» Miscellaneous » Complaint / Review: Harris County Family Courts - Deer Park Police Department - Stole the rights of a Father by using a Failed and broken Legal system. #332981

Complaint / Review
Harris County Family Courts - Deer Park Police Department
Stole the rights of a Father by using a Failed and broken Legal system

I think it is my duty to inform the general public of the corruption of a town in the Houston area, the family that has a main goal of destroying a persons life, and a judge that holds no integrity and no moral standings, a judge that is sexist and has double standards for her life and the life she enforces on other people.

Where to begin is the question. I think I will start at the beginning of the end of marriage. You hear about soldiers going to Iraq, Afghanistan, Kosovo, Bosnia, and Korea and are unable to see their families for a long period of time. The Military is a hard job. Couples feel they are strong enough to survive the military until times get rough. I felt times getting rough for Tracy Adsit my wife at the time. I enlisted in the military 9 days after being married. Spending 2 years in the Infantry I felt my family slipping away. I was up for reenlistment, so I changed jobs to be a mechanic on helicopters, feeling it would let me spend more time with family. I was truly wrong. Before I had orders to go to the mechanic school, I received Hardship orders to Korea. Hardship meaning that you can not bring your family and if you do the Military will not support them in that area.

Tracy did not speak to her mother very often. Her mom was suicidal trying to commit suicide on Tracy's high school graduation night with a handgun. Tracy's mom kicked Tracy out of the house in the pouring rain in the middle of the night. While Tracy and I were trying to have a baby Tracy had a miscarriage. She carried for 4 months and we went in for a normal check up and they could not find a heart beat. It was very devastating at the time, but not to Tracy's mother. Tracy's mother's name is Cynthia. The doctors encouraged us to try again soon due to the fact she would be very fertile. Tracy was blessed on being pregnant again. Thrilled and excited she wanted to share the news with the world, as I did also. She felt she should call her mother after not speaking to her in a long time to let her know that she was pregnant again. Cynthia would not answer the phone but we did see she was signed on to Yahoo Messenger. Tracy told her mom that she was going to have a baby. Cynthia responded with a hatred reply. Cynthia stated, Is this one normal You and Eric only know how to have F*%$ Up Babies.

I figured since Tracy would be alone for the time I was in Korea I needed to move her back to Texas from Ft Lewis Washington. She moved into an apartment near my parents so she would have help taking care of things. Weeks went by and a daughter forgave a mother. Cynthia connivingly convinced Tracy that I was an evil abusive and negative person. She told Tracy she would take care of everything if she would divorce me. Cynthia paid for Tracy's attorney to divorce me. She tried to take my son from me, full alimony, retirement, and she tried to make it that I had to keep her on my insurance, but I had no clue that this was going on. She filled on November 19 I wasn't served until I came home to see what I thought was my faithful loving wife, my son and my family. I was served a few days after I got home December 4.

As I flew home on my mid tour, which was 5 months of being away, it was Christmas time. I got home Dec 1 only to find out 3 days after I got home I was served divorce papers and a restraining order was put on me from Tracy and my son Anthony. I was devastated. I flew home from Korea to be in a town over from my son and still not get to see him. The orders said we have to see the judge first. Judge Warne was the judge at the time and he felt it was ludicrous to keep my son from me. He was shocked that there was even an order on me. The reason Tracy Adsit gave to Judge Warner was I have been gone and my son doesn't know me. I was unable to fight for the rights of my son due to the fact that a soldier has to report back to his place of duty. I spent the Christmas with my son in 1999 but I was also told by Tracy I would not here from my son until I get home from Korea.

Needless to say it was horrible going back to Korea and finishing my tour. It was horrible because I was not allowed to talk to my son months and weeks at a time. I was reassigned to Fort Campbell. I was serving my country only to be screwed over by the ones I protected the most.

