» Shops, Products, Services » Complaint / Review: Vocational Rehabilitation Program, Mr. Finger, Ms. Wright, Ms. Palermo - The Vocational Rehabilitation Program, Veteran Program, is responsible for my family and I suffering!. #273396

Complaint / Review
Vocational Rehabilitation Program, Mr. Finger, Ms. Wright, Ms. Palermo
The Vocational Rehabilitation Program, Veteran Program, is responsible for my family and I suffering!

The Vocational Rehabilitation Program (Veteran Program) is responsible for my family and I suffering!!! Because of mistakes made and their inability to properly brief a veteran. We are about to get kicked out of our apartment!!! I have about a dozen complaints about the Vocational Rehabilitation Program on the Department of Veteran Affairs website (Inquiry Routing & Information System (IRIS). I have copies of the Inquiry Routing & Information System (IRIS) which has my complaints and their response, basically trying to cover up their mistakes and I am sending it out to everyone I think can help me, including the news media.

I have been mistreated, disrespected and is suffering because of the Vocational Rehabilitation Program. After numerous attempts on trying to resolve the issues (6 Months) I am now looking to sue the program. Below is my complaints and responses from the Vocational Rehabilitation Program, please read from bottom to top.

Veteran/Inquirer 01/29 12:41 AM

Good Morning Mr. Finger,

I just wanted to know if you or any members of your staff came up with any solutions to my issues, that have been stated in this (IRIS). You have yet to address any of the other problems that your program has caused. My situation is not getting any better!

Mr. Finger, I hope after you read this IRIS, you will see that your program is responsible for the problems that I'm facing. Someone will have to take responsibility for the mistakes and incompetency from your program! And just so you know, I WILL NOT GIVE UP ON THIS!!! Everyone that has read this (IRIS) clearly expressed how your program is wrong!

Before I have to spend money on a lawyer to help me resolve this situation, can you please address how your program will help me clean up the mess your program made?

I am sending you a hard copy of this entire IRIS, which also includes the memo that you sent to me via Fed Ex, just in case you have not read it from beginning to end, and to refresh your memory of what has transpired.

Burton S. H*

Response (Dept of Veterans Affairs) 01/17 09:33 AM
January 17
Mr. H*:

I acknowledge and understand your upset. However, in our previous communications I have tried to show you how each event occurred. I indicated the steps we took and I indicated your actions as they related to each. The circumstances were unfortunate, but objectively looking at the series of events I can say that no one in this office mistreated you. As a veteran who served this nation with distinction that is the last thing we would want to do. Additionally, we are not advocating transferring you to another office. That was mentioned because you told us that you could not trust anyone here.

As to the prior event we have done all that we can do. We can support your petition to the Committee on Waivers to waive your over-payment, but cannot guarantee success. We have issued early authorization to continue attendance at St Josephs College. We have offered to work with you to pick courses for next term. We have offered to work with you to help you with your studies. However, the next step is up to you.

Eventually if you wish us to continue to provide benefits for you, you will have to come in and meet with Ms. Palermo. I believe you have now missed four appointments. Given your upset we are being patient with you. However, at some point we have to move on. We have our responsibilities and you yours.

Unfortunately, there is no additional relief we can offer you. The overpayment occurred through your action. If you had spoke to us before dropping, we could have helped you avoid the over payment. However, your action caused another difficulty for you, the college informed us that you registered but did not attend classes after the first week. That will probably lead to some action on the part of the college, the least of which is failing grades.

There are ways to handle situations where a veteran wishes to drop, medical leave or mitigating circumstances. We offer our help here also. The sooner you start working with us, the sooner we can help you. Please my staff and I offer our hand to you. Take it - you may find that we can be of great assistance. Ms. Palermo is a very caring counselor.

Bernard A. Finger

Veteran/Inquirer 01/16 05:35 PM
Does Policy Chapter 31 Services indicate the consequences of mistreatment of veterans? How does your program pay for what has happened? Does it state that veterans are supposed to tolerate this sort of unacceptable service or just get transferred to a different office? Most of the issues/problems that I brought up in many of the emails that I sent to the Vocational Rehabilitation Office via the Inquiry Routing & Information System (IRIS), have been ignored.

What I got from your last email, was that the Vocational Rehabilitation New York Office, is not responsible for any of the problems that I have encountered since joining your program. It seems as if your office's resolution for this situation, is to just transfer me to a different office in another state, and have them try to fix the problems that your office caused. When I was enrolled in the Audio School, meeting twice per semester was never required or asked of me. So why are you enforcing the policy for me to meet with you at your office twice per semester, when I stressed I didn't want to meet with you or anyone at your office, for my own protection?

For the record, I have stated that I was willing to meet with the Vocational Rehabilitation Office, as long as an outside mediator would be present; preferably my lawyer. I will discuss this with my legal counsel.

Again, thank you for providing the school with the necessary information that they needed, so that I could register for school. I really appreciate it!!! However, due to your office's mistakes, miscommunication and misguidance, I am still dealing with my rent situation, which started when Ms. Wright failed to do her job accurately. This was proved to your office and the Mayor's Office for Veteran's Affairs.

Thank You!!!
Burton H*

Response (Dept of Veterans Affairs) 01/16 08:17 AM

I have read all your emails. Policy Chapter 31 services indicate that veterans must meet with their Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor twice per semester. If you feel you can not get fair treatment in the New York Regional Office, you may need to consider transferring your case to our Newark Regional Office because there are no exceptions to this regulation and it is only a matter of time before you will need to come in. If you are interested in pursuing my suggestion, please contact me as soon as possible at 212 807 3034.

Diana Palermo
Counseling Psychologist

Veteran/Inquirer 01/15 06:49 PM
Thank you for providing the school with the 1905 for this semester, so that I can finally register for classes, again.

