» Electronics and household app. » Complaint / Review: Magic Jack - Not refunding me my old pre-paid regular acct. Or xfer to my plus acct. #846241

Complaint / Review
Magic Jack
Not refunding me my old pre-paid regular acct. Or xfer to my plus acct

Please wait for a site operator to respond. You are now chatting with 'Kenny'Your Issue ID for this chat is LTK554052546346XKenny: Hello, how may I help you? Jim: I'm noticing online that the expire dates is wrong for me. Jim: I owned a regular magicjack for 3 years w / a 5 year planJim: Then 1 week ago I transferred to the magicjack plusKenny: Let me assist you with that. Jim: BUT the expire didn't move overJim: "JIMPC" magicJack PLUS Renews 03/06 Add Year (s) (419) 557-2225 U.S. Phone Number - Free Renews with Device "A9210502022A91" magicJack Renews 06/14 Add Year (s) (419) 557-2225 U.S. Phone Number - Free Renews with DeviceJim: I paid in advance for several more years, but it didn't go to the plusJim: You can see this on: https://web06.

Kenny: May I have your magicJack phone number? Jim: Jim: I put this in once during the loginJim:??? Jim: and its above in the dialogKenny: Thanks for the information. Kenny: Please wait while I check that for youJim: See my devices. Its wrong for the renewal and expiration for: Jim: https://web06. "JIMPC" magicJack PLUS Renews 03/06 Add Year (s) (419) 557-2225 U.S. Phone Number - Free Renews with Device "A9210502022A91" magicJack Renews 06/14 Add Year (s) (419) 557-2225 U.S. Phone Number - Free Renews with Device

Jim: You need to move my 06/14 renewal date to the new plusJim: andJim: delete the old oneKenny: As I have checked it here on our end, under the Phone Number: (419) 557-2225: Kenny: Service Began: 03/06 Kenny: License Expires: 03/06 Jim: Do I need to repeat everything? Jim: I bought the regular magicjack 3 years ago and had a 5 year license on itJim: then a few weeks ago I REPLACED it w / the plusJim: AT THAT TIME THE LICENSE ON THE OLD ACCOUNT SHOULD HAVE BEEN ADDED TO THE NEW ACCOUNTJim: Do you understand? Kenny: As I have checked it here on our end, under the Phone Number: (419) 557-2225 of the regular magicJack device: Jim: I should NOT have 2 accounts

Kenny: Service Began: 06/14 Kenny: License Expires: 06/14 Jim: AND the license should not expire/renewJim: DO I need to talk to the BBB or your state attorney general? Jim: LOOK at the devices, they are wrong. Jim: I NO longer have the old regular macgic jack - when I signed up the the plus it told me I can transfer my subsrciptionJim: Are you NOT honoring that? Kenny: One moment please... Kenny: I am transferring you to one of our top 10% agents as rated by our customers. Please hold while I transfer you. Jim: Please don't make me repeat everything for that person tooPlease wait while I transfer the chat to the best suited site operator.

You are now chatting with 'Bucky'Your Issue ID for this chat is LTK554052546346XBucky: Hello. My name is Bucky. To better assist you, let me put you on hold while I read your previous chat/s. Thank you. Jim: Please read from the top down thru this threadJim: Just do this... Jim: 1. Take my subscription from the regular magicjack and add it to the plusJim: 2. Delete the regular magic jack accountJim: Then the PLUS should have an expiration of 6/14Bucky: Thank you for waiting. Jim: I'm present and waitingJim: REMEMBER your system asked me to transfer!!! I know my consumer rights. I pre-paid ahead on the regular MJ; I don't expect to loose any of that money/time. Bucky: Transferring the years from your regular magicJack is not yet possible as of the moment. Jim: Huh? Why not? Jim: This sounds like a scam? Jim: Are you going to send me a check for the difference?

Bucky: That feature is not yet possible as of the moment. Jim: No wonder so many people have bad things to say about your service!!! Jim: can you reimburse me? Jim: Can you refund me the time on that old account if I cancel it? Jim: What state are you located in? Bucky: I understand but that is not yet possible as of the moment. Jim: I want to discuss this with the attorney general in your stateJim: I understand the technical aspects are possible, but what about reimbursing me? Jim: ANSWER my previous question! Bucky: One moment please... Jim: What state is your business in? Jim: I DEMAND to know this. Jim: I'm copying this thread for the attorney general in your state and the BBBJim: What state are you in? Jim: What state are you in!!! Jim: What state are you in!!! Jim: What state are you in!!! Jim: What state are you in!!! Jim: What state are you in!!!

