» Shops, Products, Services » Complaint / Review: Golden Hands Moving - Owner Ronnie This Company does not care about the Movers. I have proof to every reciept. #928540

Complaint / Review
Golden Hands Moving
Owner Ronnie This Company does not care about the Movers. I have proof to every reciept

Ln Late Febuary my girlfriend Mari hired World Wide Vanlines to move her furniture from her home in
Loveland, Colorado (1hr from Denver) to deliver to Orlando Florida. Part of her deal with Vanlines was to
have the furniture picked up and delivered the day/night of April 7th, 10 and have her boyfriend was to
fly to Denver and drive back one of her two cars with her from Colorado to Florida.
Worldwide scheduled Ms. Mari for Wednesday April 7th, 10. Ms. Mari signed a contract stating
World Wide would pick up said furniture up to 15,000 pounds included for the amount of $4500. Total w / $1000 down payment and $500 upon pickup.

The broker for World Wide collected the entire $1500 over week before actual pickup.
The following week before, Mari followed up with calls to World Wide to ensure her scheduled time.
The Following week of April 7th... World Wide sounded unsure about their due date... Their contracts states
that they are to call 48 hours before actual pickup date. Worldwide never called with follow-ups,
Mari had to chase behind World Wide for an actual date.
3/4 days prior to the 7th, Mari followed up with World Wide to find out to their uncertainty.
World Wide said that Wednesday did not look so good, that itll probably be Friday April 9th, or 10th that they
had a self-contracted driver / Bertrum, coming from Texas that will make it to Colorado between Friday
or Saturday.

This was not acceptable for Mari because she had to start her new job in Florida April 19th... Along
with a 3-4 day travel drive time and that would not allow for time to unpack plus any down time.
Wednesday April 7th, World Wide called back Mari to offer another self -contract moving company that would
be able to due a pickup Friday April 9th. Thursday April 8th, Mari Called the Moving Co. To find out details. She spoke to Ronnie and ask what time would he be able to pickup her furniture... Ronnie mentioned that he could not do a Friday pickup that he can do it Saturday as early as 9am. She then asked when would delivery be... He then replied, The loaded truck with your furniture will then be taken to our warehouse and sit til a driver is scheduled to drive it.
Mari then asked how long would it take for her to see her furniture and Ronnie replied 7 to 10 days!
Mari hung up after the conversation... Then called the driver / Bertram and left a message for Saturdays
April 10th pickup. Mari and boyfriend then decide to start their drive to Orlando on the morning of Friday April 9th.

Early afternoon Bertram calls Mari with details of his pickup and delivery. Bertram said that he could pick up
Saturday at 3pm for a Sunday drive towards Orlando, Florida. Mari accepts Bertram's service for Saturday pickup.
Mari immediately calls World Wide Dispatcher to cancel Moving Co./Ronnie... World Wide in turn
calls Ronnie to cancel. Mari receives a call back from Ronnie on her Friday Drive around 2pm to convince her to reconsider... Mari tells him that shes made up her mind and that the original driver can make his destination towards Orlando the following Sunday.

Mari and Fred arrive in Topeka, Kansas 9 hours later to check in for the night (Hotel).
The following morning Mari and boyfriend Fred get ready (in hotel) begin their second day of drive around
10am towards Missouri. Mari receives a call from her son Ross in Denver letting her know that the movers arrived
a little early and have been loading furniture. Mari curious asks her son why didnt he call as soon as
they arrived, her son replied. I tried to call, son Ross said, but the man said to put away your phone,
weve got this under control. Mari asked to speak to the mover in charge... To her sneaking suspicion,
Ronnie answered... She asks him why is he at the house and wasnt he told by herself and Worldwide that they
canceled his service... Ronnie plays nice and avoids her answer.

