» Business & Finance » Complaint / Review: Craig Robeson Weitzel - Taylor, Bean & Whitaker - This fraud manager is a fraud to the clients of taylor, bean & whitaker. #379045

Complaint / Review
Craig Robeson Weitzel - Taylor, Bean & Whitaker
This "fraud manager" is a fraud to the clients of taylor, bean & whitaker

"be aware of mortgage fraud!".. My husband and i fell victims through great commission realty a.K.A. Gilbert "bud" jones. Through also oakstar bank mortgage;
their appraiser, mary kym craft out of the area of springfield/aurora missouri and also taylor, bean & whitaker mortgage out of ocala florida. We were led to believe that we were purchasing a home that was at least a two bedroom, built in 1954 and with good floors. The original appraiser (kym craft) appraised the parlor and main entrance/sunroom as second and third bedrooms. Bud jones claimed the home was at least a two bedroom, built in 1954 with good floors when in reality, proven and documented, the home is a one bedroom, built in the late 1800's and severely damaged floors. Even though we purchased this home in aurora "sight unseen" we did have what we believed were honest and professional people working for us. Looking out for our best reality they were looking out for their own best interest.."the almighty dollar".. My husband and i learned a hard and expensive lesson. If people/companies that are suppose to be professional and honest can deceive/fraud their own clients; then it isn't beyond any professional or non to do so to anyone. We never got to live in the home, because it wasn't the home we were led into believing we had purchased. Not only that the home is "unliveable".."so again be aware if mortgage fraud can happen to us, "and did" it can happen to anyone!".. Taylor, bean & whitaker mortgage out of ocala, florida bought the "sell contract" from oakstar bank, the same day escrow closed and "foreclosed" on 10-6-08 at 11:00 A.M. Even though their own "fraud manager" craig weitzel thought he would get away by hiring a bogus appraiser (cynthia speckman) and neither would get caught, "they did".. So that plan of theirs went out the door and mr weitzel contacted my husband a second time and said he was sending out another appraiser. This second and honest (samatha balsamo) did a complete, inside and out "honest appraisal".. The home came back to what my husband and i had stated all along. Mr. Weitzel and his first appraiser (cynthia speckman) got caught for falsifing her appraisal report. She copied off oakstar banks appraiser (kym craft) that appraised the home as a three bedroom and built in the 1950's.."it is a one bedroom, built in the late 1800's. Severely damaged floors and unliveable!".. This second (samatha balsamo) and honest appraiser appraised the home at $8,000's less then the original, only because she could only comp from two and three bedrooms in the area since there were no other one bedrooms to comp. She even said the value could even be lower, but because the electricity wasn't turned on, she wasn't able to check any electrical units. She also stated that if a "room doesn't have a closet, it "isn't a bedroom!".. Mr. Weitzel stated that if the home came back as a one bedroom, built in the late 1800's, etc., that he would get together with oakstar bank and rectify the matter. Mr. Weitzel stated to both my husband and myself that "oakstar bank frauded them (taylor, bean & whitaker) because they (tbw) bought the sell contract from oakstar bank".."well the home came back as stated".. Mr weitzel asked my husband what he felt our "damages should be".. My husband replied and stated he wanted the sell reversed like it never happened and our money back. Mr. Weitzel backed out on his word to rectify this matter, while oakstar bank's (julie barker/executive vice president) tried to justify their appraisers actions for counting a parlor and enclosed porch as second and third bedrooms. Miss barker stated in one of her e-mails that and i quote; "i am working on the situation for you" and yet during a phone conversation with her, miss barker was just trying to justify that their appraiser (kym craft) "made a mistake".."doe's that sound like working on the situation for us or another hiding behind the truth?".."that so called mistake inflated the value of the home.."much more" then it was worth and sold to us!".. Guess bud jones made a mistake when he intentionally failed to tell us that it was only a one bedroom; not two as he had listed, and stated another room could be used as a third bedroom. Guess bud jones made a mistake when he intentionally failed to tell us that his and miss craft's idea of second and third bedrooms were a "parlor and enclosed porch/sunroom".. Guess he made a mistake when he also said the floors were good and the home was built in 1954.. Guess he made a mistake when he also said the "home was a great buy and he would move his family into it".. Guess tbw/craig weitzel made a mistake when he said if the home came back as a one bedroom, etc., he/they (tbw) would rectify the matter. Mr. Weitzel/tbw didn't keep their word. To count a parlor and enclosed/sunroom as "bedrooms" isn't a mistake. To fail to mention how severely warped/damaged the floors were/are isn't a mistake. To fail to mention that the home was much older then built in 1954 isn't a mistake. The home was "remodeled" in 1954.. These irresponsible actions against us, "definately weren't mistakes!!!".."they were intentional lies and fraud against us!".. To count a parlor and enclosed/sunroom as "bedrooms" isn't a mistake. To not state that the home was much older then 50 years, when in reality is 100 years isn't a mistake. To be asked about the floors/foundaton, and bud jones stated the floors were good, when in reality, they werent wasn't a mistake. We didn't expect the home to be 100% perfect, but we did expect and deserved 100% honesty about the home, starting with great commission realty/bud jones. But then bud jones knew complete honesty about the home would have costed a sell..."these so called mistakes costed us not only financially, but mental and physical disabilities as well".."of all the professional, decent, sincere realtors, lenders and appraisers out there we could have dealt with, we ended up with people that deceit/fraud and the almighty dollar supercedes the truth, honesty, dignity and intregity!" "these people should be ashamed of themselves for what they did to us;they should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. What they put us through for over a year now.."nothing but lies, lies and more lies. Pacifing, justifing, passing the buck around. Broken promises. All because they have no priorities. No morals, values, principals, dignity, etc!".."they didn't expect to get caught, and if they did we would either do nothing or go away. Well we have done anything and everything possible to hold those responsible for this "mortgage fraud" and will continue.."we aren't going anywheres!".. If we can keep this "mortgage fraud" that happened to us, to not happen to another, then it will be all worth the "hell and expense these con artists" put us through, because "people supercede" the "almighty dollar" anyday!!!".. There are two sayings that will come back and haunt these "fraudulent" people.."life isn't like a box of chocolates. More like a jar of jalapenos. What you do today, could burn your ass tomorrow"... Also.."what goes around, comes back around".."most definately will in time!!!"..: o) P.S. My husband and i would like to thank everyone that has corresponded to us about our experience with "mortgage fraud".. We appreciate your overwhelming e-mails; kindness and support for us. I will continue to reply to them all and save for future references. As one e-mail said "thanks for the heads-up".. As another said, "you are definately a person that thinks of others, even when this outrageous criminal act happened to you".. Another e-mail just received stated; "you have alot of spunk and determination. The word of truth is definately passing around. Thanks alot!".. Another said, "your a gutsy person. Don't buckle for no one, especially "crooks" that done you and your husband major".."a great e-mail received today none other then by a "realtor" stating "hoped we get justice!"..: o) ya'll are very much welcomed!!!" don & wanda reed.."it is sickening that these "people" (and i use the term lightly) are so greedy and dishonest; know the truth and yet can live with themselves.."my god!!!".."pathetic, absolutely pathetic, but then they all knew/know if one goes down, they all go down".."they won't even step up to the plate and admit they got caught and should face the consequences of their irresponsible actions/mortgage fraud against us".."also again want to thank the public for your heartwarming, supportive responses to this unexcuseable, devastating and monstrous experience my husband and i we're subjected to and have had to endured"..: o)

