» Miscellaneous » Complaint / Review: Juan Li - Veronica Lee - Ripoff she gained my trust through pretentious lover moved to china with her where she has all my money. #174213

Complaint / Review
Juan Li - Veronica Lee
Ripoff she gained my trust through pretentious lover moved to china with her where she has all my money

The woman new I had been recovering from a recent divorce. She took her time over the course of 5 months to gain my trust and used varing tactics to make me feel that I needed her. She made an oath to me swearing to be with me for life. She even told me she could not break her word. She is a Chinese woman, and she told me her sob story's of how she was betrayed and that she wanted someone to share her life and with her in China. Over time her she built up her lines and I should have noticed when the lines changed, but I was too much in love with her to notice. She and I started making plans for our future and the usual things that lovers talk and plan about. She moved in after 6 months. And she told me she was looking forward to life with me. She told me often how much she loved me and that she has never loved anyone as much as she loved me. She bought tickets to Cancun for us and she would always go through the coupons to get discounts.

After about a month of living together, she told me she was highly jealous of her man looking around and expected her man to not be polite and courteous.

I am a friendly person, detailed, and notice things to keep track of changes. She thought I was looking around and making what she calls gestures or sending signals to anyone around.

She then accused me of being bi-sexual, and told me I was gay. She has a list of accusations that is endless. I realized later on that this tactic was used to keep me off balance.

When I would ask her how she came to these conclusions she would say I feel it and I know. Rather peculiar. At the time I was too busy proving to her that I was not as she accused. Little did I know that she was seeing other men at work. She would not answer her phone nor emails for hours on end. A few months afterwards I lost my job and she wanted to know if I had a web cam so she could watch me using MSN IM. How we got this point was I pulled out an old web cam one night and I told her you can chat with your mom who is in China and you can also she her and she can see you. I was at home looking for new work sending resumes out. One day after work she came home pretty determined and told me she is taking control. I balked. She said can I watch you from work through the cam? While I am at home we chat and she can watch me in front of the computer while I'm sending resumes. A problem arose when the cam connection would suddenly terminate. She then began accusing me of purposely terminating the cam sessions and thought I had people in the house. She then wanted a camera that would stay up all the time. After about two months of using the webcam, she wanted to leave me because she thought I was having men and women over and that I was probably sneaking out and doing things behind her back. I should have realized things by now. I was under her control
and pretty soon I could not even look in public. She told me that I had to stare and the ground and that she didn't want anyone looking at my face especially my eyes. The lest of things she accused me of is unbelievable, she would not allow phone calls, emails, helping out my dad, and pretty soon she made it so I was in shock and made me feel that I could not
take a piss without her watching. Yet she would slip out of the room and make phone calls while I was sleeping. She from work slip out and make phone calls, meet someone and so on.

This is just half the story, after about a year she told me she was going to quit her job and that we both are going to move to China and start a new life and we would never be apart. I sold my cars, my property and so forth and she sold her car and closed out a few of her many bank accounts, she liquidated her stocks. The part about getting our funds over to China was a tricky one. I had done some research and found out that as a US Citizen I could not open a bank account. She called her mother to open us a bank account and I put my money in her trust and we went to her banks and transferred her money and my money to what I thought was our account. Little did I know that she was sending money to her account that she had for 12 years.

The money went to her account and then her mothers account. When we got to China we were both supposed to go to our bank and check to see if the money had arrived. She and her mother end up going and I stay behind, she said I could not come and she yelled and screamed and I did not want to make a scene.
We were in China about 8 days and she became distant, and cold angry and once she threatened to leave and beat me on the face and chest. We had purchased with cash 90 day tickets and she was going to resign her job prior to leaving but she told me that she had some problems with the HR and was going to resign from China. Prior to going to China she had gotten me in trouble with the local law twice. Had me open up 10 credit cards and one line of credit, take out cash and transfer them to CHina. She told me we would make monthly payments from China by way of online bill pay using our supposed bank account. She told me she had enough money and that the money I'm sending over will be used for investing, that's how we will change our tourist visa's to investor visa's so we can stay indefinitely and live a good life in China. She had changed all this plan

We ended up staying with her parents, which was a change, we were supposed to buy our own place, she told me that she wanted to live with her parents and I had no fact going to China was her idea and I went along because she told me that was the only way she felt comfortable with me, because she told me that in the US I knew too many people and that she wanted me all to her self. No inference no one bothering us.

