» Education & Science » Complaint / Review: HB Products Unlimited - Utah Scam Company, Internet Scam, Internet Scams, Bait & Switch Practices & Tactics ripoff. #164726

Complaint / Review
HB Products Unlimited
Utah Scam Company, Internet Scam, Internet Scams, Bait & Switch Practices & Tactics ripoff

This company from Utah, HB Products Unlimited, 5647 Well Park Rd Ste B, West Jordan Utah, 84088, teams up with another company from Utah, INCOME STRATEGIES INSTITUTE (same address) to trick people into getting a FREE website with hosting fee's of $59.95 per month.

DO NOT DO BUSINESS WITH THIS COMPANY! To find out why read the rest of this posting.

When I say trick that is exactly what they did to me, and hundreds, probably thousands, (30,40, maybe 100 by now). They presented a program on March 28th. at the Irvine Marriott Hotel, March 29th. 2006 at the Long Beach Hilton Hotel, and March 30th at the Garden Grove Marriott Anaheim Suites.

I went to the presentation on March 28th. at 12:30 pm. I went expecting to hear information listed on the Flyer I had received by three presenters, Sidney Sperry, John Hyland, and Randy Crane. Sidney Sperry and Randy Crane were there; presenting the program, however John Hyland was not.

I was promised, simply for attending, a free CD by Robert Kiyosaki The Perfect Business, which I never received. During the presentation I was promised if I got up and went to the back of the room at a specific time I would receive a bonus, When I asked what it was no answer was forthcoming. I finally pushed the issue a couple of days later when I went to show a friend what they were offering at the same presentation, at the Garden Grove, Anaheim Marriott. I was told, by Randy Crane, who was doing the presentation, as Sperry was not available, that I would get a 2nd free month hosting for the free website.

During the presentation I was promised I would get (1) a free investing software program, named R2D2 at the 3 day seminar, and (2) a free website with a free Merchant account, with a free shopping cart system for selling products on the internet. The hosting fees of $59.95 per month and monthly charges for the merchant account (which I didn't hear what they were) were talked about.

Upon reading the fine print on the contract, which I didn't realize I had even signed until April 21, I find some very disturbing things. I didn't realize I had signed up for the charges by signing up for the 3-day investment seminar.

I didn't realize I have to do very specific things to avoid charges being made in the future. I thought I was merely signing up for the 3-day seminar. I was told I could bring 3 guests who would also all receive the same free software and website with all the features. Thank god they didn't have credit card information for any of my guests or they would have to go through the same process of canceling and be mad as hell at me.

What I now have to do, to avoid the charges, is to notify them in writing, signed by myself, via CERTIFIED MAIL, return receipt requested, to MEMBER SERVICES, 5647 WELLS PARK RD STE B, WEST JORDAN, UT 84088, at least (30) days prior to the date of my monthly charge. When that date is, is very elusive because of other language in the contract who's Terms and Conditions are stated on the back of folder I was given.

On that cover it talks about the Terms and Conditions, one of which is the EFFECTIVE DATE. The effective date shall be. Deemed the latter of the following: (a) the date The Company substantially completes the setup, activation, or creation of the CUSTOMER'S service or (b) the date the service is ordered, being the day after the scheduled 3 day workshop. MOST IMPORTANT POINT: Whether or not the CUSTOMER ever uses the service shall have no bearing or effect on the EFFECTIVE DATE.

It also talks about the TERM being a month to month basis until cancelled. The TERM shall commence as of the EFFECTIVE DATE, whatever that is, as I have no clue at this time.

Another statement of interest on this page concerns COROLLARY SERVICES. That statement being Use of e-mail lists for unsolicited electronic mail or other mass mailings is strictly prohibited. One of the things you want to be able to do with an e-commerce website is to do e-mail mailings to notify your customers of specials, sales, and other promotions you make available to them. But this prohibits that!

About the 3-day INCOME STRATEGIES INSTITUTE workshop. I wrote this evaluation at the end of the first day and it held to be true thoughout.

At this 3-day workshop I find John Hyland to be a condescending smart-ass jerk. If he had been at the original presentation, and acted the way he did, I would never have signed up to attend. He admits to being only 37 months into doing what he is doing. I have to assume he was associated with Randy Crane because of them both being in the telecommunications field. Randy presented himself in a very professional manner, however I did wonder why he was a desk flunky at the presentation.

The remarks being made by John about how stupid and dumb we will be if we don't' sign up for the advanced training are going to really piss me off. This is the same attitude I have heard so many times. These people belittle and ridicule people who don't buy the BS. This is the very same method, and pressure techniques, used by Russ Whitney's people, in their Star Trader and Teach Me To Trade 3 day investing workshop they sell for $199 for two people. Almost like de ja vu of having been there before. I think Sperry even said he had been a student of Russ Whitney's Real Estate programs so it is not a total surprise.