Read Complaints From Clients Of Taylor, Bean & Whitaker. COMPLAINTS AGAINST TAYLOR, BEAN & WHITAKER MORTGAGE
May 05
I work for the Federal Government; In traveling with my job, I asked a family member to pay my bills while I was away, so that payments wouldn't be late. Sadly, they weren't paying the bills but I didn't find out until it was too late. I've sent payments in to TB&W, trying to bring my mortgage current, but they sent them back - they won't allow me to bring the account current. I paid $196,000 for my home, they want me to pay $203,000 to keep it. I've contacted VA via phone and email. They promised to help but nothing is been done. We've contacted TB&W, as they asked us to and the attorney's office. We were led to believe that we would be allowed to pay what we currently have toward our mortgage (which is current expect for the month of May) but received a letter today, telling us they were going to list our home for foreclosure sale on June 3. The letter also stated that partial payments would not be allowed. That TB&W doesn't "trust us to ever pay our mortgage on time." We're new to Georgia; this is our first home. We don't want to lose it. We are good Christian people. We believe a miracle will occur - but we're scared to death.
This entry was:
Posted By Lannie at 03:31 PM
Comments (27) | Categories: Taylor Bean Whitaker, Georgia Foreclosure | Tags: taylor bean whitaker georgia
My self and others are in a law suite with TBW at this time please contact me we need more people.