As far as your concern about my not meeting with you or with anyone at The Vocational Rehabilitation program, if you read what I wrote in the Inquiry Routing & Information System (IRIS) dated 14 Jan at 7:59 pm, it clearly states my reason in the second paragraph.

Please reread it.

Thank You!!!
Burton H*

Response (Dept of Veterans Affairs) 01/15 08:08 AM

Good Morning, Mr. H*, I am receipt of the email correspondance dated 9/19/08, between you and Ms. Wright. Mr. H*, this is a review of past actions. I would like us to move forward, your school has been provided with a 1905 for this semester. If
you would like to take 12 credits than do so, however, please remember that there is a policy in place, one if you drop any classes it is your responsibility to contact your counselor with this update, if you need help
with any courses a tutor can be provided, if you fail or withdraw your counselor can request that you reduce your program to only taking two classes so that you can handle the demands of your program. It is not just
aboutaccumulating credits but in order to graduate, you must maintain a passing GPA. That GPA needs to be at least 2.0 or higher.

Again, in good faith, I am encouraging to register, apply your self this semester so that you complete each and every course that you register for. So that you may
move forward in your program, graduate and become more financially independent and employed in your field of study. I am concerned, you are asking to resolve the matter yet are not able to keep any of your appointments this is a concern that I will bring to Mr. Finger's attention. The only way that I see us able to move forward and resolve this issue as you claim you truly would like is to keep your appointment. Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Veteran/Inquirer 01/14 07:59 PM

Good Evening Mr. Finger,
If you didn't know, my attendance at school faded because of this situation with your program! This situation created problems which superseded my ability to attend school after a while. With the problems growing, how could you expect me to be able to? I still maintained my attendance with the workshop at the Audio School.

At this point (Again), I am very frustrated, angry, depressed and I feel that I cannot communicate with the Vocational Rehabilitation program! With all the twisting of information and covering up by the Vocational Rehabilitation program, I do not feel comfortable meeting with you or any members of your staff in person, for my own protection! For this reason, I cannot keep my appointment with Ms. Palermo on 16 Jan.

The reason why I have been communicating with the Vocational Rehabilitation program via the Inquiry Routing & Information System (IRIS), is so that our complaints/responses can be documented. I feel that any other way at this point would do me an injustice!!! I feel that a third party or mediator, is needed to help resolve this situation.

The Vocational Rehabilitation program seems to have forgotten that I am the one that initially filed a complaint against them because I wasn't happy with my former counselor. From 30 July till now (Almost 6 months) I've been complaining about the Vocational Rehabilitation program. We've basically been going in circles!!! It seems as if your goal is to frustrate me, make me give up on my complaint against your program and just simply accept your program's unacceptable service towards me. I am literally paying for your program's mistakes and misguidance! No matter how you or members of your staff view or twist the facts, it is documented!!!

Again, If you didn't read this whole Inquiry Routing & Information System (IRIS), please do so! It seems as if you're either not reading it carefully or you're just addressing and defending yourself on selected issues! Which is the reason (again), why our complaint/response has to be documented!

The foundation of this situation started because I wanted to change my counselor back in July!!! Which means prior to 30 July I was having problems!!! It was impossible to get in touch with you (Mr. Finger). I was hand delivering my first complaints to anyone at the 23rd street VA, which was ineffective! So, I went against my better judgement and decided to continue to work with Ms. Wright. And the rest is history! It seems as if Ms. Wright wanted to make my life difficult, because of my desire to change counselors! This may seem petty, but it is also petty to lie and say that I didn't provide my change of address prior to 10 OCT!

I know for a fact that I provided Ms. Wright with my change of address even before 19 SEPT (Date of Email) reminding her of this (which I've forwarded to you and Ms. Palermo). Had she done her job correctly and provided better guidance, this situation could have been avoided.

My family and I did not have any financial problems until I made my decision to go to school through your program. Which (again), would have been a great decision had your staff done their job.

Lastly, I received the mail you sent to me today. I understand what's on the letter, but I also understand that money is being taken away from my family and me because of your errors! Why should I have to pay for that? Do you think that this is fair? You and Ms. Palermo, stressed how sorry you are, but if you both felt this way (sorry), you would do the right thing!

Burton H*

Veteran/Inquirer 01/11 05:05 PM

Ms. Palermo,
I tried forwarding you the email that I sent to Ms. Wright, but the email you gave me to contact you was wrong. On the letter you sent me dated Dec. 31, you have your email address as Diane. Palermo@va. Gov, but you signed your name as Diana Palermo. When I sent it to the email address that you provided to contact you at (diane. Palermo@va. Gov) it came back automatically that the email was unable to be sent (POSTMASTER FAILURE) which means that the email you provided was incorrect. So figuring you made a MISTAKE, I sent it to the name you signed, Diana Palermo (Diana. Palermo@va. Gov), and it went through. I will scan and send the letter you sent me.

How can I possibly have confidence in your ability to resolve this situation when you can't even provide me with your correct contact information?

This just proves a consistency of mistakes on this Department's end.

I don't trust you!

Mr. Finger,
My solution again to this problem, is for you to handle this personally. I cannot afford or tolerate anymore consistent mistakes by your staff!

As stated before:


* I want to continue to go to St. Joseph's College!!! I registered for 5 classes this time. The College's counselor said that she has been trying to call your office. So please, if you or my new counselor can call her (Miss Johanna Johnsen) at 718-636-6814. She is not too familiar with your program and she needs more information.

* I need assistance with my rent and other bills, which snowballed into a mess that I cannot fix on my own!!!

* Lastly, I want you (Mr. Finger) to be my counselor!!! I don't trust that anyone from your staff will do right by me. I feel that my situation is too sensitive and complex and I would feel more comfortable with YOU!!!

What I wish to obtain with my education at St. Joseph's College, is to become a VA Counselor, so that Veterans will be HELPED AND RESPECTED IN THE MANNER IN WHICH THEY DESERVE!!!

