» Shops, Products, Services » Complaint / Review: Sears - Edwin 800-573-8431 inexcusable service and cooperation from sears and their maintaince agreement. #734654

Complaint / Review
Edwin 800-573-8431 inexcusable service and cooperation from sears and their maintaince agreement


I would like to outline my recent experiences with Sears/Sears protection plan/Sears Repair.

On 8/21 we returned home from after a weekend away and noticed our Sears Kenmore refrigerator was not working at all. (Model number 71309). We have purchased this appliance in June with a three year extended warranty. We assumed since the manufacture warranties the appliance for the first year, that our protection would begin once that ended. Clearly we were mis-informed at the time of our Purchase. The entire contents of the freezer/refrigerator were lost. We placed a call to 1-800-4my-home and were informed that our protection agreement expired 6/30 (not quite 2 months prior). We were told at that time that a technician could not even come to look at the refrigerator until September 9. When asked if there was any way someone could come at at least look at it before then to determine what was wrong we were told no.

On 8/22 I called 1-800-4MY-HOME again to try to discuss any possible options since we buy all of our appliances from sears. (In the mean time I had to have another company come out to look at the unit... For a cost of $89.00 to at least find out what was wrong. They came on on 8/24 and determined that the mother board fuse was blown and a whole new mother board must be installed)

ON 8/22 I spoke with Ella after calling the 1-800 number. Ella was helpful. She informed me that to help resolve the issue that we could purchase a 1 year extension for our appliance for $163.98. I asked if we could possibly have a courtesy extension to help move the service request along and perhaps avoid the $89.00 fee for someone else to come and look at the refrigerator, she advised no. That once we paid the one year extension of $163.98 we could schedule an "emergency" Service call where someone would come out within 5 days. I asked why we were not notified that our warranty was going to expire, and was told that there is no notice that is sent out, that only as a courtesy we were given the option of extending for the $163.98.

I then asked if we could schedule the emergency service first and then my fianc would have to call back to give our credit card information and she advise no, we must call back and pay the extension first then we could schedule. My fianc called back that same day and was given an extreme hard time. At First they told him the amount to pay was $251.00. He said that I had just called an hour or so ago and was told $163.98. He was told again it was $251.00. He called me and asked who I spoke to, I advised him Ella, and after being transferred 3 times, finally the amount of $163.98 was found to be the amount to pay. THEN when tried to activate the "Emergency Service call" they told him no one could come out until September 7. He said there should be a note that says we are requesting emergency service we had been without the refrigerator since 8/21, all of our food was lost. Reluctantly a call was scheduled for August 29 between 1 - 4. We asked that a note be put on the account that this could not be cancelled. The note was added to the account. On 8/29 after taking the afternoon off from work, we received a call at 3:30 saying that the technician had called out sick, and they had to cancel the appointment. (Why wait until 3:30???) and we asked, does it say that this appointment can not be cancelled? And the reply was YES, but there was no technician available to come. They could reschedule for 8/30 between 1 - 4 again. While not happy, we agreed. *I also called to inquire about our FOOD LOSS, and was told to give the list to the technician and he would have to call the food loss department and verify a few things.

So, 8/30 -at about 3:45 we received the call that the technician was running much to late to get there, could they reschedule. At this point, two half days taken from work, no refrigerator for 10 days... And there should be a note that this appointment can not be cancelled. We were informed yes, there was a note, we were being notified as a courtesy that they couldn't come by 4pm and did we want to reschedule. My fianc had been home since 1 pm. After he informed me of this - I called the escalated customer solutions phone number, and was treated with no respect stating that we were given the option of cancelling, and this was done if your customers had to go back to work, or had other plans. I said no, the technician wanted to CANCEL The appointment AGAIN. It was already too late in the day to return to work, we had taken 2 half days already. This was unacceptable. I advised I didn't care how late they were going to be I would be there, and wanted a technician to arrive, prepared to fix my refrigerator. The lady on the phone reluctantly checked with "scheduling" And I was told someone would be there that day. She could not give me a time. I left work and headed home. Half way home, my fianc called to say the technician arrive at 4:20 was there for 9 minutes, determined that the mother board was blown, had to order a part, and no one could come back until September 14th to install it. (This was KARL from the Blue team) KARL Then proceeded to tell my fiance if he was handy with a screwdriver, since the part was being mailed to our home, that my fiance could open up the back of the refrigerator and install the part himself. *WOULDNT THIS VOID MY WARRANTY THAT I JUST REPURCHASED??? * he then said that the part would arrive Thursday to our home. My fiance stated he was not going to install it himself, and when he said that he had the food list to give to the technician to call the food loss department, KARL said he couldn't take that list, that it wouldn't be covered anyway, and there was nothing he could do and that we would have to wait until the unit was repaired to even attempt to call it in, but again he said probably wont cover it anyway. My fiance was at a loss of words. Karl left after being there a total of 9 minutes. (And this appointment was cancelled once and was attempted to be cancelled again for 9 minutes?)

