» Shops, Products, Services » Complaint / Review: Corporate Receivables Pheonix, Arizona - Corporate Receivable, Pheonix, Arizona Extreme Rudeness, agressive threats, You will pay, one way or another. #261912

Complaint / Review
Corporate Receivables Pheonix, Arizona
Corporate Receivable, Pheonix, Arizona Extreme Rudeness, agressive threats, "You will pay, one way or another"

I had an account with Best Buy and fell behind on 2 payments during a moving period and take full responsibility for it. To my suprise, BestBuy's creditor HSBC had apparently sold my account to CORPORATE RECEIVABLES without my knowledge.

A little while goes by and I get a call from a man claiming to work for CR and that I had an outstanding balance that I now owed them. This guy was very nice an unfortunatly I did not know his name, but I was able to set up a few large payments over the course of 4 months. My total debt was $1900. I had made my first payment without complications.

I had called CR to find out if it were possible to change my next payment slightly since money was very tight this month with it being the Holiday season. This man, "Eric Mason" then flips out on me immediatly telling me how immature and irresponsible I am. He proceeds to tell me this is an IMPOSSIBILITY and that he is extending me a favor by not charging me any more interest. I then asked if my only recourse was to place a stop payment on their check (which they fill out and sign themselves)?

This triggered much verbal abuse and very rude comments for more than 5 minutes without me saying 1 word. He then handed the phone off to a guy claiming to be "BEN COLLINS" who further told me how irresponsible I am and that I know nothing about credit, as well as "you need to learn to pay for last Christmas before you can get any gifts this Christmas." I love how these people are such moral leaders and believe that they know any 1 persons situation, thus allowing them to force criticism and negative advice in your ears!

Ben ended our conversation by informing me that If I place a stop payment on there check, it was going to drop our "contract" and I will be liable for the full ammount immediatly, in addition to him promising to destroy my credit! He then proceeded to tell me he was reporting to my bank and credit bureaus that I refuse to pay and that I said specifically "they are not a priority"... NONE OF WHICH I SAID! Before I could say anything Ben had hung up on me.

This really got me angry but I still remained calm and was never rude or unprofessional to these gentleman despite their repeated abusive language. This is important that you remain calm because they want you to yell and fight back at them, this is what they FEED on. You try being mean and rude consistantly to someone who is nothing but NICE to you, its a hard thing to do.

I felt the only thing I could do is to write a letter to this company about how incredibly rude and abusive these two gentleman were ([email protected] who is the only listed email contact for the company), hoping to inform this company of how their employees are acting.

Less than 2 hours after I sent the letter, I received a phone call from a guy claiming to be "Jack Nickles" from CR and that he had been fowarded my letter from Amandah in HR. He then proceeded to tell me he was responding to it because it stated in my letter that "any response would be appreciated." I then said, "Okay Jack, so what did you call to speak about?"

He flipped out before I even finished my sentance and yelled at me saying "Clearly this is not going to work out, you only want to argue. How would you like if I just ripped up your deal right now? Would you like that? Is that what you want me to do?" I told him, "I didnt say anything at all, why are you yelling at me? Did you call me just to yell at me?" His response is, "You are clearly only looking for an argument and this is not getting anywhere."

After he finally stopped yelling for a second, I informed him I no longer wanted to speak with anyone from his company until I had a recorder so these conversations can be recorded." He then told me that I can use 5 recorders, he is still ripping up my "contract" with them. End of conversation.

If you have read this and feel the same thing has happened to you, please google search this company until you are tired of reading negative stories. PEOPLE NEED TO KNOW ABOUT THIS COMPANY AND THE WAY THEY DEAL.

You have options, some of which I am in the process of doing. Report them to the BBB, FTC, and State Atourney General's office of Arizona/Texas. Also contact the original creditor and inform them of the situation and that you would like to pay them directly! This does work sometimes!

Offender: Corporate Receivables Pheonix, Arizona

Country: USA   State: Texas   City: McAllen
Address: 500 S. Bicentennial Blvd
Phone: 6027491200

Category: Shops, Products, Services


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