Thank You,
Burton H*

Veteran/inquirer 01/11 04:35 pm
this is the email i sent to miss wright!!! I also sent you an email!!!

Wright, Tiaka, VBANYC
RE: Checking In
September 19 02:50: 52 PM EST
Burton H*

1 Attachment, 7.8KB (Show)
Hello Mr. H*-

Good to hear from you. Glad classes are going well. Good luck on the quiz. No, I did not have your new address - thank you - I will change it in the system today.

You can take more than 12 if you can handle it. But you have to be able to handle it. If you take too many and fail - I will have to drop you down to 6 credits for a semester - so take it if you can handle it.

How are the Boys? I hope all is well.

Take Care-

Tiaka B. Wright, MA, CRC
Vocational Counselor

Original Message
From: Burton H* Jr. [mailto: [email protected]]
Sent: Wednesday, September 19 2:39 PM
To: Wright, Tiaka, VBANYC
Subject: Checking In

* Hey Miss Wright, just wanted to say hey, and give you some updates. School has been really good, my first quiz is this saturday and tuesday. Have been there everyday on time. Also, I don't know if I gave you my
current address (Maybe I did) but if not, my current address is *

Lastly, can I take more then 12 credits per semester??? I have the energy/time to take on maybe one or two more classes.
Thank You
Burton S. H*

Veteran/Inquirer 01/11 04:18 PM

Ms. Palermo,

I really feel that at this point your program is doing everything in their power to cover themselves and to not be held responsible for the mistakes that this program has made. I will meet with you in person, after I speak with Ms. Lemott at the Mayor's Office and with my lawyer.

In all of my meetings with my former counselor, Ms. Wright, she informed me that as long as I was a FULL TIME STUDENT, I would receive the fullest amount in my award. Ms Wright failed to inform me that my award amount would be based on the number of credits I was taking.
Again, Ms. Wright told me as long as I was recognized as a FULL TIME STUDENT, my award would be based on that. Had she mentioned that it was based on the number of credits I was taking, I of course would have made arrangements to take on more credits, but she FAILED TO INFORM ME OF THIS. If you look at my paperwork that was filled out it says FULL TIME STUDENT, no mention that the award would be based on the number of credits.

I also informed Ms. Wright of my new address way in advance of my award being mailed to me. I have proof. I have an email reminding her of this. I even told Mr. Finger of this email. I will forward this email to you. Ms Wright failed to make the necessary changes of my new address, eventhough she was told in person at one of our meetings while I was filling out the necessary paperwork for St. Joseph's.

Actually, at my last meeting with Ms. Wright, I wrote my new address down for her on a Post It Note at her desk. Again, I will forward this email to you. Ms Wright also informed me that if I decided to take the workshops at the Audio School, I would be compensated for them. As far as my hearing loss, that information was provided for you in my health report telling you of all of my disabilities.

I mean no disrespect to you Ms. Palermo, but because of the incompetency of this program and of some of the people who work there, it is incredibly hard for me to trust anyone there. I am a disabled Veteran who served his country and I am appalled at how this program treats Veterans. Again, this is why I want to become a counselor to provide the proper service due to Veterans.

Please read this entire IRIS email. I know it is lengthy, but it will inform you of everything.

Thank You,
Burton S. H*

Response (Dept of Veterans Affairs) 01/11 03:12 PM
January 11
Mr. H*:

I cannot be your counselor, but I am here to make sure that you are provided with all the services that we can provide for you in an efficent mannaer.

I ask that you read the attached letter, which your Counselor, Ms. Palermo sent to you today. It is historical in nature and meant to clarify. However, most importantly it holds out a message of hope and a helping hand for your positive future. Please do see her, as she suggests.

Bernard Finger, Division Manager
scroll down

USDVA Regional Office245 W Houston StNY, NY 10014


Mr. Burton S. H*In Reply Refer to Both: 306 / 28VA File Number: XXX-XX-0368 / 00

Dear Mr. H*:
Mr. H*, I am your new Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor, at the USDVA New York Regional Office, Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment Division. I was assigned to your case shortly after you requested that a new counselor be assigned to work with you. I am writing this letter for two reasons. First, you have not yet met with me although you have been scheduled on three occasions, and we do need to meet. So far you have missed the three previous appointments that I provided to you, [12/18, December 31 and January 7].

Our next scheduled appointment is Wednesday January 16, at 9:00 AM. Please try to attend so that we may discuss, in person the issues that are troubling you at this an effort of good faith and to begin our counseling relationship on a good note, I have provided St. Josep's with your approval, the 1905 for the Spring 2008 semester. But again, I will reintegrate it is important for you to keep this appointment so that we may meet and discuss your vocational rehabilitation plan.

It is very important that we meet. Face to face discussions help to clarify mis-communications. So far almost all communication has been by written or electronic mail, and at times this leads to communication difficulties. However, I also want to meet with you to see if I can offer information on how you may make a presentation to the Committee on Waivers for your previously incurred over-payment, and also work with you closely to plan for the future and assure that over-payments do not occur again.

Mr. H*, since we have not met as of yet, I also wanted to take this opportunity to share with you my understanding of your history with us, based on the notes containing in your counseling file. Certainly, when we meet I will be prepared to discuss my understanding of your history with us.

Mr. H* it is my understanding that you originally wanted to be a surgical technician. Because you are service-connected for traumatic arthritis, a skeletal condition, and a foot injury and a non-service connected diagnoses for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, with a compulsion for cleanliness. It is my understanding, that based on your medical conditions, it was determined that the occupation of surgical-technician would not have been an appropriate vocational goal for you.

However, while you and your prior counselor were exploring other vocational goals you stated that you were a part-time DJ and had an interest in music engineering. Your counselor suggested Audio Engineering as a possible field to train in. You subsequently researched two school for audio engineering and decided that you did like the field and choose to attend one of the schools. It is now noted that at no time did you say anything about, nor were you service connected at that time, for any type of hearing condition.