She made her jealousy and her obessions so real. And as this one statement says she put me in a box and made me feel that I could not survive without her. She had me and she knew it. She really did not want to move to China. She wanted to kill me in China and return to the US to her job.

On the 5th day in China I was fed up with her being mad and distant, we didn't even sleep much she would get up and walk into the kitchen and start opening draws. I did not know that she had asked her parents to assist her and killing me. I would sit in the chair in the bedroom and when she would return to the room I would go into the kitchen to sit at the table and get a drink an eat some snacks. She would run out to see what I was doing. Then she would talk a little and then head back to the room. This went on since the 3 day. She would wake up her mother and talk to her past midnite and she would argue with her. That morning I told her to get tickets back to the US and she said that's fine, I'm fine with that! In an angered tone, but she really wasn't. She wanted to torture me for the rest of my life.

Unfortunate for us Norhtwest flights back were booked for the next two weeks. We tried for 2 days.
She changed her attitude a little while doing this and she started to talk a little more. The seventh day I asked her to call a travel agency ask them if they had ticketst to Japan available, they did. So we booked tickets and flew to Tokyo in hopes of finding tickets back to DC. When we got to Tokyo, I knew that this would be next to impossible since it was in the middle of summer and any economy class seats would not be available. The cheapest tickets was around 1600.00 USD one-way.

She did not want to pay that much. So we stayed the first night. Prior to leaving China, she opened up and said we can travel around for a year and after a year we can settle down in the place we like best. She wanted me to take a job and support us in a new place. She told me that she did not want to return to China and live with her parents ever. I agreed, this changed as she debates back and forth. She then began saying we can go to India, or Australia, or even Hawaii.
Also, she told me that she had ordered two Visa Check cards for us to use and that it would take 3 days to get them. The second day we were in CHina is when she and her mother went to the banks.

The second day in Tokyo she began to change her attitude and wanted to stay in Tokyo for a week, this is what I was hoping for and to get her to tell me all that she and her mother had talked about in China. She would tell me bits and pieces and that she never wanted to see her mother again. She told me her mother is traditional and values life and others, and she herself doesnt' think this way. I should have taken a hint, but because she was allover the place in her words to me I could
not tell what was really going on inside her head. She is a hard read, very subtle. One thing I noticed about her is that when she is in a position like this one she starts to think out loud and is unaware that she really giving out her real motives.

This I found out later when I started going back over all the events and recalling her statements, her attitude. She doesn't have gestures very straight faced and hard to read.

To cut this shorter, we came to DC, she went back to work, I went to Japan for a week to get perspective. I made a mistake and told her I was coming back, she moved from the place I left her at to a place in DC, and she also got a room in Flushing, NY. On her days off she would go stay in NY. She didn't answer her phone once I returned but listened to my messages. I called up her cell company and they gave me her account information as well as access to call records. I started calling the numbers and found some very shocking news. She had been calling dozens of men and I was hurt even more.

She found out I had access and she went and got another provider. I found an online place who got me her new phone number and I called it and it was her. I blocked my number and she didn't know it was me because the signal was horrible. I bought her an engagement ring, a laptop and called the police and tried to get them to charge her with theft. The police called her and then called her boss. Her boss told her and she
left work and called me 4 hours later and asked to meet me. This was about a month and a half after we both left China.

I met up with her in DC and she told me what had happened
and that this time we will stay in China. I she went a gathered her stuff and we took a taxi to and airport to rent a car one-way to NY because she put her passport in a safedeposit box. On the way up she would change her mind debating back and forth as she does when she wants me to succumb to her whims and then causing confusion. We got to Flushing and she started attacking me verbally making me feel low and guilty. We waited outside her bank for it to open so she could get her passport. We were supposed to fly out of JFK. One things led to another and next thing you all her verbal abuses had me going back to DC.