My fiance call me as I was still on my way home, I attempted to call sears AGAIN. (The escalated number I was given) and Tried to explain that I was extremely dissatisfied with the events that took place. And I was told to hold. And then was disconnected. (It was 4:45 when I called.) When I called back, I was told the offices were closed until 8 am the next morning. Needless to say I was not very happy.

WHEN I did arrive home, I was SHOCKED To find in the Mail, a "renew your warranty" Letter in the mail. And the worst part? It said I had until OCTOBER 3 to renew and the cost??? $130.00 $35.00 CHEAPER Than what we had paid. And we had until October 3??? I am finding all of this to be a HUGE game played by sears. The notice would lead me to believe I was covered until October 3, and to renew all I had to do was reply by then and pay $130.00. AND I had been disconnected earlier.

At 8:00 am on 8/31 I was calling the Escalated number once again. The person who answered after asking for my phone number did NOT Even let me talk. She said I see there an emergency part ordered for you and will be delivered tomorrow. I tried to ask what about the September 14 install? Why was I disconnected last night. She said hold on, no we can have someone there Saturday. I don't know what you are talking about September 14. I TRIED To explain what had happened, she said I can read it all right here no need. Is Saturday okay for you? Between 9 - 11. I said yes, but... And she promptly said have a nice day thank you for calling sears. And hung up.

I have never been so insulted by this entire process. AT this point, if the technician does not arrive on Saturday I would like my refrigerator replaced with a three year warranty.

AS a bright note, I called the food loss department myself on 9/1. I spoke with ASHLEY Who was I must say Amazing. I told her the whole story, and asked if the department would be open on Saturday so the technician could call-in the food loss as I was instructed. She said no, but I can see what a problem you have been having and she proceeded to process the food loss claim... With NO problem. She was absolutely AMAZING And nice and helpful. If my whole experience was like this I would be so angry.

Meanwhile, we are still without a refrigerator. I am hoping Tomorrow goes well.

in continuation from previous email... Just an update as to what happened on SATURDAY 9/3. ON Friday, 9/2 we received a call Confirming our appointment for Saturday 9/3 between 8 - 12. So by 12:05 and no on had arrived or called or anything I called the
escalated number that I had been calling all week. They informed me that my account was locked, and it had been referred to corporate with a case manager and they could not help me other than to pass my number along and have someone call me back within 2 hours. I expressed my EXTREME displeasure and the representative informed me she understood and would have corporate case manager call me.

I decided to call the number that had confirmed our appointment just to ask why no one called to say they were late and no one had appeared... After holding for 17 minutes... The representative on the phone informed me that my appointment was cancelled. I said WHAT? Who cancelled it? You confirmed it yesterday... She said well that is an automated call. I said I didn't care if it was automated or not. It was confirmed. This is an emergency call that has been an emergency for A LONG TIME. I asked to speak to the person who decided to cancel this without letting us know or their supervisor. After holding for a considerable amount of time, my call was disconnected.

I called the Escalated number AGAIN... And after holding for 15 minutes. Again I was informed my account was locked and referred to corporate. The representative assured me she would take my number to her manager who would get in touch with the case manager and someone would call me back shortly. (I had been at home waiting since 8:00 AM and it was now 2pm.)

