» Internet & Web » Complaint / Review: - Godaddy engages in daily consumer fraud / illegal activity with scam domain appraisal system... Rips off millions per day! Easily proven!. #392231

Complaint / Review
Godaddy engages in daily consumer fraud / illegal activity with scam domain appraisal "system"... Rips off millions per day! Easily proven!

Back in March of I used's DOMAIN - EXPRESS APPRAISAL system to appraise a domain of mine, amazingsex. Mobi. It appraised for $111,946.00 - $291,060.00. You can imagine I was very pleased with this appraisal, and immediately contacted others to discuss it. I have records/screenshots of this appraisal (as well as all correspondence/appraisals) as well as it being on my account still. Then I did a 'Certified Appraisal' to 'finalize' the deal, because godaddy expresses that it's simply 'better' to get the certified, as it is 'judged' by a 'human'. Upon REappraisal (and paying 3 times more than the express appraisal) it appraised for, $174.00 - $539.00. Not quite what it was before wouldn't you say? Of by a few, hundred thousand. I'd say that appraisal alone PROVES that their express appraisal system is not only 'faulty', but a total SCAM/RIPOFF. You pay roughly $6 for something that means NOTHING.

Also I have proof that the express and certified appraisals are usually EXACTLY the same price for tens of thousands of sites, when they claim that the express and certified appraisals use MUCH different algorithms/methods for determining the resultant price. How could this be, if thousands of domains have exactly the same appraisals down to the PENNY. Impossible. So, that would mean that in 99% of the appraisals both the express AND the supposed HUMAN INVOLVEMENT appraisal, the CERTIFIED appraisals are EXACTLY the same, and totally fraudulent.

This is a severe case of public bilking by a massive corporation. The have been made aware of this appraisal scam, and still have not done anything about it, nor will they ever... UNTIL SOMEONE SUES THEM for enough MONEY to make them change their scamful/illegal ways. I originally attempted to file a lawsuit against them with another lawyer, but he 'fell through' with this. He wasn't UP TO THE TASK. Let me see who is. This is very serious, as they are ripping off MILLIONS OF DOLLARS... PER DAY/WEEK from the hard working public who don't deserve to be ripped off.

I own 23 domains and at least 5 of them have been both express appraised AND certified. So I have proof of these scams multiple times. Again, this lawsuit is not necessarily non-class action, as I have no idea on what 'grounds' I as an individual would be suing them for... I'm not a lawyer, I don't know. So I'm looking for an experienced attorney to let me know, so we can proceed. Maybe it's only class-action, I don't know. What would I sue them for? How about the almost $300,000 that the EXPRESS APPRAISAL PROMISED? SOmething like that? I expect someone is experienced/knowledgable in this kind of litigation, and can help me with it.

Thanks in advance. This company is the biggest scam artist (s) I have heard of in years, bigger than anything I've read on How many companies bilk the public of between $100K - $1M PER DAY/WEEK? Not many I know that. I want to hurt them where it hurts the most to a greedy illegal scam artist company... Their pocket/bank account/bottom line. Let's do this.


Country: USA   State: Arizona   City: Scottsdale
Address: 14455 N. Hayden Rd. , Suite 219
Phone: 4805058877

Category: Internet & Web


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