» Internet & Web » Complaint / Review: Netflix - Credit Card Fraud Internet. #773472

Complaint / Review
Credit Card Fraud Internet

I had been a satisfied Netflix customer for years. I started back before streaming was available and when they first offered it at no extra charge that was like a free gift so I was even happier. Later they began to increase the prices slowly adding in a fee for streaming and later splitting it up so you cannot bundle the services and had to buy two separate services at nearly 2 times the cost I had paid. Actually almost 3 time the cost of what I had paid about a year before. Now I am not calling this a rip off or saying they have no right to change the service options or pricing schemes they are offering. Just that it had gone up far too much for me to find a good value especially as the streaming variety had been getting worse and worse and then I heard they were losing contracts with several big movie companies like Disney and the titles they claimed would replace them were pathetic.

Anyhow all that being said I wanted to drop my service with them. After talking to a few people about it I found the only 2 people I knew that had cancelled a Netflix subscription both continued to be charged for months after cancelling. One of them was my mother and she was charged for 5 months until she called and demanded to speak with a supervisor. Her account was also not active the entire time as she had tried to log in to cancel that way as well and could not get in. But they still refused to give her a refund. The other person is a friend I have known for almost 20 years and he was continually charged until he moved out of state and closed the account that Netflix was charging.

After hearing this I was a bit concerned they might do it to me too. That is when I got a message from Netflix saying the card I have on file will expire soon and I need to update it to avoid any interruption in service. I checked into it and my card expired 12 days before the next billing cycle. So I figured perfect they have an extremely unfair cancelation policy where your cancelation is immediate with no refund for time purchased nor does your account remain active until the end of your current billing period. So I figured if I just do nothing they will try to bill me next period and the charge will be denied and 1 of 2 things will happen. They will contact me for new billing information or simply deactivate my account, but neither happened. Somehow they managed to charge my new debit card even though I never updated my information and the website now said my card was expired.

I found this odd but it was only 2 weeks from the time the old card expired and I had a history of using Netflix so maybe my bank did this as a courtesy in case I had failed to get my information updated with everyone. So I called them and was told quite flatly that "No we would never do that." At that point I asked how this could have gone through and my bank told me that the original transaction was denied and someone must have "fudged the numbers for my new expiration date and tried the transaction again." This is not hard to do as most card expiration dates are done in a cycle and only the year changes.

At this point I had to tell my bank this was a fraudulent charge and have the card cancelled fill out dispute forms and wait 10 days for a new card. This was a clear cut of credit card fraud and I immediately contact my state's consumer protection agency. They were extremely interested and are currently working on my behalf to contact Netflix about this. And guess is not responding and my representative from the Attorney General's office is now getting ready to send a second round of letters to them in an effort to get them to acknowledge my complaint.

Also, when I found out they fraudulently charged my account I logged into my Netflix account and sent them a nasty email about it then manually cancelled my account. And it still remained active for at least a week after that. Meaning they never cancelled my account and they would have likely tried to charge me yet again if they had a card with a valid number.

So plain and simple Netflix committed credit card fraud.

Offender: Netflix

Country: USA

Category: Internet & Web


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