I kept after her and a month later we were again trying to get back to CHina. I just wanted to get my money back at and leave her alone. She called me up and said buy two tickets to China.

I booked two tickets and right after she said cancel them we will go up to NY and buy tickets from a Chinese Travel agency because it's cheaper. I cancelled them and then we headed to NY and rented a room, she then said she didn't want to go back to China and that we would get an apartment in Flushing and work
together at a CHinese business so we not be apart. This changed over time to I get my own place and she would keep her job and travel back and forth and she would she me from time to time.

Well this did not work out and we ended up back in DC and she still kept her room in NY, where we stayed a few nights and spent the afternoons. The following month, she said I had to loose my sight for her to be with me, and that this way I would I would not notice others. We went to China and stayed at her parents for two days, she picked up more of things and she changed her mind and we ended up back in NY then back in DC.
A few days later she ends up back in my place and this time she says she will quit her job, buy a van and work as cable contractors to pay off my debts and buy a place of our own and live peacefully and quietly. This changed from our place to after we pay off your debts we will separate. We ended up in Florida for 3 weeks working, the pay went to pay off her credit card. The job was supposed to last 6 months. It did not the company had cut the funds and we were out. We headed back to DC and sold the van, she resigned her job and we went to NY and she returned the key to the room and got her deposit back. We headed back to DC for a two days and then returned to NY to pickup our passports with the new Visas to enter China, on the same day we bought tickets and flew back to China, this time she made a promise not to cause more problems and we are never coming back to the US. We flew to China this is the 3rd time in less then 6 months. After a few days she is still using thegay thing and that I stare at all kinds of people, her father is twiddling his thumbs she noticed this but I did not, she told her mother that her twiddling his thumbs gets me excited.

Her mother is upset and is at this point telling her daughter something. I'm not sure, I don't speak and of their language. Juan, aka Veronica is telling me her mother told her to leave and never come back because she just accused her father of being gay. It may have been. Veronica is asking her mother to let us stay, because she just bought a new bed for us and that she had no life to go back to in the US. Veronica would try to convince her mother for the next day but according to Veronica her mother wanted us to get out. Veronica cried for quite a while that night because she wanted to stay there. I was fed up with her again because she forced me to bring 3 sets of clothing only. She told me that I would get all new clothing in China and that I did not need to bring my things. There's alot of information I'm leaving out because I would end up writing an entire book.

To summarize the woman feigned love she told me I was the one. She did whatever it took to gain my trust, my heart and my mind. She made me think of her as the only one I ever needed. She knew exactly what to say and how to get me in a box. As a result my credit is destroyed, I have a record with the law, I have no money, I cannot get a normal job, and with all the problems this country is facing with illegal aliens it is even tougher. I called lawyers, I tried the legal system and I even hired
private investigators to try and locate her. She fled to NY Feb 1 06. Since then I have not heard from her. I hired an assest recovery investigator who ripped me off. I am at total loss and in great debt. I have no one who can help in aiding me with justice. I have borrowed money from my family, I have sought jobs but am unable to obtain one because of my credit and my record. This woman did me in and I am unable to have a normal life. I loved this woman, but now I realize that she forced me to love her. As a result I have stress pains in my heart, stress bumps on my body, loss of weight, and uable to sleep, anxiety attacks. I am all alone with no hope, no future.

For the past 4 months I have had no strenght within to carry on. I read the profile on fraudaid and read what I needed read and found that I was not crazy, just a victim of a crazed bent woman. Who only cares for herself, she being who knows? This woman needs to be taken off the streets and locked up. She is dangerous to any man.

Offender: Juan Li - Veronica Lee

Country: USA   State: New York   City: New York
Address: 343 E 54th St, Apt 1R

Category: Miscellaneous


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