You completed approximately 80% of the program at the school. You were provided with a top of the line computer and audio software that was requested by the school. You were in the final stages of training and then informed your counselor that you were unhappy with the school because you wanted more time in the lab, but it was unavailable due to other classes needing lab time. Therefore you did not complete the program.

Shortly after, we made payment to the school $4,317.00, you wrote a letter to the VR&E Officer saying that you were unhappy with the field because you could not find work, and this is when you introduced the information about problems with your hearing.

You were brought back in for re-evaluation. You informed your prior counselor that you would not complete the Audio Engineering school and that you wanted to do something that involved helping people. You were asked to research a few school and we agreed upon your attending St. Joseph's College for a Degree in Human Services, to begin the Fall of 2007.

Your VR&E Subsistence Allowance award $654.43 per month while attending full time training was authorized upon receipt of the certification from the school. The school certified that you were taking 9 credits - 3 classes and one lab. You then sent this counselor an email stating he had moved, however this was done after the award had already been in the system which made it too late to have the address changed. The new address was subsequently changed in the system, but your receipt of the award was delayed.

You then began to write a series of complaints through electronic e-mail on how your was check going to your old address and how this was affecting you. You stated that you were now in financial hardship and that your housing was in jeopardy. Each complaint was responded to by Division Manager or the prior counselor.

You also accused your prior counselor of not including your dependants on the award. Your dependants are and always have been included on the award.

You were also very upset at being paid at the 3/4 time. You were informed that you were only certified as taking 9 credits, the same information that appeared on your registration certificate provided to you by the school when you registered.

Several times you were offered an interest free loan for $ 1,040 but you would not come in to do the paperwork. Had you come in, you would have had the check in hand that day. When you refused the paperwork was sent to you, for you to sign and return, and the check was sent out through via the mail the VA's finance department. You were then upset because it was taking too long. It did, but that was because it had to go through the main VA finance department. If you had come in there would not have been any delay, because our local finance department would have issued and emergency draft.

Finally, this past week documentation was received from St. Joseph's College stating that you had dropped to 1/2 time (6 credits) in the first week of September right after school started, and then in November you to less than half time, and were taking only one course, making you never informed us about dropping out.

In fact your biggest complaint was that we did not let you take full time credits, which was also not true, since the credits were based on what you registered for. You action caused an overpayment for you. You may be able to get mitigation, but only through petition to another VA department. We can help you with this. Finally, in your recent correspondence you claimed subsistence allowance because you were in attendance on your own time studying in the Audio School lab. The school allowed this because it was part of the tuition we already paid to them. However, you were no longer in the Audio program, and a subsistence allowance could only be paid for attendance at St, Joseph College for you new course of studies.

In closing, you can request relief form the over-payment. However, we can not guarantee same. All move these cited circumstances are most unfortunate and we feel your pain and frustration. However, all could have been avoided if you had worked closely with us. Therefore, I offer this for the future. I am willing to provide sponsorship for the Spring term, but we must meet and set up some way of assuring that these issues never occur again.

Diana Palermo, MS, CRC
Vocational Rehabilitation Counselor

Veteran/Inquirer 01/11 02:50 PM

As stated in one of my earlier complaints, I requested that I wanted you (Mr. Finger) to be my counselor!!! I don't trust that anyone from your staff will do right by me. I feel that my situation is too sensitive and complex. I would feel more comfortable with YOU (Mr. Finger) to guide/counsel me through your programs and this situation!

I also provided some solutions to these problems stated in this Inquiry Routing & Information System (IRIS) which you haven't addressed! I also stated that I don't trust anyone from your staff at this point, and I won't feel comfortable talking to anyone else besides you! The reason being, as you can see, I can't afford anymore mistakes, or incompetence from your staff. And if you (The Manager) handled my case personally, I would feel a little more comfortable! I do not know miss palermo! I don't want to take another chance on one of your counselors not handling my case/situation fairly and to be unbiased!!!

I stated that I was in trouble with my landlord!!! I hold your program, staff, or staff member completely responsible for this problem. The new counselor which was assigned to me focused only on penalizing me and to take MORE MONEY away from me and to further deepen me in this financial crisis which your program created!!! It seems as if your program spends more time TAKING AWAY from me, justifying/covering up mistakes, rather than addressing and resolving these problems! Perhaps, this Inquiry Routing & Information System (IRIS) has not been read from the beginning to present!

I will not be able to keep my appointment on Monday, January 14th, so I need to reschedule. Johanna Johnsen at St. Joseph's College, is still waiting for you to call her, so she can approve my courses for this semester. She can be reached at 718-636-6814. This needs to be done ASAP so I can continue my education.

Lastly, after this current Veteran Inquiry (IRIS), if we continue to go around in circles, you leave me no other choice but to get a lawyer involved in resolving this situation. I can't afford this, but it will be necessary and I am prepared to do so, if need be!

Thank You!
Burton S. H*

Response (Dept of Veterans Affairs) 01/08 01:40 PM
As per Mr. Fingers instructions this last email was sent to Diana Palermo to follow up

Veteran/Inquirer 01/08 10:34 AM
Mr. Finger:
I just received an email from my Landlord saying that my family and I have up to the end of this week to come up with the rent!

Response (Dept of Veterans Affairs) 01/07 07:58 AM

Mr. H*:
I am so sorry that you are experiencing these difficulties. I have transmitted your message to Ms. Palermo. She will follow-up this morning and make a determination of whether the over-payment should stand. The problem of course is the information provided by your training institution that caused the over-payment. We will follow-up with the individual you cited to see if there is additional mitigating the mentime, I suggest that you call Ms. Palermo this morning and discuss the issues. I would wait until about 10 am to allow her to follow-up with your contact and also to discuss the permissions granted by Ms. Wright, as you cited.