I was discharged from the Army in 2005 honorably. I felt I should go back to the place my son was born. I had the option of moving back to Ft Lewis Washington with a great career and benefits. There was a catch. I would have to go back to Korea to supervise the closing of the section of the unit I was working with. There was no official time I would be there but it was official that I would be in Washington. When I completed my 2nd tour in Korea and moved to Washington. I thought things would get easier. I was able to fly home all the time, I was able to call at any time. I was wrong. Tracy and her mother made things so difficult, that my son was starting to think I didn't love him. They filled his head with so many lies about me I was afraid he would start believing them. I would fly home and would not be able to see my son. Tracy and her mother dictated when I could and could not see my son. I would spend over $500.00 to fly home not being able to even see my son.

CPS was even called on Tracy because my son went 6 months with an exposed nerve on his molar. CPS did nothing. I was even told CPS worker Mark Sheffield told Tracy who filed and who the witnesses were. Tracy Confirmed this by confronting all witnesses. A grievance was filed against CPS but was brushed away.

I even had to buy my son a cell phone at the age of 5 so I could speak to him. Tracy and here mother were furious because I would not add their number to the Firefly I had bought Anthony. They took his phone away and would not let him use it. Tracy still has the phone at her house and tells Anthony it is in a safe place but will not allow him to use it.

It was time to make a choice. I felt I could stay where I was and be alienated from my son or I could sacrifice all I had and move back to Texas without a plan, a job or money. I resigned my position with my employer and loaded up to move back to Houston. I had a hard time finding a job in Houston. I was either over qualified or a company was not hiring. I decided to change my choices of a career field. I enrolled into a school that was 7 months with job placement.

The Harassment from Tracy and her mother continued. Tracy caused a huge disturbance in the Deer Park Police Station. She is friends with officers, dispatchers, and employees of the Deer Park Police Department. The officers that were on scene did not follow procedure and even had tazer guns drawn and set at the low ready on myself as I knelt down to hold and calm my son. Officer Cooper, talked to Tracy and Cynthia and walked straight up to me and said You're on the verge of going to Jail. I replied For what Sir? Up to this point I was respectful and doing exactly what I was told. Officer Coopers Answer was Oh we'll find a reason. He then began to chastise me in front of my son acting very unprofessional. I was unable to even let him know my side of what happened, the truth. He seemed to have known Tracy VERY well.

There was a formal complaint filed against the Deer Park Police Department that was brushed under the table.

My Identity was stolen by Tracy and her mother. They were signing my name up for multiple sites and ordering items in my name by sending them and billing them to me. They had written a false statement on the internet about me telling the world I am a deadbeat dad. I had to file this report in the town of Biased police officers. Nothing happened. They blew the case off. Detective Tryon told me he sent my case to the FBI that there was nothing he could do. This was after he dismissed the case. He called Tracy the first time on the phone and asked her if she was responsible. She of course said no. So case closed. I complained to him with the evidence I had and he reopened it. The FBI never recieved my case.

I received an anonymous call from a Deer Park City employee. They called to inform me that I needed to back off making reports against Tracy. I was told that the report I made against Officer Cooper had upset a lot of the officers and there were a few officers out there learning my history, driving routes, and background. I was told Eric you need to watch your back, not giving names but there are officers here that are out to get you and when they do it is going to be fast and hard. Still not knowing what the threat/warning meant I live in fear in the same town that officers are sworn to protect.

After years of saving evidence of Contempt against Tracy on Parental Alienation, on Visitations, and open communication with my son I finally was able to file contempt charges against Tracy. I even had video footage of dropping Anthony off and asking Tracy if I could take Anthony to the dentist. She ignored me and walked off. As she dragged Anthony away. I told him I loved him and I would see him soon. My wife was video taping the whole scene. We got tired of talking in a voice recorder every time Tracy's mom gave us rude and crude gestures. Tracy will only allow me to pick up and drop off at her mother's house. Well as they walked off Tracy and Anthony walked inside. Cynthia was following and decided to turn around and lift her shirt up to us and show her bare breast. This is a 50 something year old grandmother in broad daylight. Once again Deer Park Police Department would not do anything but make out an incident report and brush it under the table.

