» Shops, Products, Services » Complaint / Review: Twigs Denise Paxton - Twigs Paxton, Denise Paxton, Denise Twigs Paxton LIAR, CHEATER, HOMEWRECKER, BLACK WIDOW, MONEY GRUBBING MOOCH. #872496

Complaint / Review
Twigs Denise Paxton

Twigs Paxton will say and do whatever she has to for money, including be-friending you, making you believe she has your best interest at heart by pretending she's somehow, someway has been through what you're going through and pretends to help you through it - whatever it is you're going through at the time. It could be relationship troubles, wieght issues, health issues, etc., but what she's actually doing is ploting how she's going to get the money you have into her hands.

She'll stop at nothing and has no boundries what-so-ever, even if that means BREAKING UP A HAPPY, LOVING HOME, and it DOESN'T matter if there's CHILDREN involved. She'll even go as far as befriending the children to get what she wants, MONEY, MONEY and more MONEY.

She even left her young son at home with her husband to move around the country and go from one man to the next getting money from them all, and like I said, family or no family, she doesn't care as long as her savings account grows and grows.

While her then husband was caring for their son who had severe asthma, she was in a different state sleeping with which ever boss was hers at the time. But she didn't stop there! She continued befriending innocent victims until she found more men with more money. She'll befriend the wives of these men first, gain their trust, and then befriend the husbands second so the wife doesn't question their friendship as nothing other than friends. Then she goes in for the KILL.

Twigs Paxton is a SALES PERSON who knows how to use the art of sales on her prey. She'll even use religion to get what she's after - YOUR MONEY. She'll tell you she was a bible teacher, a good mother, a good wife (but yet she left her young sick son with the husband, who still had to work full time because she sent NO money back home to them) and she'll cry the blues to you about how she had to leave because her husband just wasn't making enough money for the family.

She'll also tell you that it's all about SURVIVAL and she had to do this, not just for herself, but for her family also. It's all BULLCRAP! She's out to look after one person, and one person only, HERSELF!

Instead of sending money home like she proclaimed she was going to do, she purchased HERSELF a new LEXUS, a new MOTORCYCLE, a new TRUCK, a new WARDROBE, a new HOUSE in HER NAME ONLY, and justified it all in her mind as "US WOMEN HAVE TO MAKE SURE WE'RE TAKEN CARE OF AND SET UP JUST IN CASE...!"

And while she's doing all this for HERSELF, NOT for her FAMILY, she's DESTROYING someone elses family. And if she feels you might be catching on to her, she really starts with the BULLCRAP of how she's so sad not being with her family but after discussing it with her HUSBAND, he too, AGREES that the extra income is helpfull, when in fact, she sent zero dollars home and admitts that now, since he divorced the ugly, wrinkled, fat ass, and is glad she didn't because she would've been screwed if she did.

After meeting her husband 2 times in the 5 years of knowing her (that's how many times she ALLOWED him to come visit her) he would've never left her broke, homeless and hungry. But that's basically what she did to him.

This poor man worked his butt off in construction at the same place for years and set up a retirement fund for in his later years, wasn't even able to keep this money after divorcing the black widow. Even though she purchased all the fine things for herself and had good money set aside for herself, she fought him in court for years for 1/2 of that retirement money and finally got it!

Twigs Denise Paxton wants one thing and one thing only, MONEY, and she WILL do what it takes to get what she wants.

While still married and still screwing around with various other men, she found another man, who was a bit older than her, who worked hard all his life and made good money, and befriended him until she finally got her claws into him and into his wallet. After discussing things one evening and finding out that he was going to leave 3/4 of his money to his children when he died and she would get the other 1/4, even though she refused to marry him, she was extremely upset. So upset that she wasn't getting ALL his money, that she gave him an ultimatum, leave her the majority of the money since his kids were younger and they'd be able to work and make money, or she was breaking up with him!

This man has taken her all over the world on expensive vacations, given her plenty of money to spend on herself, and also to put away for herself, has paid all her bills, but yet this greedy HO wanted even more and could care less what his kids had or not had. After sticking to her demands and leaving him in CO to work while she went back to LAS VEGAS to her home she purchased, he finally gave into her demands and even purchased the vacation house she wanted in IDAHO. He figured he'd just work even harder to make a little more money to leave his kids.

Twigs cares not about you, not about me, not about the guy she's been seeing, but yet still cheating on (he has no idea about that) not about the families she's broken up because of her selfishness, not about the young kids who no longer have married parents because of her, but only cares about what TWIGS PAXTON wants-MONEy, MONEY and even more MONEY.

I have seen first hand what kind of person she is and the destruction and broken hearts she causes, and trust me, she does NOT care at all.

We were very close at one time, came to our home, ate our food, went to dinner with us, came to our home for holidays, even went various places with us, so yes, I did believe she was a friend.

She would even discuss intimate details of her relationship with her older suger daddy. He had health issues which prevented him from having sex daily, which she wanted, and said she just went elsewhere for that, but yet was going to stay with him because of the money. Little did I know that one of the people on the side was MY HUSBAND!

I was starting to think this after a few years had passed, but after confronting them both, alone of course, both adiminently denied it and both said they could never ever do anything like that to me and our family. But yet things didn't sit right with me.

Weeks and weeks later, after coming to our home to eat, once again, I noticed that instead of spending time helping me in the kitchen, she was in the livingroom spending time with my husband. I got angry and finally told her to get out and get out for good.

My husband was shocked and so was my family. She went around telling people I was crazy and that she'd never do such a thing. I had to endure embarassment, humiliation, people talking behind my back, etc. This has gone on for a few years now, both always saying NOTHING ever happened.

Well, only by accident, did I recently find out they are still in touch, still doing their thing and I only found out because I was looking for something in the files on the computer and happened to find stored conversations between them and about me.

After losing friends because the 2 of them had people thinking I really was crazy and being told I was crazy for this rubbish thinking and even going to a therapist because I had began thinking maybe it is me and I am crazy, I find this.

So beware of Twigs "the BLACK WIDOW" Paxton because wherever she is there is MAN troubles coming. Ladies, don't believe everything you hear. Believe only in you and what your gut is telling you because you're most likely right.

Unfortunetely, I found out the hard way. Now I'm left to pick up the pieces and mend not only my broken heart but our child's broken heart also.

Stay away, far away as possible for the black widow herself, twigs denise paxton!

Offender: Twigs Denise Paxton

Country: USA   State: Nevada   City: Las Vegas
Address: 1222 Villiage Center Dr

Category: Shops, Products, Services


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