Bernard Finger

Veteran/Inquirer 01/06 08:49 PM

Mr. Finger:

OVERPAYMENT!!! Lol!!! Okay, let me start by staying thanks for the loan that finally came days ago. It paid for some of the damages your program was responsible for. Let me also inform you that my new counselor and I are already starting off on the wrong foot!!! I just received a letter in the mail from her saying that I'm being charged for OVERPAYMENT!!! Maybe she didn't read this Inquiry Routing & Information System (IRIS) and realize that your program is responsible for DAMAGES, PAIN, and SUFFERING to my family and myself. I guess she doesn't know that my family and I spent Christmas Eve at the Human Resources Department trying to get a one shot deal, which we weren't eligible for, so now we still owe the landlord rent, BECAUSE OF YOUR PROGRAM. I can't seem to catch up on bills, BECAUSE OF YOUR PROGRAM.

Mr. Finger, if you have the time, can you please inform my new counselor that in the beginning of November I started a workshop at the Audio School (While at St. Joseph's), which requires me to spend 5 or more hours there. I am still presently in the workshop every Tuesday from 8:00am to 1:00pm. Can you also tell my new counselor that my old counselor (Miss Wright) said that I would get compensated if I decided to do the workshop at the Audio School. The reason why I decided to do the workshop at the Audio School was because I felt that I was able to take on another educational opportunity. I never asked for compensation for the workshop from your program!!!

My family and I were fine until I decided to put our well being and trust into your program. I sacrificed future shows, and gigs because of my belief in continuing my education with your program. Do you realize that I've burned bridges by choosing my education (with your program) OVER my commitments to producers, and promoters? And it all would have been worth it!!!

I was prepared WAY BEFORE starting St. Joseph's College in September with all the paperwork and all other preparations for school. I signed up as a FULL-TIME student. Check the paperwork. I was told to sign up for 4 classes and that's what I did. No one told me that I wasn't a full time student. Don't the counselors at your program look at that anyway??? Don't they check and see if all the paperwork is OKAY before approving??? THEY ARE CERTAINLY KEEN ON CHARGING VETERANS FOR OVERPAYMENT!!! But I realize that even when your counselors make mistakes, you're still on their side, which I respect, but the mistakes that were made with me cost me a great deal. And right now, my family and I are in deep water because of your program's mistakes!!!


* I want to continue to go to St. Joseph's College!!! I registered for 5 classes this time. The College's counselor said that she has been trying to call your office. So please, if you or my new counselor can call her (Miss Johanna Johnsen) at 718-636-6814. She is not too familiar with your program and she needs more information.

* I need assistance with my rent and other bills, which snowballed into a mess that I cannot fix on my own!!!

* Lastly, I want you (Mr. Finger) to be my counselor!!! I don't trust that anyone from your staff will do right by me. I feel that my situation is too sensitive and complex and I would feel more comfortable with YOU!!!

What I wish to obtain with my education at St. Joseph's College, is to become a VA Counselor, so that Veterans will be HELPED AND RESPECTED IN THE MANNER IN WHICH THEY DESERVE!!!

Thank You,
Burton S.*

Response (Dept of Veterans Affairs) 12/21 08:33 AM
December 21

Mr. Burton:

In response to you statement below, since you decided not to come in and personally pick up a check for $ 1,000, as you requested we mailed you the forms to you to sign. They were mailed back to us. Ms. Palermo submitted the form to our Finance Department on 12/7. Finance in turn goes into our internal financial system and requests that a $1,000 loan be mailed to you, as all other VA payments are. New York's finance action is then transmitted to our Austin Finance Center, who in turn has to instruct the Teasury to cut a check to you. That check was dated 12/19. The check is then physically mailed to you, so I would suspect that you will receive it perhaps today. Remember mail is delayed due to the holiday traffic.

I feel bad for you, however, you were given the choice to come in. The mail procedure was explained - in that it generally takes 10 days from when our finance department acts on the request form to get a check. If you had come in, you could have walked out with a check in hand the same day. This was also explained to you.

The situation is unfortunate, but we are truly trying to meet your needs, given the constraints that we have to work under.

I wish you well, and perhaps you can say hello when you come to see Ms. Palermo, you new counselor on 12/31,11:30 AM. She can be reached on 212-807-3034. She will be back on the 27th.


Bernard Finger

Veteran/Inquirer 12/20 10:47 PM

Burton s. H*

Mr. Finger:

It's has been more than 10 business days. You probably don't know the seriousness of my situation, so let me explain. I turned down some great paying gigs because some of them would have interfered with my schooling, making me too tired to study and concentrate in doing so, I thought I would be getting a certain amount of money from your program. Mistakes were made and this dream to get an education for employment became a nightmare!!! I pay a total of $1,500 dollars in rent which I am backed up on because of my belief in your program.

All together, I am in debt of more than $4000. The gigs that I cancelled out on would have covered this debt. I thought I was making a sacrifice for the better good. You said that you were going to mail me this loan in 10 business days. It has passed 10 business days Mr. Finger. I have to apply for a one shot deal tomorrow that I might not be eligible for. I hope that you have room at your place for my family and myself!!!

Now, I am not going to lie to you, I AM AN ANGRY VETERN RIGHT NOW!!! I hold you and your program responsible for my set back!!! If you don't trust that you are responsible, then read this Inquiry Routing & Information System (IRIS) over again!!! Your actions, clearly expresses the lack of compassion, respect and dedication to Veterans!!! You also showed me that everything that I have stated in this Inquiry Routing & Information System (IRIS) means nothing!!!

I guess if you make me angry enough I'm supposed to act out in a very irrational manner and mess up any credibility that I have in being a victim in this situation. Just know that I am not going to back down from this!!! My situation is snowballing into a bigger and bigger mess everyday.

Gratefully, I am not the only one that knows about my situation and how you and your staff has treated me!!!

And for the record, I missed my appointment with my so-called new counselor because I had to go and make some money!!! I wasn't going to let your program take anymore money from me!!!

