tucows Inc. And left a message for the CEO and CFO, Elliot Noss and Michael Cooperman, respectively. I have yet to receive a call back from a week ago. I then contacted the FTC and filed a complaint. My file number is 7343874. I have yet to receive any word back. That was over two weeks ago. I also spoke with the National Fraud Information Center and spoke to Marly. She was no help, and brushed me off to the SEC. So, following in suit, I called the SEC, who explained that they could not help at all. And that I needed to speak to the Attorney General for my state. So I called, and have yet to receive word back. I have contacted the ABC, NBC, and NY Times consumer fraud departments and am ready to go public with all of this information, including the lack of due diligence my taxes are used to fund.

The above were just the American agencies I found and researched. I spoke first to Canadian Phone Busters, the number assistance network on the net supposedly, and they simply explained that they could not help with my complaint, and that I needed to contact RCMP, and Western Union. Of course I had already contacted W.U., so I called the RCMP and spoke to a woman who would not give me her name at all. She simply told me to call Phone Busters and then hung up on me. I contacted the Consumer Connection in Canada and spoke with Daphne Gurrero and she put me on hold once I began filing my complaint. I waited for about 20 seconds, and then got a dial tone. I tried calling back, but was unable to connect.

I have been schemed out of $10,425 of upfront cash collateral that was to be used obtain a loan to a very prestigious MBA program. I am in debt due to this, and have, until now, sustained a 787 credit score. I have not allowed this to affect my current rating as I have worked hard to move some things around a bit. However, for the first time I am forced to make minimum payments, and as an Accounting and Finance undergrad student, you are taught never to pay interest. It is only a matter of time before I will be forced to debt consolidate, which will severely hurt my credit score for 7-10 years of my my opinion, if Jeff Bowman of CitiLife Financial Group cannot be found, the liability resides on the company who provided him the vehicle to commit this fraud. I have very intention of filing a civil lawsuit, and am well aware of my legal rights as a citizen, and am becoming increasingly knowledgeable regarding Canadian law as well.

I am hoping that this information will substantiate a response from someone who sees that this is an open and shut case. I have all the paperwork, and it is readily available when need be.

Brandon Rogers
brandon. M. [email protected]

The Following are just some of the MANY emails that I sent to the relavent government agencies.

Date: Fri, 30 Dec 21:30: 09 -0800 (PST)
From: "Brandon Rogers" View Contact Details Add Mobile Alert
Subject: Advanced-Fee Scheme Victim
To: 419. Fed@usss. Treas. Gov

To Whom This May Concern,

I have been victim to a fee scheme that has taken me for $10425. I have much evidence, and written and signed documentation and contractual agreements. I can send these via fax to whomever with the proper information. I would like to make it known that I plan on filing a civil suit against the company, and am quite aware after extensive research of the crossboarder agencies and coalitions that we are currently involved in.

I would like your help in resolving this matter as the money was sent to obtain a loan for a deposit to an Ivy League MBA program. I am a derivative specialist for JPMorgan, and they can attest to my integrity, honor, and potential. I know we are capable of seeking justice.

Please respond to this address and also the following:
brandon. M. [email protected]

Many Thanks,
Brandon M. Rogers

Date: Sat, 31 Dec 12:10: 46 -0800 (PST)
From: "Brandon Rogers" View Contact Details Add Mobile Alert
Subject: Second Attempt to Contact You
To: [email protected]

My name is Brandon Rogers. I have been a victim of a fraud committed by one, or more, companies in your country. I have the following document attached that will give you a clear picture of my case. Please do not hesitate to call and email me when you have reviewed it.