Jim: You are not forthcoming with information. Bucky: IT is no longer possible to refund on the 5 year plan that you purchased because it was purchased last 2010. Bucky: We're from Florida. Jim: So I can't get a refund on an acct. I'm asking you to cancel? Jim: AND you can't credit the time, correct? Jim: And you refuse to do either, right? Jim: For the record. Jim: What is the address of your business? Bucky: The 5 year plan was purchased last 06/16. We can process a refund on the order if it is within 90 days, Jim. Bucky: Once transferring of remaining service from regular to magicJack Plus is available, that's the time we can transfer it. However, we can transfer the remaining years from regular to regular magicJakc.

Jim: 2 things. One, what is the address of your business. And two, what is the case/tracking # of this incident/request of mine that you are authorizing a refund on? Bucky: This is our address magicJack PO Box 6846 West Palm Beach, FL 33405Bucky: Use our ticket number LTK554052546346X as your reference. Jim: And what about the credit invoice/tracking #/case # for my refund? Bucky: Sorry, we can no longer process a refund on the order if it is beyond 90 days. Jim: What is the phone # of your business so that I can call w / the ref # you've provided and check on the status of the refund? Jim: what? I have for the record what you as a representative of your company has said! Jim: Are you not supporting your very own word now?

Bucky: You purchased 5 year plan last 06/16 and it is not possible to process a refund on it because it is beyond 90 days already. Jim: BUT you said you would??!!! Bucky: It has lacking No. Bucky: The 5 year plan was purchased last 06/16. We can't process a refund on the order if it is within 90 days, Jim. Bucky: If it is beyond 90 days. Jim: By the way, I should inform you that this is being recorded and I'm a government employee associated with foxnews; are you now taking back what you said you would do? Or are you going to honor it? Bucky: It was a mistake, as I have explained it is no longer possible to refund the order if it is beyond 90 days. The 5 year plan that you purchased was still last 2010.

Bucky: We'd love to process it for you but it is not possible, Jim. That is our refund policy. Jim: Our conversation will be in the media soon - twitter, facebook, friends, etc... Honor what you said or I'll be going to publicationJim: You can't ask people to join plans that aren't transferableJim: That's against the layJim: That's against the lawBucky: You may refer it to our terms of service too regarding your refund issue. Bucky: What is the phone # of your legal department? Bucky: We only handle chat support as of the moment. Jim: You can't do what you've doneJim: You can give me the phone # of your business

Jim: What is the main phone # for your business? Jim: WHAT IS THE MAIN PHONE # OF YOUR BUSINESS AT: PO Box 6846 West Palm Beach, FL 33405Jim: AND DON'T GIVE ME A POBBucky: We'd love to help you by phone but as of the moment we only do support on chat. Jim: WHAT IS THE PHYSICAL ADDRESS AND PHONE # OF YOUR COMPANYBucky: That is the only address we have, Jim. Jim: that's unheard ofjim: no its not, you don't work at a pob; what is the physical address? Jim: what is your badge/id #? Jim: once i blast this onto the world wide web i'd like to refer to whom i've been speaking to. What is your name/id/badge and physical address of the magicjack business and what is the phone #?

jim: are you a manager? Jim: if not, can you transfer this chat to a manager at my request please? Jim: have you disconnected me? Jim: or are you still there? Bucky: i'm still here. Bucky: We are the highest level of support whom you can chat with, Jim. Bucky: They can see our chat conversation too. Jim: ARE YOU REFUSING TO ANSWER MY FAIR AND REASONABLE CONSUMER QUESTIONS? Jim: YOUR BUSINESS NEEDS COMPETITIONBucky: We'd love to provide all the information you needed but the only address we have is the one I provided. Also, we only use chat support. Jim: so do i have no course of action on this? Am i sol? I pre-paid for something that i've now lost? You guys are ripping people off and its going to come out in the media

jim: let me ask this another way... Jim: for this issue, are you able to issue a credit to me for $ or time onto my new plus account if i delete my old one? Jim: i'm not asking for a refund, nor am i asking for a transfer - i know you can add time on an accountjim: is that fair? Jim: can you do that? Jim: are you still there? Bucky: that is fair but that feature is not yet possible. Transferring of service from old service to mgaicJack Plus is not yet available. Bucky: Once that feature will be available, we can transfer your old service to magicJack Plus. Jim: omg, that can't be. YOU ARE NOW NOT TELLING THE TRUTH - I KNOW YOU CAN ADD TIME ONTO AN EXISTING ACCOUNT

Jim: so recapping - what are you going to do for me based on my unpleasant experience and request? Jim: give me your final statementjim: give me your final - official statementjim: give me your final - official statementjim: give me your final - official statementgive me your final - official statementjim: give me your final - official statementjim: give me your final - official statementjim: give me your final - official statementjim: give me your final - official statementjim: give me your final - official statementjim: i'm waitngjim: physical address - not providingjim: phone # of business - not providingjim: credit - not providing