Phone 254-977-4731

They are illegally foreclosing on people.

Please call ASAP
Posted By sandy smith on May 21 at 12:49 PM

I need anyone going thru the same situation with TB&W to contact me.
What they are doing to us all is illegal. I am currently in suit against them.
Posted By suzanne on May 28 at 12:14 PM

Rotten people - mostly the Corp leaders. Farkas & Bowman are lying crooks - if you are not homosexual you dont stand a chance in that org. The Tres Ms. Brown is cooking the books.
Posted By Bubbles on July 10 at 03:59 PM

I had Taylor Bean for a year, I lost my home to them (foreclosure) in April. We fell behind on our Mortgage due to a loss of a job. When we tried to work with them they put us on a modification plan for four months. We paid on time, and when it came to the workout time I could not afford a higher payment (as he had left) I offered to continue paying but I could not take an increase. They said the only way to keep the home was to add on $350 a month to the payment. Making my home for a then single mom (he left) $2900 a month. I'm not sure if that situation can help at all. I did lose the home and loved that home.
Posted By Christina on July 16 at 11:45 PM

My daughter who is a single mom is about to lose her home to Taylor, Bean & Whitaker. She was behind, so they put her on a payment plan whiach is so high she can't possibly make it. If there is a lawsuit I would like for her to join in.
Posted By Elizabeth Wooden on August 13 at 05:15 PM

Has anyone fell victim to the " we have no record of hazard insurance so we took money from you escrow and purchased a blanket policy" After you proved to them you do have insurance. They did this to me plus paid my school tax twice. Then they tell me I do not have enough in Escrow so they raised my payment by $200.00. When I pointed out that they double paid my tax and the insurance was in fact there they tell me they need to request a refund from my county in order to fix the payment. Guess what I am now stuck paying the extra for their screww up. I think this a fraud because no two people at TBW give me the same story its always something different. If this has happened to you please email me. I am looking to see if class action can be created.
Posted By Brian on August 24 at 11:31 AM

I paid my loan on 8/29 one hour at 2:00 PST. They told me it would not post until 9/2/08 and it would be reported late to the credit bur.
Is this legal?
Posted By sjensen on August 29 at 05:11 PM

Like someone said, it depends on who you talk to at TB&W. I am in the PST time zone as October I made a payment that was due the last day of the grace period. I saw a late charge show up in November. I called and they said a payment recorded by 4:00 EST is on time. I asked them to look up what time I paid it. They stated 10:30 am EST. When I challenged it, it was ignored. Is it legal? Probably because they make and twist the rules and are doing everything they can to make more money.
I will never pay it. I purchased my home for $230k when it appraised for $235k. Now it's worth $133k. Because I only put $25k down we had to pay mortgage insurance for 1 year, then 2 years and now because the home value loss to equity it will never be discontinued. Theres another $100 per month in those greedy peoples pockets.
Posted By Dave M on September 02 at 03:53 AM

If you are at the end of the six months and time is critical, see an some states you can "homestead" and if nothing else, you can file a chapter 13 and repay the back payemnts as the lender must work with you, the court and the trustee.