Brandon Rogers

Date: Sat, 31 Dec 12:42: 02 -0800 (PST)
From: "Brandon Rogers" View Contact Details Add Mobile Alert
Subject: Advanced Fee Scam
To: [email protected]

Originally, I had taken action through a various number of online lending associations in order to have them solicit my name and other insignificant information simply to match me up with a financial lending institution that could satisfy my need for $25,000 in loans. I was contacted, approximately early December, by CitiLife Financial Group (URL: with an offer to lend me the aforementioned amount at 6% interest of the course of 15 years. I was astounded, and naturally become a bit curious. So I justified their validity by validating their burl, and the registrar of that website (Tucows Inc.), who I will explain in further detail a bit later. For your sake and mine, I will not go through the logistics of each contract as I have copies of all four and the amounts that I have sent via Western Union and copies of those receipts as well. Once I had fronted what Jeff Bowman, the lender specialist, considered being the LAST PAYMENT as collateral, I rest assured that the money would be transferred into my account. He then called me with the news that his private lender could not support the loan due to my age, and therefore requested another $2500. I just simply didn't have it, as he had already forced me to take an upfront cash advance from my credit card, and for the first time in my life, I am forced to make minimum payments. (For the record, I have no clue about loans, but work as a Derivative Collateral Specialist, and so the need for collateral seemed only natural to me.) When I told him I couldn't do it, and after much persuasive retort on his part, I just referenced the section in the contract relating to refunding the money if the collateral needed could not be met. He said that that was fine, and would be done on the 28th. I had my doubts, and began to do some of my own investigations.

Before that, however, I called the FBI (Wilmington, DE Division) and asked if there was a way they could help. They simply replied that they could not as they did not have ANY JURISDICTION in Canada and that I would simply have to take a loss on this. Let me tell you something I know for certain; if Jenna Bush had this happen to her, GW would have Greenspan in his office immediately, just after using whatever tactics necessary to bring the perpetrator to justice, and have him amend all monetary policy that supports the CAD. However, that is a whole other issue. So, I then Contacted the Secret Service, and they responded that they have less jurisdiction than the FBI, and that the FBI, in fact, do have resources and coalitions which can be utilized to investigate. I then went onto the website as I felt that Jeff, his website, and his number, would all soon disappear, and researched the Domain Registrar (Tucows Inc.) who are traded on the AMEX yet reside in Toronto, Canada. They sell website space, or rather rent, and do not monitor any of the information that passes back and forth through the site. I had to go on that side to input my information, and it was that very information that they could have used to, had they been monitoring, to keep any tabs on these people for control purposes. I called Tucows Inc. And left a message for the CEO and CFO, Elliot Noss and Michael Cooperman, respectively. I have yet to receive a call back from a week ago. I then contacted the FTC and filed a complaint. My file number is 7343874. I have yet to receive any word back. That was over two weeks ago. I also spoke with the National Fraud Information Center and spoke to Marly. She was no help, and brushed me off to the SEC. So, following in suit, I called the SEC, who explained that they could not help at all. And that I needed to speak to the Attorney General for my state. So I called, and have yet to receive word back. I have contacted the ABC, NBC, and NY Times consumer fraud departments and am ready to go public with all of this information, including the lack of due diligence my taxes are used to fund.

The above were just the American agencies I found and researched. I spoke first to Canadian Phone Busters, the number assistance network on the net supposedly, and they simply explained that they could not help with my complaint, and that I needed to contact RCMP, and Western Union. Of course I had already contacted W.U., so I called the RCMP and spoke to a woman who would not give me her name at all. She simply told me to call Phone Busters and then hung up on me. I contacted the Consumer Connection in Canada and spoke with Daphne Gurrero and she put me on hold once I began filing my complaint. I waited for about 20 seconds, and then got a dial tone. I tried calling back, but was unable to connect.

I have been schemed out of $10,425 of upfront cash collateral that was to be used obtain a loan to a very prestigious MBA program. I am in debt due to this, and have, until now, sustained a 787 credit score. I have not allowed this to affect my current rating as I have worked hard to move some things around a bit. However, for the first time I am forced to make minimum payments, and as an Accounting and Finance undergrad student, you are taught never to pay interest. It is only a matter of time before I will be forced to debt consolidate, which will severely hurt my credit score for 7-10 years of my my opinion, if Jeff Bowman of CitiLife Financial Group cannot be found, the liability resides on the company who provided him the vehicle to commit this fraud. I have very intention of filing a civil lawsuit, and am well aware of my legal rights as a citizen, and am becoming increasingly knowledgeable regarding Canadian law as well.