Veteran/Inquirer 11/28 02:14 PM
Thank you very much Mr. Finger!

Response (Dept of Veterans Affairs) 11/28 10:27 AM

Mr. H* -

The change of address has been made to your record so there should be no other problems with your monthly award. Your case has been assigned to a new counselor and you will be receiving an appointment letter in a few days.

Paperwork has also been sent to you for the Revolving Fund Loan I mentioned to you in a previous correspondence.

Again, our mission is to assist our Veteran with their goals of employment. I hope this change in counselor will assist you in the path that you want to go.


Bernard Finger
VR&E Officer

Veteran/Inquirer 11/27 04:58 PM

Burton s. H*

Mr. Finger:

I just wanted to take this time to thank you again for looking into this matter personally and making this situation better!!!

As for memories sometimes fading, I sent one or two reminder emails to Miss Wright prior to the 10/10/07 email that I sent, reminding her of my new address (19 September). I can forward it to you if you want it. I also gave her my new address in our last meeting or two together on a Post-It note (Around August 1st or 2nd). Maybe this is a situation we ALL can learn from!!!

Thank You!!!
Burton S. H*
United States Veteran

Response (Dept of Veterans Affairs) 11/27 08:27 AM

Mr. H*:
In response to your IRIS communication of this morning, please be advised that a form for an interest free loan will be put in the mail today. Please sign in two places and write a state as to need, and return the form to us via the mail. The VA will then mail the loan check. That will take about 10 days from the form return. An alternate: make an appointment and come and pick up the check the same day.

Memories sometimes fade; however, Ms. Wright has your e-mail of 10/10/07 in which you informed her of your new address.

A final note: Your own registration form lists three classes, not four, a lab. Again the lab does not count for credit or for certification by the school. Next term, make sure to discuss your plans with your new counselor, and your school advisor.

Bernard A. Finger

Veteran/Inquirer 11/27 01:19 AM

Burton s. H*

Mr. Finger:

First, I appreciate you, Mr. Finger, for responding back to me. It was very uncomfortable and frustrating talking to Miss Wright, especially when I asked to speak with you, Mr. Finger. I am glad that you explained some of the rules and regulations to me. And for the record, I never wanted or asked anyone to do anything fraudulent or illegal!!!

My family and I live off of my monthly disability checks and whatever extra money I can make with my small music business ( My business is slowly growing but requires me to be away from my family almost 70 to 80 percent of the time. I made the decision to go back to school to further my education and to receive the monthly awards which helps tremendously. So what I did was I enrolled in St. Joseph's College and signed up for 4 classes which made me a full time student. I signed up to be a full time student. It's on my school forms that I have copies of.

So me, thinking that everything was fine, cancelled some gigs that would have covered my bills thinking that I would be getting my award on October 1. My award never came!!! I waited. And Waited. And was going to keep waiting until my landlord asked for his rent. That's when I contacted Miss Wright and she said it should be coming in a couple of days. A couple of days passed and it still never came!!! So I came down to your office to find out that Miss Wright was on vacation. So I immediately wanted to change my counselor that day. I filled out a statement and left.

One or two days passed and I still didn't receive my award. So I called the Vocational Rehabilitation Program office (which I've done many times) and spoke to a lady, who transferred me to another lady, and she looked into the computer (while we were on the phone) and she told me that my award went to my old address which I updated with Miss Wright, months ago. So I had to go to my old apartment to get my award which wasn't easy. Finally, I opened the award see that it was very short. So was the next one. Each time I was getting more and more in debt.

Prior to you responding to my complaints Mr. Finger, I thought I did the right thing. I feel like I wasn't properly briefed or I would have made sure that I signed up for one or two more classes to get the right amount (award). Realistically, I can't afford to go to school without being in this program.

It is important that you, Mr. Finger, understand that I don't have anything personal against Miss Wright!!! I think that she's a good person, but mistakes have been made that have cost me greatly. Also, the 3/4 award confused me because I signed up for 4 classes.

Please, if you didn't get a chance to read all of the discussion threads in this Inquiry Routing & Information System (IRIS), please do when you get a chance.

Lastly, I am interested in the interest free loan. If you can mail me the paperwork I would appreciate it! Please mail it to 445 Classon Ave., Apt. 3, Brooklyn, NY 11238. I apologize for any misunderstandings or headaches I may have caused! It's not easy being a leader!

Response (Dept of Veterans Affairs) 11/26 03:54 PM
November 26

Mr. H*:
I want to set the record straight, at least from our perspective. Nobody is dis-respecting you. We are trying our best to explain a complex topic that binds both you and us.

As Ms. Wright informed you previously, we must comply with the certification provided to us by your training institution. Regulation and law in this matter bind us.

What did the school say? They told us that you are taking three courses, each worth three credits.By regulation nine credits requires that you be given a 3/4 time award.

The school informed us further that the lab is included in the English course and does not earn any additional credit. That is the decision rendered by the school, and we are required to abide by their certification.

Next, in regard to taking more courses: Ms. Wright informed me that you told her that you registered for as much as you could handle, because you had to work and properly care for your children. You did right in regard to that. Some groupings of courses are harder to handle than others. The inclusion of the lab, although non-credit, does require extra time and effort on your part. This is the degree requirement set up by the school. If Ms. Wright told you to take more courses, she would be re-miss. No one made you "screw-up."

We are responding to you very seriously. I do understand your upset, but unfortunately, I cannot over-ride the system and give you a F/T award. Legally, I would be fraudulent in doing so, and you would eventually incur an over-payment when your case was audited.

I can offer you an interest free loan to tide you over. We can give you a check in your hand for over $1,000, or we can mail you the paperwork if you want the check mailed to you. Ms. Wright offered this previously.

I have agreed to provide you with a new counselor. Given the influx of new veterans it will take about two weeks from now to get an appointment slot.