I DID receive a call from case manager Edwins Assistant (?) She stated she saw all of the problems in my file... And understood my frustration and that Edwin would contact me today... I explained, we had take off TWO Half days from work, spend SIX hours on Saturday on a holiday weekend with no explanation of why no one showed up and If I had not called as many times as I did, I would have never known the appointment had been cancelled, anything. I informed her that I was completely aggravated, and that I could No longer afford to take any time from work, Its been 17 days without a refrigerator, I've been hung up on. Given more excuses that I can count... And lost time from work, that I wanted either someone to come on MY time... To install the part. OR I wanted the refrigerator picked up and My money refunded. I, at this point don't want anything from sears in my home... Since Its nearly impossible to get it fixed, or get any help on an emergency situation. I've had to eat out for three weeks, which I can NOT afford. I can't go another day without a refrigerator.
WOW AS I AM TYPING THIS EMAIL...*9:30 Just received a call from a technician that he was at our home to install a part... Im am flabbergasted. I informed him someone was supposed to be there Saturday and no one showed up. And There was NO ONE home today... And he said "So you are telling me I can't install this" and I said that is what I am telling you. No one showed up on Saturday. We found out it was cancelled after 6 hours of waiting... And he said " I just install parts" I don't know anything else. I said well, There is no one home. No one knew you were coming, I know its not your fault but this has been escalated to corporate and Yes, I am saying there is no one home, no one can get there. We had no idea you were coming.
*9:45 ROWLAND IN ROUTING JUST CALLED ME. Apologized. And then Informed me that he saw where someone cancelled the appointment for Saturday and set it up for today without letting anyone know and that should not have happened... And he doesn't understand why and he realizes that this was the wrong thing to do... But can have someone come first appointment on wed 9/7. Meanwhile I still have no phone call from Case Manager or Corporate offices.

This is completely unacceptable!!!

So on 9/7 I finally spoke with dwin" regarding my case. (Case # 3768650) Edwin was at the very least demaneaning and repeatedly informed me that once things got to his office he puts the pieces together of the complaint. I tried calling EDWIN several times. He also stated that we had tried to connect several times and that this was the first time we were speaking... *He tried to call me ONCE at my work number 302-631-8548 at 10: am and then on my Cell phone 302-750-0159 at 10:03 am* I missed both calls by a mere minute and phoned him back of which he made it a point say he had TRIED Calling me. And this was the first time we had spoken.

Edwin heard how I spoke to someone in his office on Saturday (Yes I did) and they set up the service for Tuesday. (DIDN'T BOTHER TELLING ME THAT ON SATURDAY THAT THE SERVICE WAS SET UP).

He told me that ROWLAND who I spoke with on 9/6 didn't have the authority to schedule me for the first call on WED 9/7.

Edwin basically reduced me to tears telling me how his job to is to make sure things get done and he is the CORPORATE office. That I was getting my $250.00 food credit... He had a "REMINDER'" To call me today... And follow up. And over and over again on how he just puts the pieces together and the time starts when his office gets the complaint. (Not that I have been waiting for 19 days)

THEN He proceeded to phone me back on my cell and leave a message (there is No missed call) to inform me that I HAVE TO answer the phone when service calls or they will assume that they can not do the service. This was a message which I have saved.

EDWIN is happy to be in the position of CORPORATE and clearly likes to use that when speaking to people and I have never been so angry and reduced to tears that I could barley continue the call. Edwin says that he can not guarantee me that they will be there during the service call time. And that there is no way he can ask for us to be first call service on TOMORROW 9/8.

I sincerely hope the call was recorded... It will be painfully obvious his demeanor and tone of voice. I only wish I could have recorded it on my end.

SO BASICALLY... Im taking another 1/2 day from work to ensure that someone is there betweeen 8 - NOON. Again.

EDWIN says he is following up on FRIDAY 9/9 to ensure that the service has been completed.

I feel that I am basically being made a joke of... Harassed. Treated like IM the one doing the harassing... Really???

Edwin left another message on my cell stating that I should answer the phone at the two numbers they had 302-631-8548 or 302-750-0159 or they will assume I am not home.

At 12:48 pm on 9/7 received automated call from SEARS Confirming appointment between 9 - 12 on 9/8/11
I listened to entire automated message.

9/8 7:40 am received a call on 302-478-3867 (NOT EITHER OF THE TWO NUMBERS EDWIN SUGGESTED I ANSWER) stating technician would be there by 8 am. He arrived at 7:50 there 15 minutes. Advised us that we could have received a rental... (you tell me this on day 20???)
9/9 10:10 AM. My boyfriend advised me that EDWIN had called and left a message on the HOME number (302-478-3867) which IS NOT Either of the TWO numbers EDWIN Had to contact me... Even after his call to me stating he highly advise me to answer the other two number just two days prior.
At 10:15 (five minutes later) I phoned Edwin's number. Asked to speak to him, and was advised that EDWIN was away from his desk and would return my call. I LEFT The TWO Numbers that Edwin had prior... And asked that He NOT call the home number since no one would be there, and that was NOT the number that I had left for him to call.

WE wait now for the Edwin return call... Wonder what number he will call???

Offender: Sears

Country: USA
Phone: 8005738431

Category: Shops, Products, Services


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