Date: Wed, 11 Jan 03:34: 17 -0800 (PST)
From: "Brandon Rogers" View Contact Details Add Mobile Alert
Subject: Advanced Fee Scheme
To: wsj. [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

To Whom This May Concern,

Though I can appreciate the purpose of your paper, and while I find the majority of your online edition to be supremely efficient and resourceful, I am strongly disappointed with the lack of initiative a communicative vehicle, such as the WJS, assumes with regard to the very same investors who print their paper each morning and read because of the quality of its contents. Many of your clients, including myself, have been, or are currently suffering from, some sort of white collar crime. I have spoken, and have just as quickly been disregarded, to nearly 15 government agencies claiming specific jurisdiction and legal counsel for such criminal fraud. I can tell you that at 24 I am deeply disconcerted for the American consumer, specifically targeting those in my age bracket and those two generations before me.

As yet another statistic of white collar crime in the United States, perpetrated by a country who would assuredly have not been left standing had it not been for Federal programs and the diplomacy on which this country prides itself. That being said, the $11K that I have had to chalk up as merely a "learning lesson, " a comment made to me by both the SEC and the Attorney General, substantiates value far greater than the par it reads. This has become increasingly easier to perpetrate with the rise in computer knowledge, and our inability to develop the proper controls and federal regulations needed to protect investors and consumers alike.

I work as a Derivative Collateral Management Specialist for JPMorgan in Newark, DE. When Wharton knocks on your door realizing your age, nor your lack of business experience, typically between 7-10 years, are perripheral blurs in the scheme of things when you take their princeton review GMAT and score nearly perfect. It only seemed proper for me to begin looking for loans. I have prepared synopsis that eventually became a uniform template as I was inundating every agency relevant to the fraud commited against me, and felt the information assumed more merit the closer to complete uniformity my complaints were. Be that as it may, I have yet to hear from anyone but the DE Attorney General. I know public spotlight and the powers that be dictating when to shine it and when to dampen its function.

I spoke to a financial crimes attorney in the providence of Toronto, as she was recommended by my current attorney, and was left with these words; "white collar crime in Canada is but merely a slap on the rist for Canadians." She went on to explain that it would be nearly impossible to not only recover the money used for purposes of securing a very large loan, but also to track down the actual perpetrators of the crime. Of course I have taken it many steps beyond the tip of my nose, and did my research. I had discovered a Toronto based company by the name of Tucows Inc., a website domain registrar, traded on the AMEX: TCX, who rent out website space to anyone with a dollar and a dream. Of course, the dreams being pursued from our northern neighbors have yet to substantiate any sort of "Big Stick" action with regards to the millions Americans have lost in the last two years alone.

I have subscribed to the WSJ on and off for the last 6 years, but it is only recently that I have discovered the true value of its financial analysis and forecast models. Be that as it may, there is one thing that WJS has yet to do, and that is offer up a resource associated with only the most pretigious vendors of day to day business; that being those who have suffered as a result of Canadian Advance Fee Schemes. I could go on and on about the information I have acquired over the last month, but would much rather talk to someone in person. There is a story here, and it is the obligation of the media to inform its people of what it is that threatens those who reside in America, pay taxes, and yet are fooled into very believable interractions by a country that we support with our own federal monetary policy. The CAD would be nothing if it did not, in some respect, piggy-back the USD.

I have contacted every national organization from the SEC, FTC, Consumer Fraud, Attorney General, Secret Service, as well as the the last two weeks I have yet to hear from anyone. I am a fervent believer in approaching these types of situations diplomatically. However, I am only 24, with a promising career ahead of me. Please let me know if there is anything that you can do for me.

Attached is the uniform "Complaint Form" I used when filing all of my woes with the fraud that has been perpetrated against me. As a tax payer, and as an idealistic and ambitious businessman, feel this is something that must be taken to the next level. I am praying that there are people at the WSJ that may be able to help.

Offender: CitiLife Financial Group

Country: USA   State: New Jersey   City: Morristown
Address: 55 Madison Ave

Category: Miscellaneous


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