Finally, you say that you are confused about your career goals and that your situation has worsened. You have not been explicit about these statements. If there is something within our power that we can do now, we will do it. If you need immediate advice on what to do with your career, you can wait for your new counselor, or you can call me on 212-807-3014 and ask to speak to me. I won't be your counselor, but I can give you good and honest advice. If there is something we can do now, we will do it.

We are here to do our best to help you, but you also have to work with us.

Bernard Finger
Division Manager

Veteran/Inquirer 11/20 06:11 PM

How is 4 classes 3/4 time? Each of the 4 classes is 3 or more hours long. I would have taken 20 classes if it meant me getting the right award!!! Also, I ask to speak to Mr. Finger only!!! I feel like Mr. Finger doesn't respect me as a Veteran and is definitely not taking me serious!!! I guess this is all a game to you and Mr. Finger!!! I hope you know that You and Mr. Finger's screw-ups caused me a lot of problems!!! I am overly stressed out and confused about my career goals. My situation has worsened!!! Just know that this type of service that your Veteran Vocational Rehabilitation Program has provided is not acceptable and is being reported to the proper channels.

Response (Dept of Veterans Affairs) 11/20 08:15 AM

Mr. H*-
I spoke to Mr. Finger this morning regarding your situation. He confirmed that your are being paid correctly at the 3/4 time rate for the 9 credits you are taking in college. The Lab time has already been included in your total credit hours of 9 hours. If you continue to feel that this is an error, please have the school contact this office and provide us with documentation that the certified hours have changed.

Again, you request for a new counselor has been accepted by Mr. Finger, and you will be assigned to someone new.

Tiaka B. Wright
Vocational Counselor

Veteran/Inquirer 11/19 03:22 PM

Burton s. H*

To Whom It May Concern:

3/4 time? I was taking 4 classes!!! I guess you don't count the lab as time? How many curve balls are you going to throw at me??? The more curves you throw, the more my situation worsens!!! It seems to me that these curve balls is your sick revenge for me wanting to change you as a counselor!!! I guess these type of actions is acceptable under the Command/leadership of Mr. Finger!!! I guess I am not important enough for Mr. Finger to talk to personally.

Let me beat you to the next curve ball. I don't want my next counselor to be friends or family to you (MS. Wright). Certainly any friend or family that works there would want to cause me continued harm for their friend or family. As absurd as this may sound, I trust my instincts!!!

I have nothing personal against you Ms. Wright, just your Incompetence to take care of me as a veteran. If these issues at hand doesn't lean towards getting better, I will seek legal action!!! My issues have already been looked upon and sent to the proper channels!!!

Thank You

Response (Dept of Veterans Affairs) 11/19 02:37 PM

Mr. H*,
The school has certified that you are taking 9 credits this semester which is 3/4 time. Your wife and three sons are included on your award, which means you are being paid at the correct rate.

We input the award based upon what the school certifies. If there has been a change in your schedule, such as a class added, I have not been informed by you and the school, and therefore cannot adjust your award.

If there are any additional issues we can assist you, please feel free to contact Ms. Rosen if you uncomfortable speaking with me.


Tiaka B. Wright, MA, CRC
Vocational Counselor
(212) 807-3036

Veteran/Inquirer 11/16 05:57 PM
To Whom It May Concern:

I don't think that I have been getting what a Veteran with three kids and a wife is supposed to get!!! I feel that my awards have been short!!! And I called the Vocational Rehabilitation Program TWICE and never got a response. You say that you are not clear about what the problem is? Okay, if you've read, or if anybody read my complaints, you would understand why there is still a problem!!! They are not going to just disappear!!! I cancelled gigs that I was supposed to work so I could concentrate more on school, KNOWING that I was going to get paid on time with the full amount from your program. But not only was it late but it wasn't even the full entitlement! The last award wasn't the full entitlement. Why don't you know this? Shouldn't you know what I'm being sent (Award Amount)? Not to be rude, but I requested a new counselor a week or two ago, why are you responding and not Mr. Finger?

So now I'm trying to catch up with bills that I can't seem to catch up to!!! I also have mouths to feed!!! And it is hard to even find gigs every week especially from the ones I cancelled on.

I trusted you!!!

So maybe there is still a problem!!!

Thank You!!!
Burton H*
Veteran in Need

Response (Dept of Veterans Affairs) 11/16 03:59 PM
Mr. H*,

I have spoken with Mr. Finger in regards to your concerns and we have addressed your issues. I am not clear as to where there is still a problem with your monthly award. Your address was changed to your present address in October after you emailed it to me, so your checks should be delivered to the address you provided. Mr. Finger advised you to contact me or Ms. Rosen, our Program Specialist for a non interest bearing loan if you were dealing with financial hardship issues. As of this writing, Ms. Rosen nor myself have heard from you. Please note, this option is still available if you need this.

You also stated that Audio Engineering was not a good field for you. We met to address this issue and the goal was changed. You are presently enrolled in college studying Human Services, a field you chose. As per your request, you will be assigned to a new case manager.

Yes, this Division does have an Employment Coordinator who can assist you with your job search if this is what you are requesting.

Again, we are trying to address the issues you have stated are causing you hardship. Please let us know if there is anything else we can assist you with.

Sincerely Yours,
Tiaka B. Wright, MA, CRC
Vocational Counselor
(212) 807-3036

Veteran/Inquirer 11/16 03:03 PM

Third complaint
burton s. H* 30 july

To Whom It May Concern:

I really feel uncomfortable calling Ms. Wright or even being around her when she is my counselor and I'm trying to change her!!! I called and left two messages for you (Mr. Finger) and your Program Specialist (Lisa Rosen) and never got a response!!! My award never got corrected!!! Due to the issues that was stated in my last two complaints, nothing has been done and my situation has gotten worse!!! I understand that there is a crush of new disabled veterans coming into the program and hopefully they will get better services from the New York City Vocational Rehabilitation Program, but I have myself and family to think about first!!! My case should have some sort of priority before that "crush", because I am here now!!! I am a month behind in almost every bill and it's starting to get a bit too much for me!!!

