» Traveling & Tourism » Complaint / Review: Ramada Plaza Resorts - Ramada / Orlando / Ft. Lauderdale Vacations Timeshare Scam, Major Ripoff. #123732

Complaint / Review
Ramada Plaza Resorts
Ramada / Orlando / Ft. Lauderdale Vacations Timeshare Scam, Major Ripoff

Hi and sorry to all of you who got ripped off as I did!!!
Well it all started last summer I had just finished a 9 wk stint in camp, and when I came home I was very tired and bushed and really looking foward to planning a vacation for the next spring.

Well Low and Behold there was this letter from Ramada Plaza resorts/Imperial majesty Cruise lines, Wow I thought this sounds Like A good deal, So I called the number.

They made it sound like a deal of a lifetime, Myself being 27 and never have been anywhere, it all seemed pretty exciting. They assured me that it was a really great deal but that if I was going to accept the deal I had to do it right then. I was a little hesitant especially because I had just gotten my first credit card and I had not even activated it yet. So the first person I talked to transfered me to a supervisor, who said oh no problem we have a number so you can activate your credit card it is a seccured line, still being a little hesitant he did his best scamming yet, he told me that they would pay for all my meals on land and cruise plus, give me a $50 match play for the casino and give me 5 mini vacations.

Well who could pass up a deal like that, so I jumped right into there little scam.

When all this took place they made me believe that it was going to be a great vacation. The people at Ramada Plaza Resorts made me believe that the Hotels were beautiful and that the Cruise was going to be Awesome, All A Bunch Of Lies.

I reserved My vacation for April 10. Paid the rest of my cruise portion $698 and for an upgrade on the ship.
Well here I was still under the assumption that I was going on a great Vacation, Was I WRONG!!!

Where to start when my boyfriend and I got to FT. Lauderdale to the Ramada hotel I was mortified (I have seen better looking Truck stops to put it mildly) I was expexting this beautiful hotel with all the trimmings, it was not even close.

The rooms are dirty and the hotel is very noisy, also the hotel brochure says the rooms have belconies not! The belconies are Patio doors that have a lock on them and not one room has a belcony. Also the retaurant also was not that great, No awesome buffets!

So are resort tour was for 9:30 am the morning after our arrival (which to my knowledge from the people at Ramada Plaza resorts was a tour of one of there new hotels) so that morning we had to drive a 45 minute drive to this resort tour, as soon as we arrived and I seen that the welcome center was a Wyndham Hotel, I suddenly knew I had been scammed into a timeshare presentation.

Well so we entered into the Frusteration zone, so much for a relaxing vacation. The tour is sapposed to be 2 Hrs, we were there for 5 Hrs (of hell). The tour guide (andrew) blabbed his head of that there was no pressure, and that if we were not interested after the tour that we have no hassle's and we could get our voucher and go (also you are told that you have to go to this presentation or you will not be able to go on the cruise) So after he drove us around for to 21/2 hrs. Andrew Brought us back to the welcome center where he started showing us some different catolouges of all these different property's, then he took us to the property of the timeshare then the sellin began.

Back to the welcome center so he could show us prices, which we declined. Then andrew says Okay then I will go get a supervisor to sign you out and get you on your way (3Hrs) so then this other guy comes over and so on and on and on. Finally i had to get real mad and tell them that I wanted to leave.

I almost felt like I was being interregated by the police, so After 5 hours of hell we finally got to go.
Then we could finally try and get to enjoy are only day in Ft. Lauderdale so off to the beach we went (Which in the brochure says is only 15 mins away from the hotel if you think that's walking you are wrong) From the timeshare resort it is almost an hour away. So by the time we got to the beach most of the day was almost gone, and I was extremely stressed out.

So after our little time at the beach we went back to our dive of a hotel to get some rest for our cruise. I told my boyfriend Oh babes just wait till tomorrow we get to go on this Cruise that will probably be better.
Well when we got to the Port of everglades and boarded the ship again I was thoroughly disappointed, Again the Ramada People made me believe it was a great thing. The Cruise is the Baby of all cruise ships and it is very old (to be exact built in 1953)
To not go into to much except a warning the cruise ship also trys to sucker people into there excursions on shore.

They will tell there is no public beaches (lie) there is.
Also the Ramada people tell you that you can do all of this stuff at the Atlantis resort (no You cannot unless you are a guest)
So after the Cruise was over it was off to the Orlando portion but with much apprehension.

When we got to the Amerihost the Hotel was a little better but again all the crap (ramada told me that I would recieve free tickets to either my choice of Universal/Disney) I did not recieve free tickets, You have to take another tour for that too. Which I was not about to do! I did learn one thing while I was in Orlando though Apparently according to Florida State Law A Timeshare/Vacation tour is not sapposed to run longer then an hour and half and that includes the meal that they offer.

So after all of that my first vacation experience, sucked. I was so stressed and mad that I could not have even enjoyed myself and my poor boyfriend. One thing that did make me feel a little better was that I was sapposed to take my grandmother on this trip aswell and fortunately something came up and she did not get to attend, Thank goodness for that. I really hope that these letters and complaints really help #1 to stop People from becoming Victoms of this horrible scam and #2 Maybe get this Company to stop doing this to innocent people.

In the end of it all I Probably ended up paying double for the trip considering that I paid in american dollars and I am Canadian, I also have recieved the same deal about 4 more times in my mail box so it is not a one time offer.

Sincerely another ripped off customer of Ramada Plaza Resorts

Prince George, British Columbia

Offender: Ramada Plaza Resorts

Country: USA   State: Florida   City: Fort Lauderdale
Address: 2419 E. Commercial Boulevard, Suite 100
Phone: 18002039783

Category: Traveling & Tourism


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