» Miscellaneous » Complaint / Review: Universal Nationwide - UDR Nationwide - UDR NATIONWIDE ASSET SERVICES - Universal Nationwide ripoff debt reduction and interest reduction scam that charged me countless fees to cheat me. #108118

Complaint / Review
Universal Nationwide - UDR Nationwide
UDR NATIONWIDE ASSET SERVICES - Universal Nationwide ripoff debt reduction and interest reduction scam that charged me countless fees to cheat me

I took the name of Universal Nationwide, LLC or UDR Nationwide off the internet. A nice young man called me on the telephone and promised to get my debt balance reduced and also the rate of interest reduced and I would be out of debt in 16 months.

Very sweetly, he said I needed to pay the first payment of $299 as a set-up fee which I assumed was the only additional cost.

To complete Universal's regulations, I gave him my bank account number and the company took out $250 a month for twelve months.

Naturally, when I complained that all these bank card companies were calling me and telling me that they had never heard from Universal Nationwide, LLC. I called and I faxed the company. Universal Nationwide answered the calls sometimes, but not the faxes.

Then a nice young lady assured me that the company was only pooling my fees so that they could pay off the credit card company with the highest interest rate first.

Unfortunately, in the meantime, the credit card companies were adding, on the average of $70 a month to my balance. I paid Bank One $2200 for a credit card limit of $450. While I was waiting for Universal Nationwide, LLC to pay my creditors something, Bank One gave my account to Viking of Minnesota.

In a kind, I want to help you voice, a Mr. Paul Hoover called me at my work and promised to get a deal with Bank One for $1200 if I paid Viking $600 that day and $600 in one month.

I just worked for one year at a Christian school, and I had signed a contract for the school where I worked for one year and I understood the contract to say and I asked the headmaster about it that I would be paid twelve months out of the year.

Unaware of my headmaster and me, it turns out that my twelve months salary was divided into ten months. Before I realized this I had sent Viking of Minnesota a check for $600. The check was returned when I did not receive a check for July automatedly deposited. I asked Mr. Paul Hoover for an extension and he allowed me to extend the time of payment to August 15 when the school was going to pay by automated deposit.

Unfortunately, the school's salary clerk's father was ill and evently he died in Wyoming. I had lost the directions of Mr. Paul Hoover that included something about a blue form and a code name and code city as well as the telephone number. I wanted to tell him it might be a few days before the pastor of the school wrote the checks himself.

Happily, I was paid on August 22. Paul Hoover still had the returned check. I found the address of the company and sent a certified check from the the meantime, Paul Hoover cashed the check for $600. I had now paid him $1800 dollars because I did not follow directions and the check did not get to Viking of Minnesota until August 24.

Sadly, the story gets even sorrier because I did not expect Paul Hoover to cash my check. He told me he could not. As a result it cost me about $600 in NSF check fees, but the saddest part is Universal Nationwide, LLC finally contacted its first company for me and offered to pay my $1200 owed to Bank One for $400. The amount had increated to $1800 with late fees and over the limit fees. Viking accepted the $400 and now I had paid for a $450 credit card $2200 not including the NSF fees of $600.

Then you are not going to believe this but Universal Nationwide said I had benefitted by $750 by the reduction from $1200, which it was when I gave my account to Universal Nationwide, LLC. Universal Nationwide charged me 25% or $250 for getting this benefit for me although I had now over paid Viking of Minnesota $600. Out of the $2500 I paid Universal Natinwide I received alsolutely no benefit and Universal Nationwide also charged me $250 for cancelling my account.

I wrote the president of Bank One. He said my problem was with Viking. I wrote the Attorney General of Louisiana and he did not help me the meantime Universal Nationwide is still cheating people. I know I cannot be helped, but I hope I can spare the pain and suffering I have endured from just one credit card, Bank One. I am now paying off the rest of the credit cards whose balances tripled in the time I was trying to get Universal Natinwide, LLC to do what they promised.

Kenner, Louisiana

Offender: Universal Nationwide - UDR Nationwide

Country: USA   State: California   City: Sacramento
Address: 4229 Northgate Blvd. #3
Phone: 9165691950

Category: Miscellaneous


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