Upset, Mari makes her boyfriend Fred aware of the situation... Maris boyfriend is giving the phone to ask for
Ronnie and ask why is he at the house and he claims he was given the job first and will show special care
to Maris items and that he will show special care. He claimed he had 7 workers already loading her furniture.
Fred, knowing that theyre caught in a vulnerable position w / their belongings... Is helpless to acknowledge
Ronnies new position... Fred lets him know the reason why Ronnies service was not used. Because of the time
frame and that Mari could not wait for her furniture to be delivered 7 to days 10 days later...
So Fred commits Ronnie to have furniture delivered in 7days, and not a day later. Ronnie finally agrees
after dancing around the comment, Ill work on it Mari tells her son Ross to follow the movers to the weigh in station... Maris son Ross signs an empty form after the packing is done... After 9 hours and 2 trucks of Maris furniture.
The weigh in turns out to be 22,000 lbs. From the agreed 15,000lbs. Which is understandable.
Ronnie has to renegotiate price in deference of the 7000 plus pounds. Ronnie and partner Simon... Is called over the past 4/5 days to give a figure in which he does not have an
answer to give.

Meanwhile Ronnie calls Mari to let her know that the form her son signed was a revision contract...
Which has voided the original contract negotiated by World Wide Vanlines.
After days pasted, Simon calls Mari to let her know of his new figure of $13,000.
What was later figured out is that ; they added crated boxes over certain other boxes labeled China,
and packed 16 boxes of loose items that were meant for give-away.
The bill for packing and materials came out to $3100.

At no time was he authorized to pack, box or extra pack anything that wasnt ready packed for loading.
After Mari found out what was packed to her unbeknownst knowledge. She later explained to Ronnie
what the items were not going with her. Which Ronnie was not concerned with her explanation.
Ronnie doesnt accept... Maris reasoning... And talks over Mari in conversation... Mari then replies. If you wish to
speak about this further, call my boyfriend conversations ends.
Mari has communicated w / her son before her drive to a Driver/Mover to stop by the house and pick up her
furniture. Nothing more is heard from Ronnie...

Weeks passes, Maris trying to negotiate with Ronnie and Simon... She explains that most of the boxes packed
were giveaways and the men simply ignored her reasons. Mari asked if her furniture can be released and
they told her not without a $7500 bill attached to it. As days passes. Mari continues to renegotiated.
After 3 weeks passed Simon agrees to $11,000 with an 80% down payment. Mari pays $9000.
He says furniture would be loaded in one truck and the hot tub w / a few boxes... Date is set Saturday, May 1st.
May 1st, driver calls to say it would be Sunday, then Monday. Monday, May 3rd the one driver shows up
While Maris at work. Fred is home to receive the driver. He says hes to collect full balance payment ($2500)
Fred tells him how is it possible for them to expect full payment with out full delivery. Driver agrees and says
Well check into a hotel and return with the second driver Tuesday at noon.

Later in the day, Ronnie calls Mari asking why I refuse payment... Mari hands the phone to Fred,
Fred gives him the same response as mentioned to Driver that they will show up at noon Tuesday, May 4th... Ronnie
is hesitant then begins asking questions about unloading of the hot tub... Distance from the street to the house, Fred puts
phone on speaker and replies about 100ft. Ronnie sighs... Sounds a bit far, I have to hire more people to unload.
Fred takes phone out of speaker position and looses connection... Conversation ends.

Following day (Tuesday).. Mari takes a half day off work and waits with Fred for the drivers... At 4pm driver of the
second truck Isaac calls to say that hes in Orlando traffic and that he should be at said address around
5:30pm... Fred mentions that they are going to eat close by. Isaac agrees. Right at about 5:30pm Isaac
calls Mari and she says theyre on their way... 10mins passes Isaac calls back and Mari gives Fred the Phone
and Isaac mentions that his office called. That they will charge $400 for second truck delivery. Fred laughes and
says ok, whatever. Fred calls the police to have them mediate this bad situation. There was an issue with payment
contract stated movers needed cash. Mari out of mistrust used a check which they did not accept... The day went
into 2hours when Mari raised enough cash to cover the $2500. The second truck (Issac) unloaded his truck along
along with the hot tub. Isaac calls other delivers who were supposed to be in the area to their were abouts.
First load took and 1.5 hours to unload. The first truck w / the primary Driver (Jonas) ask if he can make the unload
at 7am in the morning (the time was 9:30pm Tuesday night) Movers show up at 10 am and soon begin to unload while unloading Fred asked driver for weighing receipt. Driver was told that there was no weigh-in necessary.

In conclusion, furniture was delivered hot tub was left in the driveway for Mari and Fred to deal with.

Offender: Golden Hands Moving

Country: USA
Address: 9437 E. Colorado Ave
Phone: 3037454200

Category: Shops, Products, Services


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