December 10 court day. The day of justice. I had a solid case against Tracy. My patience finally paid off. I showed up to court and was notified that my attorney was running behind because her car was broken down on the freeway and had to get a tow. 1338 I get a call from her office telling me the courts just called and told her to get a cab and get to court they would wait. I was nervous enough because Judge Kuntz was the preceding judge. My attorney arrived only to have Judge Kuntz chastise her and ridicule her un-professionally in the court room. Not only before our trail but during. The Judge forced my attorney to not have a court reporter during the trail. Supposedly the recorder had a doctors appoint to refill her blood pressure medication. So we were having a trail with no record. Tracy was called to the stand by her attorney Bruce Baughman and was questioned. When the cross examination happened, Tracy admitted to every contempt she was charged with. Judge Kuntz never blinked. The judge still interrupting my attorney about being late and asking questions dismissed all the contempt's I saved up over a year's time. She threw out all the charges against Tracy. I am a full time student trying to make a better life for myself my son and my family. Judge Kuntz took her anger out on me by awarding Tracy the $5000.00 attorney fees, and also raised my Child Support from $395.00 to around $800.00 a month. I am barely able to pay bills and survive on the four hundred dollars a month child support. Now I have to pay eight hundred dollars a month in Child Support. This judge never even allowed me to speak for my behalf. She was biased and should be reprimanded. Tracy has kept my son from me long enough. I even tried to make everything even by creating a parenting plan that Tracy agreed to when her and her mother were arguing. But when Tracy had me in mediation for 5 hours she refused to acknowledge the plan. So now the only judge I can see is Judge Kuntz. She should be investigated again because I know I am not the only one getting screwed over by this Judge. She has been investigated in the Kuntz/Gallick case in Judge Warne court. How can a person be in charge of dictating who a good person or parent is when she has no morals herself?

So who is being hurt here. I know Tracy is not because she has money to go out drinking and partying every weekend. I know it's not Judge Kuntz because she is an authority figure that feels she is above the law. I know it is not the Deer Park Police Department because the biased corrupted police officers stick together there. I also know it is not fully me. I might be hurting tremendously financially and who knows maybe I will never recover from this but that is the least of my worries. My son Anthony age 6 is being traumatized and alienated from a father that loves him more than life itself.

Tracy has moved back in with her mother. The problems seemed to be not happening as much until she moved back in with Cynthia. I have recently found out that her mother has been talking to my son about sex. As disturbing as it is, she has discussed that my wife and I had sex before marriage. Why would a grandmother discuss a child's fathers' sex life. She has also explained to him about and what gays/homosexuals are. She has driven him around my neighborhood telling him where registered sex offenders live and what they do to children, to make him not want to come to my house. I have had to put a criminal trespass warning against Tracy with the Deer Park Police Department. Thursday July 17 Tracy had attempted to take the child twice and that is when it was deemed necessary for a criminal trespass warning. Saturday she came back on the property when we were not home and attempted to take the child again. Tracy had left a message on a cell phone and a letter on the front door. The Deer Park Police Department was contacted. An officer was deployed to my residence. When I wanted charges pressed against Tracy for entering the premises he had to call his supervisor. His supervisor told him since the officer did not witness the suspect on the scene there was nothing he could do. There was not much expected to be done in this town but we still needed a paper trail.

A Paper Trail is all that I can do. That is to save everything that happens. My case was destroyed in December due to negligence of an attorney and a judge that was acting unprofessional. From December until now, I have already saved enough for another strong case but I am curious what my chances are in a broken judicial system.

Please read this story. Share it with the Houston community. Help a father win back some rights.investigate this biased broken legal system. Help a 7 year old boy who loves his father dearly be able to spend just as much time with his father as he does with his mother. Please Help me fight back against the corruption of the Houston/Deer Park judicial system.

God Bless

A Concered Father
Houston, Texas

Offender: Harris County Family Courts - Deer Park Police Department

Country: USA   State: Texas   City: Deer Park
Address: 1701 Meadowlark

Category: Miscellaneous


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