» Politics & Government » Complaint / Review: Mesa, Maricopa County Sheriff s Office - Ripoff of every citizen based on hogwash dedicated to the proposition that only JOE Arpaio counts.., Phoenix. #26694

Complaint / Review
Mesa, Maricopa County Sheriff's Office
Ripoff of every citizen based on hogwash dedicated to the proposition that only JOE Arpaio counts.., Phoenix

Particularly in the venues of the East Valley of the
Sun, where DWNM (aka: "driving while not Mormon") and
NBM (not being Mormon) can result in bogus incarceration,
more-or-less instantly, the jails deserve special

After all, YOU TOO could be there in heartbeat or

And even if you never physically go there, you are
paying for many of the local police department's errors,
and for the publicity seeking fraud of the windbag
who runs the system.

The Citizens of Maricopa County continue to pay for
the endless and ridiculous sins of the fool who has

Quite aside from Arpaio's history as the only "tough
guy" who got the hell kicked out of him by a hair
dresser, Arpaio's endless falsehoods, hogwashes,
exaggerations, and publicity stunts are putting down
his dubious "legend" as a scam artist, just a few
short clicks off from being a P.T. Barnum.indeed, we
thought we were electing a Wyatt Earp; what we wound
up with was a bad imitation of Rube Golberg. Worse,
he costs every citizen money, EVERY SINGLE DAY.

One of his latest misadventures is heavily documented
in all today's Arizona papers, September 27th,
in various articles describing that, of the latest
massive damage lawsuit, for some $635,000, Joe may
have to pay, this time, for some of his own ridiculous
excesses. For every lawsuit you see, Joe has to,
"under the table", settle on countless others.

This one involved an inmate at The Tents ("Tent City")
who was savagely beaten by other inmates, in a
thoroughly preventable situation. He suffered
permanent brain damage.

Among other gems, Sheriff Arpaio claimed he knew
nothing about the inherent, constant dangers in the
facilities he administers.

Since EVERYONE ELSE knows this, he is obviously either
much more incompetent than we even suspected, or the
was the latter.

Attorney Robbins summed it up neatly: "Sheriff Joe
needs to retire. He needs to find a job where he
can get publicity without hurting people."

False imprisonment, brutality, unsanitary conditions,
overcrowding, and general lack of humanity mark this
County as worse than the notorious black holes of

Sheriff Joe regards everyone in his custody, or claims
to, as literally "beneath contempt", criminals, and
endeavors to horrify them at every turn, while making
a mountain of money. Trouble is, only RELATIVELY
MINOR offenses involve tenure at the jails as a
penalty, and most of his charges are merely ACCUSED,
meaning they are at least technically innocent.
Indeed, 10 to twenty per cent of his victims wind up
not being prosecuted at all.

Many charges here flow from mistaken identity,
dishonest cops like those in Mesa, fraudulent evidence
from paid snitches who cannot get facts straight, or
just some lowlife's need to "clear" a case and make
quota. Others are so grotesquely exaggerated that,
when a court date actually comes up, they are reduced
to almost nothing.

But the jail system forces easy "plea agreements"...
These are not "Plea Bargains"... Nothing involved with
this system is a bargain.

TB, Hepatitis, and worse are very serious dangers in
these filth holes, and it is not merely the tents.
Certainly, an extreme DUI deserves punishment, and so
does domestic violence, two of the more common
offenses for which defendants wind up at Tent City.
But a death sentence—which is what many of the
chronic diseases acquired there really amount to—is
not appropriate.

This is why many inmates, having experienced or heard
of both, WANT to go to prison, rather than stay in
these revolting climes. And many will "confess"
rather than be further confined, even if they are

ANY trip to one of Arpaio's jails is "cruel and
unusual punishment"...

This is not the "Toughest Sheriff in America"...

But he is surely the "Most Expensive Phony Cop" in the
entire world. Even the Nazi concentration camps were
cleaner. The food was probably similar.

Mesa, Arizona

Offender: Mesa, Maricopa County Sheriff's Office

Country: USA   State: Arizona   City: Mesa
Address: N. Robson (Mesa) and Durango and 35th Avenue
Phone: 4806442211

Category: Politics & Government


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