» People » Complaint / Review: Star Transportation - Client was never picked up from his location and deemed a NO-SHOW. #1106242

Complaint / Review
Star Transportation
Client was never picked up from his location and deemed a NO-SHOW

A client of Harding Mazzotti, who is blind, was in our office. He had been waiting for his ride for 4 hours. He kept calling, but they would not answer. He asked me to call on his behalf, so I spoke to the Supervisor, Lashana. She claimed that he was a no-show and said they sent a suburban to pick him up. However, no one ever came to get him. I have been sitting with him the entire time. I asked Lashana for the complaint line telephone number, and she gave me a number. After being on hold for 20 minutes, it rang back to her. This is terrible service, especially for people with disabilities who have limited options. This man is blind, and something really needs to be done to compensate him. He has been waiting for 4 hours.


Offender: Star Transportation

Country: United States   State: New York   City: Albany, NY 12205   ZIP: 12205
Address: Albany
Phone: 1-800-529-1010

Category: People


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