» Construction & Repair » Complaint / Review: The Room Store Newport NEws VA - The Room Store NI have spent 16 months trying to replace faulty furniture. Reselected once and was asked to do so again. #512678

Complaint / Review
The Room Store Newport NEws VA
The Room Store NI have spent 16 months trying to replace faulty furniture. Reselected once and was asked to do so again

Thank you for using the Better Business Bureau's Online Complaint System.
Your complaint has been assigned case # 48017419.
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Filed on: October 7

Filed by:
James Kyburz
1617 Winthrope Drive
Newport News VA 23602

Filed against:
The RoomStore
365 Chatham Dr
Newport News VA 23602-4382

Complaint Description:
We purchased furniture in June. After several months there were issues with the furniture. A service tech came to our house and looked at the furniture. He order parts for the furniture. After 4 months we had not received the parts. The store agreed to allow us to reselect furniture. So we reselected furniture and spent another 300.00. After several months the seams started pulling apart and once again a service tech was sent out and he agreed that the furniture was defective. After several months we finally got a offer to reselect once again. The sectional that we orginally purchased was no longer available and it only came beige. We had purchased red. They wanted to replace the sectional but not the ottomen (it is red) and the recliners that we purchased were also defective whitch no one has addressed. They want us to take a beige sectional that does not match the other furniture at all. We have spent 6 months trying to get a resolution. We have left messages for the manager and at the corporate office and it has taken months for someone to get in touch with us. They have offered us a 10% refund and for us to keep the defective furniture whitch is unacceptable. We have now spent over 2200.00 on furniture that has never been in full working order in the past 16 months. We have spent 16 months going back and forth with the room store. We now live out of state and making any kind of reselect in not possible at all. We have no way of transporting the furniture to CA where we now reside. It would cost more to ship it here than it origianlly cost. We have contacted the manufactor and the furniture has a 12 month warranty agains defects. We have exhausted all possibilities of working out any type of acceptably solution with the room store at this point. We fill we have been more than patient. We would like the room store to pick-up all of their furniture that is located at our home in Va and refund all of the money to us via check. We have given them 16 months to provide us with acceptable furniture and we feel that at some point we must give up the fight. We wish to settle this so we can move on with out lives.

Your Desired Resolution:
We feel at this point the only thing that would be acceptable is a full refund via check for all of the money that we have spent at the room store. We do not have furniture at this time due to waiting to see the outcome of this. It should total around 2200.00. I am sure that they have exact figures as we are in the middle of a move and so not access to all of our paperwork.


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