I think that there is an employment part of the Vocational Rehabilitation Program. I am interested in the employment part of the Vocational Rehabilitation Program but I need more information on it. I have a resume registered in almost all of the job websites online and apply daily. I just need to know if the employment part of the Vocational Rehabilitation Program will help me find employment and not just sit me in front of a computer to apply online like the ACAP program, which was a transitional service offered to me while transitioning out the United States Army.

I don't want any handouts!!! I want what is entitled to me and for the Vocational Rehabilitation Program to do their jobs. I had full confidence in the Vocational Rehabilitation Program and trusted the program to help me, and guide me in the right direction. The Army and the VA said that the Vocational Rehabilitation Program would help me!!!


* Does the Department of Veterans Affairs offer free legal counsel/assistance?
* Does the Department of Veterans Affairs have other employment departments that I can go to for help?
* What other options do I have within the Department of Veterans Affairs?

Thank You!!!
Burton H*
Veteran in Need

Response (Dept of Veterans Affairs) 10/31 12:58 PM
Mr. H*:

Your concerns are very urgent and need addressing. To start off, we will correct the award destination as soon as possible, in the meantime, I invite you to call Ms. Wright, on 212-807-3036, or my Program Specialist, Lisa Rosen, on 212-807-3014 to schedule an appointment for a non interest bearing loan of $1040, to help tide you over until you can receive your award.

The issue of the change in careers is somewhat more difficult to respond to, without input from Ms. Wright. Generally we do not provide Audio Engineer training unless the veteran insists because of the very fact that it is so difficult to ontain gainful employment. Certainly this occupation is even more contraindicated for indiviuals who have a hearing loss. The anxiety issue is harder to address since this might not have in the forefront until you any case I will discuss all of these areas with Ms. Wright, and your current occupational goal.

If you would like I would be willing to change your counselor, after the award is corrected, but you would have to wait for about three weeks to see your new counselor. This because of the crush of new disabled veterans coming into the program.

Bernard A. Finger
Division Manager

Veteran/Inquirer 10/30 04:13 AM
BURTON S. H* 30 July
To Whom It May Concern:

I am a participant in the Vocational Rehabilitation Program. This program and staff has been more than good to me but I have a problem with the career path that was chosen for me!!! When I first came to New York from Fort Bliss, Texas, I had already made up my mind to have a career in the medical field. Because the medical field to me, is one of the best and most secure fields in the job market. The two fields that I was interested in was Surgical Technology or X-Ray Tech. I was told that due to my condition/conditions that I wouldn't be approved to go that career path through this program. So I was asked what I was interested in and I said music. So after research, Audio Engineering became my career move.initially, I didn't think that this field would be able to help me support my family!!! But this is what I could be approved for so I took it!!!

Some of the problems that I have with this field is that I have loss of hearing in my left ear and have problems hearing lower frequencies. I also get really bad anxiety attacks when I'm in the workshop part of the curriculum. The control room is shut, the lighting is dim and we have to be in there for long periods of time. Another problem is there are NO JOBS in this field!!! The bigger studios are closing down due to artists being able to record from their homes with computer softwares!!! This career direction (For Me) in my opinion was a mistake!!! I also feel that this problem had been ignored after I made an effort to try to change my job training!!!

Now, I am in the process of getting a divorce, and I have three children that I solely take care of. I NEED HELP!!! I want to get into a field of helping people. Preferably other veterans. I have a strong desire to be a Vocational Rehabilitation Program counselor or work in the benefits department as a counselor!!! I want to know all there is to know about helping other veterans so I can help as many lost veterans as I can (such as myself).

What I hope to get from this letter is HELP!!! Thank You for reading this!!!

Sincerely Yours,
Burton H*

Second complaint

BURTON S. H* 22 Oct
To Whom It May Concern:

* Since my last complaint about the Vocational Rehabilitation Program (30 July), I was able to start school in September and continued to do so until I wasn't able to go!!! Weeks before I started school I made sure my current address was updated, and did everything else possible to ensure that I would start school in September, and get my award by October doing so, I fulfilled my obligation to go to school (St. Joseph's College) to get a college education in Community Health and Human Services!!!

The problem is that the only way I can go to school, is if I get paid to go. Which is why I chose to enroll in this program. I can't afford to go to school any other way due to me solely taking care of three children.

In thinking that I would receive a certain amount of money by October 1st for going to school, I cancelled out on some jobs to spend more time with with my added responsibility, which is to study. This is not easy in my situation but doable, as long as I get my award.

When October 1st came, and I checked the mailbox, there was no award (check) from the Vocational Rehabilitation Program in my mailbox. I waited several days after that and still didn't get my award. I sent several messages/emails to my counselor and could not get a hold of her. I finally got in touch with her when I called the front desk receptionist at the Vocational Rehabilitation Program office, and asked if I could get transferred to her extension. This is when I was told that I should receive the award in about 5 to 10 days. After 5 to 10 days passed I called the Vocational Rehabilitation Program office to only find out that my counselor was on vacation.

After explaining my situation to a Counselor On Call, she checked her computer and told me that the award was sent to my old address which I updated months before. After going to my old apartment in the Bronx to get my get my award (which wasn't easy) I opened it up to see that it was short of money.

As a result of the Vocational Rehabilitation Program's incompetency to TAKE CARE of a United States Military Veteran properly, I received a 72 hour notice to leave my apartment!!! Which resulted in me having to miss and drop classes to desperately find a way to earn the money to pay rent. Had I known that the Vocational Rehabilitation Program would set me up for failure by not briefing me on these negative possibilities I wouldn't be in this rough situation. Or maybe it's my fault for not changing my counselor in the first place when I made my first complaint!!!

Sincerely Yours,
Burton H*

Claim Number: 103-56-0368


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