» Electronics and household app. » Complaint / Review:, nextelpatrners - Ripoff on Nextel rebates! They make you send origionals and then lose it somehow and by the time you find out it is lost the deadline has passed!. #173072

Complaint / Review, nextelpatrners
Ripoff on Nextel rebates! They make you send origionals and then lose it somehow and by the time you find out it is lost the deadline has passed!

After much debate and many family members having Nextel/sprint phone service and the capacity to use the walkie/talkie service free I switched to Nextel/Sprint from the T-mobile after 8 years with them.

The Customer service rep kept at me to buy this I850 camera flip phone since it was a special that month and even though it was a $200 something dollar phone it was on sale and had a mail in rebate of $50 so the phone was going to be a steal! I might want to mention here that the almost exact phone minus the camera option was free with the 2 year contract but I was told this phone was much better and had way more options then the other one offered for free and how could I go wrong with the rebate right? Wrong!

Now after all the trouble I have had with rebates in the past I am extremely careful to make copies of everything, you know lost items, never received teh rebate info, months even years later and it is still pending, all kinds of excuses have I heard from those rebate places, so copies I made.

There is a tracking your rebate link on the form so after 6 weeks of hearing nothing I checked it and it said there was no rebate for my given address available at this time to try again in a few weeks and after 2 more weeks still the same message. So I went online to the web address for Nextel and got a phone number for rebates and called them and the service persson after putting me on hold for over 35 minutes came back and said it must of got lost in the mail! Right I wonder actually how many times a day this really happens and how many if any is the postal service losing it? Versus the rebate folks?

He proceeded to tell me to resend all this stuff and it had to be origional. OK if I sent you the origional in the first one how can I send you the origional in the second one? He said he was sorry but it had to be the origional off of the box to the phone and that was the only place the serial numbers they required could be found. Now after losing several other rebates from other phone comapinies and getting letters back saying we didnt send the correct info or not enough info thru the years I got smart and started cutting up the entire box and putting it in little pieces in an envelope and sending it to them. This is what I did with this one as well but not before I made copies of the entire thing. But now he is saying he cannot accept copies only origional but he cant tell me how to get those when they lost them.

He literally had no answers at all and could only say he was sorry and was there anything else he could do for me today? What? Was he dismissing me without an answer and sorry about your luck advice?

I called back and asked to speak to the supervisor and after explaining my situation to about 5 different people they gave me what they said was one. And he also was about as much help as the first 5 were and he also had no answers as to how to get the origionals back and even added on that the rebate period ended May 31 anyway and it is now June something so it wouldnt be honored anyway! You have got to be kidding me here right? Nope not at all.

I sent this stuff to them via the post office and it was weighed to make sure since I put the entire box in there that I had enough postage on it and it went out from there on March 29th.

In my opinion how convienent is it to lose this stuff so they dont have to worry about sending you any rebate. They already know you sent them the origionals or you couldnt get the rebate to begin with and if you resend copies they will send you the letter telling you they have to have origionals of everything but the sales receipt and that can be a copy.

I dont think they lose this stuff I think they throw it away and forget about rebate altogether as they know we as consumers have no leg to stand on and eventually before they can tell you what to do if there is anything you can do the rebate period ends and your out of luck.

What a shady way to do business Nextel! Shame on you all for using unethical practices in getting your customers to buy more expensive merchandise and then not honor your rebate offers when we do.

I bet when this contract is up I will go back to T-Mobile and my family wants to talk to me? They better switch as well!

This isnt the only family member that has had this very same problem and so what are the ratios for this happening 3 out of 6 times to the same circle of Nextel users? Sounds kind of shady to me how about you all?

I certainly welcome Nextel to respond here and if any of the customer service staff have any answers on how to fix this I would be more then glad to hear it. As A matter of fact I challenge you to respond with something more then excuses!

I am revolted at the number of rebate rip off reports i read here on a daily basis and cannot believe that consumers have so little importance in the meaning of a business's reputation for where I came from word of mouth meant everything to a company! Not this type of words either.

winchester, Kentucky

Offender:, nextelpatrners

Country: USA   State: Michigan   City: Detroit
Address: P.o. Box 72922

Category: Electronics and household app.


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