» Internet & Web » Complaint / Review: Morgan & Chase Publishing - Bill, Charlie, William Faubion Publishing Assistant Job is No Treasure but a bogus home business scam apparently. #356087

Complaint / Review
Morgan & Chase Publishing
Bill, "Charlie", William Faubion Publishing Assistant "Job" is No Treasure but a bogus home business scam apparently

In early September during my urgent job search I responded to a Career Builder job alert for a "Publisher's Assistant" with Morgan & Chase Publishing. The advert said they were located in Philadelphia, PA which I would find out soon was lie #1. I sent my resume and cover letter via email application through Career Builder. Only a few days later, on September 9th, to my happy surprise I received a response saying that they liked my resume and experience and that I was "accepted" for this position that I could do from home, and that I had certain past experiences that made me an ideal candidate.

The e-mail from "Bill" directed me to go their "Treasures" website, watch a video, then go to another website, and fill in some information, and additionally check out another website, Which I did and filled in the boxes. Already skeptical, I emailed reply asking if this was some kind of scam, and asking them to CALL me on the telephone.

A day later I recieved a voicemail from "Bill" reassuring me that this indeed was "no scam here" and that my broadcasting background was similar to his and others in the company. When I called him back at extension 708, a woman named "Cindy" answered and said she would "see if he was in his office". Bill came on the line and answered my concerns, described how they publish "travel books", thay had people making $1,000 a week by calling off of a list of business names and directing them to the websites.

I could make up to 150 calls a day, he told me. Then he said that in oirder to get the list I had to send in $49.95. When I told him I am skeptical about any "opportunity" that requires an up-front fee, he replied, "and you SHOULD be". I told him that I am on unemployment insurance and that my funds are very limited. Bill then said because of that and the fact that I had been in broadcasting like HE used to be, he would give me a break and make the fee only $29.95. I told him I had to think it over and check the website out further. I googled the company and saw the same website originally directed.

The next day I called him again, and "Cindy" told me that he was "in a meeting". When I finally spoke to him later that day, he told me that he usually made calls for four hours a day, and that he could get me "up to speed and making the big money in about two-and-a-half weeks". I was ready to borrow some money and take a leap of faith on the premise that you have to sometimes "spend a little money to make money". He had mentioned a credit card, but I told him I didn't have any, nor a bank account, but I could send him a postal money order and asked him what address I should send it to the 817 Bennett St.

I have since learned that the address is probably really 531 Parsons Drive! He also said to send it to the attention of "Charlie" so they would know what it was for and include my fererence number from the video presentation wich was #543. I mailed the mondy order on Friday September 19. On Tuesday September 23rd, excited about this new venture that was going to solve my financial problems, I decided to follow up with this nice man named "Bill" and ask if they had received it yet.

This time I just got a voice-mail recording with promts to enter an extension number, and no "Cindy", just another announcement asking to "leave a message and someone will return your call within one business day..." When I called again the next day I got the same, and now my skepticism has resurfaced, so I got the number that "Bill" had called from on my caller ID display; it rang and a message with a woman's voice said leave to leave a message - no company name.

I left word and now that angry sickening feeling was beginning in my soul. I called both numbers again the next day, September 25th, still the voice mail on the one that answered Morgan & Chase "the largest publisher of it's kind in the world", but on "Bill" number, 506-608-1066 now it only rang and rang without answer or a answering device. Thsi is when I knew I'd been 'had" for thirty bucks. This is when I started further Googling and found customer service complaints on the Traveling Technologist site, and a report that said that Morgan & Chase had gone BANKRUPT in July.

I felt sick and embarrassed that I didn't do more research before sending in my $30.00 that I really can't afford. I left an angry message on that voice-mail; I'm not sure if Career Builder is responsible, but I feel that SOMEONE is taking advantage of Morgan & Chase's bankrupcy, and ther is NO such job as Publisher's Assistant. But for a measley thirty bucks??? Has anybody else fallen victim to this bogus "job opportunity"? And I would like my money back with a LOT of 'interest"!

Offender: Morgan & Chase Publishing

Country: USA   State: Oregon   City: Medford
Address: 817 Bennett Street, Or 531 Parsons Drive
Phone: 8885579328

Category: Internet & Web


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