During the first day of the 3-day seminar I have been told I could have had access to the website and the investing program during the last 3 weeks. That pisses me off since if the software program was what Sperry said it was I might not have invested $5,000 in a program to do investing that I heard about at the Wealth Expo.

When I tried to find the investing software program, on the two sites John told me I could get it on, I am unable to find one, and don't find it on the other, which is a redirected site for a Forex trading platform (broker in other words) named Advanced Forex, Inc. On their website they say NO DEALING DESK but when I look under the Help & Support link it has a link to their 24 hr. Dealing Desk. I won't use any Forex broker who has a dealing desk since I know they have the ability to see my stops and they spike their prices to take out stops, and they indeed do. Little did I know stockbrokers do the same thing!

Without even hearing about it I believe I already know what the presentation will be for the Tax Lien Certificate portion. We will be told some out and out lies to make us hope we can expect to get a property by just paying the taxes on the property in the Tax Lien Certificate process. We will be presented with the opportunity to learn the process by attending a $3,000 class. (turned out to be more) Anybody can get the same information on the Internet for less than $ fact I have two I already purchased. I have not done any of these because I don't have any capital to buy the tax liens. I know they are one of the safest investment tools available today, but you don't need this to do it.

I will not sign up for any additional classes for several reasons. They will be too expensive and I simply don't have the money to sign up for them. I know already they will tell me how stupid I am for not investing in myself but all that will do is piss me off more and cause me to make negative statements about them as a company if anybody wants to know.

In this 3-day presentation John moves through what he presents so fast very few in the room will get anything more than that they have to invest in the advanced classes to get the detail they need to do any of the programs he is presenting. It is a high-pressure sales presentation by a slick-talking presenter who lacks credibility, in my view. Because he has only 37 months doing what he does, that is true, and many of the people in the room will see though the BS, but a lot will not. They will be sucked into spending many thousands of dollars for the advanced classes. I think this is Bait & Switch tactics, which are very questionable ethically. While not illegal they are immoral at the least. I don't participate in programs I find immoral, illegal or unethical.

In the end they will ask why did you attend this seminar? The only reason I attended was to get the free software and the free websites. But I now find that this is all a scam.

After the 3-day workshop:

After finishing the last two days my viewpoint is only stronger being directly insulted by John when I pointed out the training available at When he said what he did I nearly got up and punched the jerk, but with being 63, and him 20 years younger, that would not have been smart as he is a big man and I would have been in trouble, which he is not worth.

One endearing term John uses to describe people who are skeptical is CRAP MAGNET. How dare you question these people? With so many scams coming out of Utah and Florida you better question everything you hear presented by them. If this doesn't prove that point nothing does. This appears to me to be

In talking with several people in the seminar they didn't know they had signed up for a website with the incurred cost of $59.95 per month (possibly more). They thought they had simply paid for a 3 day seminar just like I did. I challenge you people (Sid Sperry) to e-mail each and every one of them to inform them of that fact. One lady I told about it got so upset she was crying. She went back and got in Sid Sperry's face about it. I don't know what the outcome of that was since I didn't get to talk with her anymore then but will via e-mail. Will Sid notify the people? Want to place any bets?

At the end of the workshop they offer another program by SUREFIRE Health & Wealth. This will be presented at various locations, one being on May 10th. At the Marriott Anaheim Suites, 12015 Harbor Blvd. You can see their schedule at their website which I'm sure you can figure out using surefirehealth.

This is a multi-level marketing scheme (scam?) similar to others like Amway, Melaluka, Mary Kay, Noni Juice etc. Whether or not their products are any good you will need to determine for yourself, but I was given a bottle of their Ultra PR17 to try, at the presentation for the INCOME STATEGIES INSTITUTE. I took the three capsules recommended for three weeks. I see NO difference in my joint pain or any other health issues. I am reasonably sure you can find much cheaper medicine of the same type. I tried TAHITIAN NONI Juice several years ago with no effect I could see either. It is touted as being a magic potion as well, similar to this companies XoCo Matte (chocolate)

I am the same David who has posted information here about both Globaltec and Premieretrade. Somebody would do a lot of people a giant favor if they would go warn them when these people come to town to do a PRESENTATION. I will be posting about INCOME STATEGIES INSTITUTE here as well. John will have a real reason to call me a CRAP MAGNET since I seem to attract a lot of crappy (scam/scum?) companies.

Offender: HB Products Unlimited

Country: USA   State: Utah   City: West Jordan
Address: 5647 Well Park Rd Ste B
Phone: 8014951138

Category: Education & Science


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