» Cars & Transport » Complaint / Review: Wells Fargo Auto Finance - Wells Fargo Auto -Wells Fargo Acceptance - Simple Paperwork takes a full month... And then some!. #558157

Complaint / Review
Wells Fargo Auto Finance - Wells Fargo Auto -Wells Fargo Acceptance
Simple Paperwork takes a full month... And then some!

I was in an accident on 01/12 (for the record, I was riding shotgun while someone else was driving. However, the car and the insurance are all under my name), and although the damage was repairable, since the car was that old, the insurance company thought it was cost effective to just deem the car a total loss. Fine. Whatever. I needed a new car anyway, according to all of my friends. Besides, I can use the extra money and the rest can be a down payment for a new car. It seems as if all of this was in the bag right? WRONG! This is where the headache really began.
After a week of not hearing back from my insurance company regarding my reimbursement, I took the initiative to contact them myself. To my surprise, the only hold up is Wells Fargo Auto Finance, as the insurance company needs a Letter of Guarentee from them first. I took the liberty to call Customer Service myself (800-559-3557) and find out what is the hold up. After being transferred to numberous other departments, I finally got a hold of their Total Loss Department (866-829-3395). Spoke with a somewhat helfpul representative who acknowledged that they received the request for my insurance company numberous times, and she also took the time to explain to me that she had no issues sending the letter to my insurance company, but they can't guarentee what they don't have, of which to my surprise, IT'S THE TITLE TO MY CAR! She then referred me back over to Customer Service and told me what to say so I don't get connected back to Total Loss again.
Called Customer Service, who referred me back to the branch that I got the loan from (Decatur/Rochelle). Called that branch (871-8687?), and to my surprise yet again, they are saying that they no longer handle any car loans whatsoever and that I should contact another branch (Stephanie/215). So I called that branch (558-7900), who then referred me BACK TO CUSTOMER SERVICE!
At this point, I thought I was really close in losing my cool, but I was good. I called Customer Service again and on 01/28, a request was sent out to perfect the title of my car. The gal I spoke with was kind, and told me it may take 3-5 business days. I didn't like waiting, but what other choice do I have? So I waited. I called Customer Service on 02/02, of which this particular representative corrected the other rep and said that no, it would not take 3-5 business days, but rather 10 BUSINESS DAYS!!!
I did the only thing I knew, which was to send something to Wells Fargo Corporate (Mailing address: Customer Service F4008080 800 Walnut Des Moines, IA 50309 USA, fax number: 800-926-1072, also provided by Customer Service). That was sent on 02/03. I gave them until Tuesday, 02/09 to reply to me with a legitimate update and what needs to be done to get this thing over with. Did I get a reply back? NO!
So I called them (again at Customer Service) yesterday, who states that the request has been referred back to the branch that did my paperwork... Which was confusing because I thought they said they don't do loans anymore...?? I called the branch again today, and this time another rep gave me a DIFFERENT BRANCH TO CALL (Tropican/Hualapai). Called that branch (873-6892), and guess what??!! They don't do title perfections! And guess who they referred me back to again? That is right... CUSTOMER SERVICE!
Basically, I have come to the following conclusions:
1) The right hand does not seem to know what the left is doing... And there seems to be absolutely NO COMMUNICATIONS between the branches and their main Customer Service center. I really truly believe that if there was some level of communication, this process wouldn't be this long and I would have had my check right about now.
2) NO ONE SEEMS TO TAKE ANY RESPONSIBILITY ABOUT THIS! According to one of the CSR's that I spoke with, they knew about the title not being perfected around November/ December! WHY WAS I NOT TOLD ABOUT THIS? Or at least the co-owner of the car, who is a relative of mine. Yet, when we created this account/loan, we made sure that I was the primary contact, seeing as I am paying on the car, I'm the one utilizing the car, and the car is garaged at my place of residence.
I have already lodged a complaint against Wells Fargo to the BBB and FDIC. I may involve my lawyer in this, if that is what it will take for them to move their back sides. It should not take this long to perfect some paperwork... Seriously... And I have lost all patience with Wells Fargo.


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