» Education & Science » Complaint / Review: National School Of Technology - Not National, Barely even a School, Drunk Teachers and No Degree yet!. #260877

Complaint / Review
National School Of Technology
Not National, Barely even a School, Drunk Teachers and No Degree yet!

This is my original complaint from 2005 to the BBB about this school.

Complaint Classification: Product Quality

Complaint Description - Posted 11-11

I have attended this school since September 21st, and since then I've complained to my school twice— without redress— that my teachers are not competent (not able to pronounce medical terminology) and they are also teaching us wrong information about medical health. I have a teacher by the name of Mr Dawson who comes to class drunk at least once a week. So my complaint is that because I have a federal student loan to pay for my classes I am going to be in debt to this school while getting only substandard education. I'm hoping that filing a complaint with the BBB will either help me to resolve my issue, or at least bring negative attention to this school. They are taking students' money and turning out allied health employees who will not be able to function in a highly specialized work environment. R* P*

SETTLEMENT: Not Applicable

Since I have to teach myself this course, I would like to have the money I borrowed from the government returned, and have the school charge me just for my books.

PRODUCT: Course in Medical Billing and Coding
Amount Paid: $7,950.00

Response from the BBB (2 YEARS LATER. Psht!):

Initial Response - Posted 10-19

While I did not receive a written complaint from Ms. P*, as the complaint was forwarded to an incorrect address. If we would have received the complaint in November when it was first sent to the Better Business Bureau, we would have responded in a timely manner. The complaint was forwarded to me by the Better Business Bureau on October 1, and I am responding today.

I attempted to contact Ms. P*, on 10/15/07 on the telephone number which you provided, and the telephone number is no longer listed in Ms. P*'s name; therefore I was not able to make contact with Ms. P*. Next, I contacted our campus Director of Career Services on 10/15/07 for any contact information for Ms. Pierre, and was given an email address for Ms. Pierre. I sent Ms. Pierre an email on 10/15/07 asking her to contact me so that we could discuss the complaint, and as of 10/19/07, I have not been contacted by Ms. Pierre.

Ms. P* enrolled in our Medical Billing program on 9/21/05. Ms. P* filed a complaint with your office on 11/11/05. Ms. Pierre left school on 2/9/06 for undisclosed reasons, and returned back to school, on her own accord on 4/28/06. Ms Pierre graduated from NST on 9/8/06.

(If I may interject, I left the school because of the entire "drunk teacher" situation. I was STRONGLY persuaded, pressured you might say, by the admissions people to return and finish my 'degree'. Still I left the school for two months, after which time the pressure tactics worked on me, and I thought "What the hey. Maybe I can still make something of this 'education' even though I have to teach myself, even though the teacher is a drunk, even though this is a total money scam. Maybe my books will help me in the long run after all.")

If Ms. P* felt so strongly about her lack of education, Ms. P* had ample time to leave school after she had filed her complaint with your office. But to the contrary Ms. P* continued her education with us up until February, when she withdrew from classes. Ms. Pierre had the opportunity to not return to NST, but Ms. Pierre returned to school to finally complete her work and graduate in September.

It is for the reasons above that I believe Ms. P* is not entitled to any type of monetary or other refund for services rendered. I appreciate the opportunity to respond to the BBB and sincerely hope that with this explanation you will be able to update your company's file to reflect that National School of Technology is not responsible for this complaint.

Initial Response Summary

Student remained in school after filing the complaint and graduated, therefore student is not entitled to any refund.

Now if I knew who actually wrote this report about me from NST I would go there and curse him/her out. I went to this school thinking I would get a 'degree' in medical billing/coding. They know damn well that they do not care about your education. Hell half the students can barely read or write, much less use a computer, and the teachers I had smelled strongly of VODKA 4 days out of 5 that I was in class every week! Not only that, the teacher may have been dyslexic. He didn't know how to pronounce the medical terminology. How the hell are you supposed to get an education in an environment like that. But after doing the math I figured out the school's agenda. Each classroom equalled about $100k, and there were about 30-40 classrooms in this school. So that's $3-4 mil in annual revenue, of course mostly based on student loans, so that's not actual cash in the bank, but 'credit' dollars.

Also I found out that this school is closely associated with another RipOff School. The Florida Metropolitan University, which has had lawsuits against it for similar reasons (lack of educational quality, high costs, unaccredited classes, etc.)

So students beware. Go to a real college, University, community college or hell, get an internship somewhere. I made the mistake of believing these scam artists and they pull new people in every day. I hope this doesn't happen to you!

Hollywood, Florida

Offender: National School Of Technology

Country: USA   State: Florida   City: Fort Lauderdale
Address: 1040 Bayview Drive
Phone: 9546300066

Category: Education & Science


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