» Cars & Transport » Complaint / Review: Sam Like Green Eggs And Ham At Hot Ride Motors - Not only is Sam a Liar but also a thief!. #376051

Complaint / Review
Sam Like Green Eggs And Ham At Hot Ride Motors
Not only is Sam a Liar but also a thief!

I'm sure everyone has heard that old saying that goes "The most dishonest professions are used car salesmen, used car salesmen and used car salesmen.

I, for one, don't buy into the stereotyping of people or professions... That is, not until meeting up with the very type of individuals, which this reputation is based upon. I'm talking about the very same individuals and company, that so many of you, on this site, have posted complaints about, so was not at all surprised, when I googled the name, 'Hot Ride Motors' and read about ALL the others, who have had bad experiences, with this company, and these two swarmy characters. Therefore, I am adding in my three cents here, lol

My wife and I were recently looking, to purchase a used car, and stopped at several neighborhood dealerships, along Kensington Philadelphia. Hot Ride Motors was our third stop, of the day, and without a doubt, this dealership and its employees have got to be the most dishonest of all used car dealerships and salespeople, as not only do they lie but they are THIEFS, as well! More on that later, as there is not a doubt, in my mind, that Sam Laken is a thief, as well, as a dishonest used car salesman.

The first person, that we encountered, upon walking onto the lot, at Hot Ride Motors was this very thin foreign fellow, talking on a cell phone, on the lot. I knew he was foreign, as he continued his conversation, on his cell phone (in a foreign language. Russian maybe?) even while attempting, to carry on a conversation, with my wife and myself. Rude you say? I'd say.

This guy looked like someone who would probably be more comfortable in a Godfather mafia scene... The Russian Mafia, that is, lol. Found out later, that he was the 'boss' man, Andrei Losev? Though it appeared he has no people skills whatsoever. Not even taking a break from his foreign language cell phone conversation... At least not with 'potential' customers, who venture onto his lot. He simply gestured, to us, with his hands, no less, that we should go inside the building, which was really a trailer, as he seemed not able or willing, to answer any of our questions, concerning any of the cars on the lot.

So, since we were already there and despite already getting really bad vibes about this establishment, we proceeded inside the trailer, where we encountered another individual, sitting at a desk, also on the phone but at least, this one was talking in English. He gestured for us, with his hands, lol, to sit down and after several more minutes, of conversation, he ended his call and gave us his complete attention, introducing himself as Sam, just like green eggs and ham. Yes, he really did say that and I'm assuming, after reading, all of these consumer complaintss, on this site, that this could only have been the notorious Sam, the Snake Laken, and the guy outside must have been Andrei, the Weasel, Losev, LOL???

As we didn't, as yet, know of the sleeziness, of these two individuals and the way, in which, they run their business, again, we proceeded, to explain, that we were interested in a used car (why else would we be there lol?) and told Sam EXACTLY, what we wanted, to spend, so as not to waste his time or ours, by showing us anything, outside our specified price range, (maximum $3000, which we wanted, to purchase for CASH and we specifically told him, that we did NOT want to finance, nor did we want to do any kind of buy here pay here)

Even though we told him, all this, it was like he didn't hear, what we were saying, as he immediately took us outside, to look at cars, that were more than double the maximum amount, that we wanted to spend, saying "You'll never find anything like what you're looking for, at the price you are looking to spend", which I didn't understand, as we had nothing in mind, whatsover, other than a good running, reliable vehicle, which could get us from point A to B... And didn't even care, what it looked like, as long as it would see us thru the winter months.

Once he knew, that we had $3000 in cash available, to spend, he tried his darnest, to get us to "finance", urging us, to use our 3k, as a down payment, which we repeatedly told him, that we did not want to do. Finally it SEEMED, that he 'got it' and he showed us a car, while 'insinuating', that it WAS "in our price range", which it turned out, that it was definitely NOT. It was actually almost twice the amount, that we told him, that we wanted to spend, but THAT part was not disclosed, until after, our taking it out, for a test drive and AFTER my wife 'fell in love' with this vehicle. All I can say is that I'm grateful, that I was there with her, that day, as the day previously, she was out, with her sister, 'shopping for a car' and who knows, what COULD have happened, had it not rained, that day, and I had gone to work and therefore would not have been there, with my wife, that day!

Beings that hind site is always 20/20, I see now, that his tactic WAS, to get us really into the car... So much so, that we'd forget the part, where we didn't want, to finance or spend more money, that we were able to afford!

Wait... LOL, I'm getting ahead of myself here. Let's go back to BEFORE showing us the car, that my wife ultimately 'fell in love with', while thinking that it WAS indeed, within our price range!

Before even agreeing, to take this car out, for a test drive, I specifically asked Sam, if this car was WITHIN our price range of $3000, (it was a 1999 Ford Taurus, with high miles, in my opinion, for that year) and he said, that it WAS... He actually said, that it was do-able, and that the most important thing was, for us, to get the 'feel' of the car and that once we decided, that this was something, that we liked, that he would then 'scrunch' the numbers, and make it work for us. I guess we should have run the other way, then and there, right... Before turning over my drivers license to him, lol?

Anyway, he then went back inside, for the keys and a plate and before going inside, he asked for my drivers license, and said, that since he was 'alone'? And there were other 'potential' customers, on the lot, by that time, he needed a copy, of my drivers license, before allowing us, to take the vehicle, for a test drive. Then, in our 'excitement', to test drive the vehicle, both my wife and myself forgot, that he never did give me back my drivers license, when he came back outside, with the keys and dealer plate.

