» Miscellaneous » Complaint / Review: Toothills Inc, Sunset Auto Exchange - Consumer Report. #805210

Complaint / Review
Toothills Inc, Sunset Auto Exchange
Consumer Report

Consumer Info: Smith, Cynthia

Business Info:
Toothills Inc DBA Sunset Auto Exchange
1828 N Washington Blvd
Sarasota, FL 34234-7525
941 954-7111

Location Involved: (Same as above)

Consumer's Original Complaint:
I purchased a 2004 Suzuki xl7 form the above named company on November 21st for $15391.97. ON November 21st,
I traded in a 2003 Dodge Durango for a downpayment and I also gave them an additional $200.00, which in all the total
for the downpayment was $2200.00. I agreed to pay them the remaineder of the downpayment balance of $800.00 with in two
weeks. December 7th came and that was the date I was suppose to pay them a car apyment of $200.00 as well as the
balance of the downpayment of $800.00. I went to Sunset Auto exchange and spoke with Casey regarding the downpayment and
stated to him that I didnt have the who;e balance but if they could I would be willinlg to pay additional payments everytime I
come in and pay my car payment which is every two weeks. Casey stated that he needed to contact the owner of the company
whos name is Andy and speak to him regarding the matter. Casey then picked up the phone and called Andy, Casey explained to
Andy that I was there at the car lot and was wondering if it would be okay if i paid them $60.00 towards the downpayment, Andy
stated that it would be fine and that I needed to try to pay them more as soon as possible. I made a car payment of $200.00 as well
as $60.00 dollars on the 7th of December and drove away. On December 14th I went to the store with my children to pick
up a few things, we where in the store for about an hour and when we came out of the store my car was gone. I called Casey and
was asking him what I needed to do, because I think someone stole my car. Casey stated to me that no one stole the car, they came
and got the car due to the balance owed for the downpayment. I tried to ask Casey if there was anything I can do to get my car
back and he stated that I needed to bring in $1000.00 and they would return the car to me. I told him that there was no way I could
get that amount of money adn would like to know if there was a another way. I also told Casey that I am willing to pay an extra
amount every two weeks with my car payment in order to pay off the downpayment balance. Casey stated that he needed to speak
with Andy the owner of the company and that he will give me a call back. Casey called me back in about 30 minutes and stated
that Andy said no that the only way i was to get my car back would be to bring in the balance of the downpayment as well as the
fees for the towing of the car. At that time I stated to Casey that was not possible, and that I would see what else I can do and hung
up the phone. ON December 19th I called Casey and asked him if he or fax me over an invoice with the amount owed for
the downpayment as well as an invoice for the towing fees so that I could take care of it. Casey stated to me that he could not give
me a invoice he could just tell me what I owed over the phone. I asked Caey why that was and he stated that they dont have one.
At that timed I stated to Casey that if he went into a place and bought something for $1000.00 and the person he dealt with told
him that he couldnt have a invoice, what would he do. Casey stated again all he can do is tell me over the phone the balance owed.
I said no thank you and hung up the phone. I them called the tow company that towed the car and spoke with John and asked him
if he could fax me a copy of the invoice for the tow and he stated that he would and to give him an hour to get back in the office, I
told him that I would call him back. I called back in an hour and still have not got a invoice form either of the company regarding
the balance owed. Please help I dont know what to do and every way I turn I keep being told they dont know what to do.

Consumer's Desired Resolution:
Refund of Downpayment for $2260.00.

BBB Processing

12/27 web BBB Case Received by BBB
12/27 CLW BBB Case Reviewed by BBB
12/27 Otto MAIL Notify Business of Dispute
01/10 TAY BBB Courtesy Call to Business
01/16 OttO EMAIL Consumer - Have You Heard From the Business
01/16 OttO MAIL Reminder of Dispute to Business

01/17 more info received from the consumer:

Toothills Inc, Sunset Auto exchange had not contacted me at anytime to resolve this matter. I have still waiting for a response. On January 4th I sent a letter to Andy the owner at Sunset Auto Exchange eia Ups with signature required. He recieved the letter. I asked that he try to work something out with me and if he would give me a response by January 14th. I have yet to receive anything. Thank you for your help. I feel this company has done this to others and my goal is to let the public know that the are very unprofessional and not to let them take your only car you have away. The are thieves.

Offender: Toothills Inc, Sunset Auto Exchange

Country: USA   State: Florida   City: Sarasota   ZIP: 34234-7525
Address: 1828 N Washington Blvd
Phone: 9419547111

Category: Miscellaneous


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