I feel your fear and frustration and I was toloosing my home. Do not wait, be proactive. Help is available. But if time is of the essence, file a chapter 13. Most lawyers will work with you on their fees.
Posted By RandyGoldheimer on September 06 at 09:52 AM

I have the same problem about the escrow account. And they are trying to get me to do the loan modification.
Posted By sjohnson on September 16 at 03:50 PM

We are currently behind on our mortgage and are seeing foreclosure I called them on several occasions before I fell behind and they would not work with me when we bacame two months behind because of decrease in pay due to economy I sent them a payment in the third month and they sent it back and proclaimed if I make two months payments the one they sent back and this month they will just add the two months into 6 monthly payments raising my payment $600 more a month! These people are crooks and don't care to work with people so they can keep thier house! We did not overspend or live beyond our means we did not overpay for our house we fell on hard times and lost more than $1000 a month due to economy! My question to whoever has went into foreclosure with this bank is how long do they give you from the moment you fall behind to get out?
Posted By Melanie on September 23 at 12:29 PM

This company has conintually charged me fees for missing a payment (that I've not missed), wouldn't let me make partial payments and refused a payment plan that they set up themselves, then won't accept a full payment either. If a class action comes against them, I sure want in.
Posted By Collin Hargett on October 13 at 05:42 PM

We're are in the process of filing for bankruptcy and I'm trying to become current on my mortage so we can file chap 7 instead of chap 13. Taylor Bean has not been too helpful! I submitted the loan modification paperwork over 3 weeks ago and have heard nothing. I do not want to lose my home. I have about 75% of what I owe to become current yet they will not take partial payments. Any suggestions?
Posted By stacie on October 14 at 10:51 AM

I actually got a loan mod from TB&W, What they did was add the payments I owed to the end of the loan. (of course that charges interest twice) yipee. What they neglected to do was change current mortgage % rate, lower my payments or anything else that would have been beneficial long term. Now I must say it was neither easy or pleasant working w / them. Now we are back to square one again trying to afford to pay let alone in a timely manor. I feel Im subject to predatory lending since they used OT hours as income, and our credit score was questionable as well, who do I contact for info on that?
Posted By Deb on October 14 at 12:41 PM

Yes, I am another tbw customer. I wished I would have found this b-4 signing the papers. I too fell bhind on payments due to an injury @ work. They also sent back payments W / a letter saying "insuffent funds". They also cost me about 400.00. They were surpose to pay my insurance in april and didn't. They finally paid a new company in August. But course it was more than what I had in April.
Posted By l har on October 21 at 07:03 PM

Yes iam involved with tbw they did load mod now they want to raise my house payment and have me sighn papers for a high loan then my house appraised for when i sighned papers when i got the loan of them i hate these ppl dont know what to do
Posted By james bryan on November 07 at 09:29 AM

I am also behind in my payment, i sent in 8000.00 eight thousand dollars to bring up my past due to one month behind and they sent the payment back after couple of weeks. I am currently working on a payment plan with them, everytime you call somebody is telling you something different. I actually promised to put some money. Some one pls tell me what to do.
Posted by zick cater on november 11 at 01:36 pm

My husband and I not only fell victims to "mortgage fraud" from Taylor, Bean & Whitaker out of Ocala, Florida, but also the realtor/Great Commission Realty/Gilbert "Bud" Jones, Oakstar Bank/Executive Vice President/Julie Barker. Their appraiser Mary Kym Craft. Their "fraud manager" Craig Weitzel promised to make it right for us, if the home came back as a one bedroom and built in the 1800's.."Well it did!" and TBW backed out on their promise and foreclosed on 10-06-08.. The home was suppose to have been at least a two bedroom, built in 1954 and all the proof is there in "our favor".. TBW as well as the others I mentioned are "lowlife, rotten, thieving, pathetic liars".. Http://

Offender: Craig Robeson Weitzel - Taylor, Bean & Whitaker

Country: USA   State: Florida   City: Ocala
Address: 314 NE 14th Street
Phone: 8007281129

Category: Business & Finance


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