Needless to say, after test driving this car, my wife fell even more in love, with this vehicle, based solely, on the fact, that it was her favorite color, lol but loll and behold, only to find out, THEN, from Sam, AFTER coming back, from talking to his manager, 'Andrei', the Weasel, (Losev?), that the CASH price was NOT $3000, which is what he clearly 'insinuated' to us, that it was, but that it was, in fact, $5500... (CASH PRICE) and only SLIGHTLY more, if we were to 'finance' this vehicle, using our $3000, as down payment, as we've said, all along, that we did NOT want to do!!!

By this time, we just wanted, to get, as far away, from Sam, as we could but Mr. Smooth talker just wouldn't shut up. The other 'potential' customers were suddenly, no where, to be found, and he was, once again, giving us all of his attention, and what a smooth talker he is!!!

This guy, then proceeded, to tell us about his wife, and the fact, that he was expecting a baby, blah blah blah and was clearly trying, too hard, to show us the 'human' side of himself, which, by that point, we clearly weren't having, as by then, he had clearly shown us, that he was the type, of person, who would attach 4 wheels, to a fallen tree and then sell it, to his own mother, as a luxury vehicle, for a luxury vehicle price, of course.

If I could rate a person on trustworthiness, this guy, Sam Laken, would be in the negative numbers!

Finally, getting out of that trailer and proceeding, out the gate, he still kept talking and proceeded, to follow us, out to the sidewalk... Saying how much he really wanted, to put us into a car today. That being said, after finding out, we were headed, to the bus stop, at the corner.

He then proceeded, to point out, another BLUE, (my wife's favorite color, he remembered! Lol), older model Ford, saying, that it may not look pretty but that it could definitely get us from point A to B and more important, that this one, Really was, in our price range! LOL

My wife and I were flabberghasted and at that point, could not say a word and could only look, at one another, shaking our heads. The car he was showing us, at that point, was definitely, on its last wheels and I don't know... Call me crazy, but I just don't mean because it had 183,000 miles on it. I just don't want to spend $3000 on a Fred Flintstone type car, with holes for your feet, to run on the ground.

Still shaking our heads, and intent on getting, as far away, from this guy, as quickly, as we could, we just kept walking and I remember my wife making the Fred Flintstone comment, as we crossed the street and my saying, in reply, that this Sam character looked alot like Barney Rubble LOL

Though it was our intent, at that point, to give up the search, that day, for a car, and to just catch the bus, at the corner... Decided instead, since we'd noticed a bus, passing by, just minutes before, while attempting, to get away, from the shyster, Barney Rubble look alike, lol, that we'd check out what was available, at the dealership, across the street, (where we DID, in fact, find a reliable, nice car, also Blue, lol, and within our price range of $3000 cash, which my wife drove home the following day)

However, it was not until preparing, to go on yet another test drive, across the street, from Hot Ride Motors, that I realized, that Sam The Snake, had never returned my drivers license and I immediately went back across the street to retrieve my license...

Which mysteriously??? Was no longer there???

Sam insisted, that he had given me back my drivers license, Which he MOST DEFINITELY DID NOT and could not even come up, with the copy of my license, which he supposedly had made, and said he had already shredded!

Pissed off and vindictive, that I dared go across the street, to find a better deal? Most definitely.

He even made a comment, as I stormed out of there, without my driver's license, that he hoped I was able, to find, what I was looking for and even had the gall, to say, 'good luck', with whatever it was, that I was buying from "those guys", across the street, which could only mean, that he watched us walk over, and then in retalliation, proceeded to shread, both my driver's license & the copy, that he had made!!!

But, still, at the end of the day, especially after reading the consumer complaints, on this site, I consider myself extremely fortunate, not to have done business with Barney Rubble, AKA Sam, the Snake, Laken, of Hot Ride Motors, as even though I had to go thru the hassle, of obtaining a duplicate drivers license... At least I wasn't Ripped-Off, by these guys, by actually buying anything from them and instead, followed my initial instincts, which told me, almost, as soon as I walked, onto that lot, that these guys are exactly like everything anyone has ever heard about shady, lying, dishonest, shyster etc etc used car salesmen and dealerships! Reading all these reviews, on this site and others, about these guys, at Hot Ride Motors, makes me feel grateful, that we got away, before being sucked in, and had only, to pay the cost, for a duplicate drivers license.

Yes, I am lucky indeed, as hearing from consumers here, as well as on several other sites, posting complaints about these guys, I now consider myself Extremely lucky, for not having been biten, by Sam, the Snake, Laken LOL and the elusive??? Lol Andrei, the Weasel, Losev... Which I am just assuming, here, was the Russian, with the cell phone attached??? LOL

This site has got, to be the best, out there, and anyone, even contemplating buying a used car, should come here, first, and if there is just one complaint here, about someone, that you are even considering, doing business with, you ought, to back off, or at the very least, to investigate further, as there are other sites, out there, with car buying horror stories, and these guys, at Hot Ride Motors, have complaints, against them, from more than just this site! I was not so inclined, to check these guys out, until, after the fact, but at least, I didn't buy from them, and it is my hope, to educate, all of you, out there, looking for a used car and to advise all of you, out there, to stay away, from Hot Ride Motors, located in the Kensington section, of the city, of Philadelphia, Pa (3552 Kensington Ave., 19134), as these guys are clearly out only, to make a buck and don't care, who they have, to scam, in order, to fill their pockets, with your hard earned cash!!!

Consider yourself forWarned and always remember, that the best advice, that consumers, such as ourselves, could ever get, from anyone, is that Buyers should BeWare!

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Offender: Sam Like Green Eggs And Ham At Hot Ride Motors

Country: USA   State: Pennsylvania   City: Philadelphia
Address: 3552 Kensington Avenue
Phone: 2154373332

Category: Cars & Transport


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