» Education & Science » Complaint / Review: Kaplan University - Denied me externship placement. #824242

Complaint / Review
Kaplan University
Denied me externship placement

I started Kaplan University in February everything was going along great. I was excelling in my classes and had no financial aid problems. Monies was granted and I always received a 0 balance at the end of each term. I had done everything I was suppose to do. I qualified for educational expense associated with me getting funds to maintain my living arrangements I saw that the tuition was kinda of expensive but I did not mind since I was doing so well and it was my choice to go to school online.

Lets fast forward this to my last term, 10 weeks before I am due to graduate, taking my last three classes, one being an externship class. We were asked to fill out an application for clinical placement, pay for background check, take cpr classes another out of pocket expense, get medical clearance from you doctor, I did all of this to there requirements. I submitted all documents in a timely matter and was sent an email Congratulation you have met all requirements for clinical place. We will email your site two weeks before your next term starts.

Next term started 2/1. Great I thought, half way into waiting for a site I emailed them and asked what was the hold up on my placement, they emailed me back saying the clinical placement team has not finalized a site for you yet but we are working hard doing so and I will email you with and update when a site is located. On January 20 I received an email we have a site for you and follow the instructions below to set up an interview. I did exactly that, I called the site given to me in the email and was told fax my resume over to them.

I fax resume and waited four days before contacting the site again to see if they had receive the resume. I was told by the person who answered yes we received your resume and we will forward it to the doctor and if she likes your resume she will call you. I thought that response was kind of odd so emailed Kaplan and told them of the conversation had with the site, I received an email back saying I should give the doctor time to review my resume and if I had not heard back from the doctor office by January 30 please let them know so they could do a follow up call.

Classes started on February 1 and since I heard nothing from the site and nothing from Kaplan University has to what was happening with my placement. I called Kaplan on the February 2 to find out what was going on got no answer of course so I emailed the Clinical Placement Manager Rene Clapypool who then forwarded me an email stating staff will follow up. Still not worried at this point, while sitting in seminar on February 2 an email pops up Site Termination, shocked to say the least, I read the email telling me that the site has decided not to host me or even give me an interview and because of me being terminated from the site (never got the site) I needed to have a conference call with Trica Berry Dean of Clinical Placement and Andrea Pyles new Clinical Manger. They presented two times that the conference call could take place and of course I picked the earliest one to find out what was going on.

Conference call was scheduled for February 9 at 3:00 PM EST, I make the call and I am put on hold for more than twenty minutes hearing this recording the chairperson has not arrived yet please hold. I email Andrea Plyes and ask her what is going on I am on hold waiting for the conference call and she emails me back oh I made a mistake on the time sorry. Can I have your phone number to call you and speak with you. I replied with the number and hang up the conference call. Andrea Plyes calls me and apologizes for the getting the time wrong and can we set up another time for February 10 at 2:30 PM EST.

Phone Conference was patched through on second date and time as scheduled, Dean Berry explains to me that the site said that I made numerous calls to them and harassed them for an interview, which in fact I did not such thing, I have phone records showing I only called the site twice. Dean Berry states well since the site did not host you you automatically fail that class.

Stunned I was what do you mean I fail that class because the site lied to you guys, Kaplan did not want my proof, they said we are going to send you a remedation contract and you can agree to sign it if you want but if you do not then you can not graduate and you will not get your degree. They further stated since there are no guarantees to us finding you another site this term and maybe not even next term you may want to consider what you are going to do. I said what do mean you can not guarantee me a site next term, well we had a site for you and since you did something wrong and could not secure the site we are not obligated to find you another site, its in the manual.

We will first see if we can get your remediation contract approved after you sign it and then work on getting you another site next term. You might want to take a leave of absence Dean Berry stated. I inquired why would I want to take a leave of absence this is my last term and I have other plans to go to a ground college after this. Well since you do not have a site you are going to fail a class and your financial aid runs out this term so you will have to pay for these classes out of pocket if you contine on this term. Reserve the financial aid for next term.

I thought to myelf this must be a joke for sure. I was then told we are going to put this all in an email for you to review you have two weeks to review and send it back to us and we will help you learn from this mistake. What mistake did I make? So I sit here owning god knows how much money in student loans, no clear picture of what to do. The site lied clearly on me and now I am paying a very heavy price for this. What do I do and I will sign any class action suit agains this University to have them pay the bank back for all of this time wasted. I am so lost that I do not know what else to do.

Anybody want to contact me regarding documetn proof please feel free I will glady send you the emails. Please help!!!

Offender: Kaplan University

Country: USA   State: Illinois   City: Chicago
Phone: 3127776333

Category: Education & Science


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