» Health & Medicine » Complaint / Review: Dr. Julie Griffith - Outrageous Ethical Practices, Negligent Handling of Prescriptions and Misdiagnosis. #545563

Complaint / Review
Dr. Julie Griffith Outrageous Ethical Practices, Negligent Handling of Prescriptions and Misdiagnosis

$1687 to Dr. Julie Griffith, A D.A.N. Doctor (Defeat Autism Now) for an alleged "consultation" where this "doctor" decides to tell me the Doodle is not autistic, might have Lyme disease and diagnoses him with Dandy Walker, a serious malformation of the brain by looking at the same exact MRI that two other neurologists had looked at and said was Normal. She waits until the end of the agreed upon one hour consultation to tell me this—so that I am distraught enough and crying, thinking she just cracked the case with the autism and seizure disorder—and now my son might die.

So she continued the "consultation" and then proceeded to charge me $500 per hour for the additional two hours she went over. She never even gave my two year old a physical examination, which the consult was supposed to include. We were also supposed to get lab testing done on my baby for vitamin deficiencies, metals, toxins, food allergies, yeast build up, etc. No tests were done. I was sent away with a brown grocery bag full of lab tests to UPS off in the mail to various States—including all the paperwork.

This crack pot of a Doctor also prescribed my baby two very severe anti-seizure medications on top of the two that he was already on without ever doing any blood tests to see where his existing medication levels were. When he had an adverse reaction to the new drugs which she prescribed several days later, after our consultation, she refused to come to the phone to talk to me about it unless I gave a credit card and paid her $400 per hour for a phone appointment first. I should mention, coincidentally, it wasn't until she prescribed him these new drugs and had the bad reaction—which triggered and was the beginning of his head drop seizures.

After I found out she misdiagnosed my son with Dandy Walker in an attempt to alarm me and coerce me into returning for future appointments at $500 per hour, I immediately fired her, stopped payment on the credit card and reported her to the California Medical Board.

So we had to prove our case to the credit card company and justify why we stopped payment on the $1687 consultation and we won our case with them, twice. They reversed the charges. I had to get letters with the second and third opinions that NO, my son did not have Dandy Walker. Now, this delusional, unethical "doctor" wants her money because she is insisting she provided "medical care"... When she never did.

I've talked with other moms who had equally and similar bad experiences with this same doctor, with misdiagnosing and continually charging a credit card on file.

This Doctor preys on desperate parents looking to help their children... She has no business prescribing drugs like that during a simple office consultation nor diagnosing genetic diseases without genetic testing and counseling.

Because I stopped payment, she has filed a small claims action against me. Why should I have to pay for a purposeful misdiagnosis from a doctor who moonlights as a "massage therapist"? She overdosed and drastically changed the course of my son's life. I should be suing her in Superior Court for malpractice.

The red flags were there and I didn't want to see them. The fact that her office is in her living room at her home. The fact that I never had to wait for an appointment when getting an appointment with a DAN Doctor is know to take forever. The fact that in the 3 hours I was there the phone never rang nor did any other patients come in. The fact that she refuses to bill insurance and demands cash or credit card at the time of service (no checks). The fact that she actually misdiagnosed myself and my mother by just looking at us... With no physical exam, history or lab testing.

Be very aware and be sure to bring your stop watch to your appointment with Dr. Julie Griffith. The meter never stops running when you are there—not even when the Dr. Needs to take a bathroom break... Yes, you are paying $500 an hour for that too.

Offender: Dr. Julie Griffith

Country: USA   State: California   City: San Rafael
Address: 120 Ross Valley Dr
Phone: 4159251616

Category: Health & Medicine


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