Jim: REFUND - NOT PROVIDINGJim: TRANSFER - NOT PROVIDINGJim: BADGE ID # - NOT PROVIDINGJim: SIMPLY ADD TIME ON PLUS ACCOUNT - NOT PROVIDINGJim: PLEASE PROVIDE ME YOUR FINAL - OFFICIAL STATEMENTBucky: I understand and got your point but your request is not possible, Jim. Please understand and that feature is not yet possible. Jim: GIVE ME YOUR FINAL - OFFICIAL STATEMENTJim: WHEN WILL THESE FEATURES EXIST? Jim: or can't you provide that either? Jim: when? Jim: when? Jim: when will you make this right? Jim: and legal? Bucky: We don't have exact information when will that be available. We will update our website once that will be possible. Jim: CAN YOU SEND ME AN EMAIL WHEN THAT BECOMES AVAILABLE?

Jim: AND HOW CAN I CHECK ON THE STATUS OF THIS CASE #? What is the mechanism? Jim: Notify me by sending an email to: jim_chance@yahoo. ComJim: Repeating: [email protected] for this caseJim: Will it be this year? Jim: Why are your responses taking so long?!!! Bucky: We don't have any time frame and further details about this matter. We will update it through our website Thank you for your time and patience. It is much appreciated. Jim: Bucky, watch for this information on foxnews and on the WWW - every piece will be broadcasted. You guys are ripping consumers off. Bucky: I understand how you feel about it, Jim. Bucky: Thank you for understanding on my part as well. I really apologize for the inconvenience it caused you.

Jim: Hey, its your job/company. Its WRONG what you are doing. Jim: Your now in my calendar to contact every day until this is resolved; moreover, the public will know what's going on. And so will my employees, family and friends - bad news travel fast! I'll also be in touch with the FL attorney general and your local BBB. Bucky: Okay, I understand your frustrations. Bucky: Is there anything else I may help you with today? Jim: Yes, is there a way to look at my call history? Inbound phone call numbers and date/times with them? Bucky: Yes, you can check it to your account at the my.

Jim: You might understand, but you refuse to do anything about itJim: where do i navigate to check? Jim: please be specificJim: I'm logged in now, but don't know where to navigate to see the phone #/history date/timesBucky: Please wait while I check that for youBucky: Thank you for waiting. Bucky: After you login, click Account tab. Click Contacts/Call Logs. Bucky: Select Show Call logs/contacts. Jim: That's not working! It said NONE in my plus accountJim: Why does it show that? Bucky: When you registered the magicJack Plus and make a call, does it connected to your router or computer? Jim: router

Bucky: Please be informed that if the magicJack Plus was connected to your router when you make a call, the call logs can't be shown on your account. Bucky: Unless it will be connected to your computer's usb port. Jim: OK, so what about inbound calls? Jim: I don't care about knowing the #'s I calledJim: another thing you can't do huh? Jim: plus on router does not log ANY inbound calls/#'s w / a date-time stamp; GREAT! Jim: Am I correct? Bucky: Both outbound and inbound call if the magicJack Plus was connected to your router. Jim: Neither will work? Bucky: If you check your regular magicJAck call logs, it will show the date, time and duration. Jim: Why would I do that? Its not connected anymore? Bucky: I mean, in case your magicJack Plus was connected to your computer's usb port when you make a call it will show the date, time and duration. But if your magicJack Plus was connected to your router, it will not show the call logs to your account.

Bucky: That feature is not yet available as well. Jim: If I delete device: "A9210502022A91" will that mess you up so that you can't transfer/refund/credit my plus account? Jim: You said that with this case when the capability exists - you will perform the transfer/credit. YOU SAID this and I'm holding you and your company responsible for this. Bucky: Transferring of service from regular to magicJack PLus is not yet possible. That feature is not yet available. We don't have exact information when will be the available. Jim: True, but you said when it is you'll refund/credit/transfer my account! You said this in the email thread yourself. So I expect YOU to do that when the feature is activated.

Bucky: Once that feature will be available, that's the time we can transfer your remaining years from old to magicJack Plus. There was no estimated timeframe when it will be. Jim: I know that@ You are repeating yourself; so what I'm asking is if you are going to AUTOMATICALLY do that based on this case WHEN it becomes available; right? Bucky: I suggest to chat us back once that feature will be available. It will not be automatic. Jim: Great, another fine service that you don't offer. Jim: You guys are somethingJim: Aspx

Offender: Magic Jack

Country: USA   State: Florida

Category: Electronics and household app.


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