» Shops, Products, Services » Complaint / Review: IDC International discount club, Mississauga canada - Is harassing us. #545648

Complaint / Review
IDC International discount club, Mississauga canada
Is harassing us

My husband and I joined this club last August and we felt we're being harassed now by this company.

Here's our first email to them, as we tried to cancel the membership.

Date: November 4 8:24: 43 PM GMT-05:00

Dear Omer and The Board of Directors,

Omer, thank you for addressing my issue in such a professional manner. As we have discussed, I am requesting, in fact this is a plea for my $500.00 to be refunded back to me.

It was August 12 when my husband and I went to IDC to pick up our prize which was a trip to Las Vegas. We were attracted and mesmerized by all the promises of being a member of IDC (i.E. The discounted vacations and access to all the special offers of well known stores). It all sounded and seemed very much a great idea and a wonderful experience that my husband and I can offer our family. I was persuaded by the manager (a short guy whose name was not disclosed to me) that even if you require $1000.00 deposit, he will accept $500.00 even the fact I have told him that I only have $700.00 in my account. I told him we will just go back to IDC when we have enough money but he said he would rather have me pay now because he wants us to take advantage of being a member right away. He even asked me to call my bank CIBC that evening. It is obvious here that IDC's way of selling the business idea to customers do work and that you have talented salespeople. All this presentation and convincing has ended at approximately passed 9:00 in the evening.

We were supposed to receive a phone call from Wani for an appointment to learn the computer system but we never did.

However, as a mother of three who earns through employment insurance I came to my senses that as much as we want this lifestyle that you offer, we will not be able to afford the fees that IDC requires. Realizing this, it was already about 15 days when I contacted IDC and requested for a refund. During our phone conversation this evening, you mentioned that there was no record of me requesting for a my understanding, a phone call requesting for a refund is a request for a refund itself. During that phone call, it was not mentioned to me to send an fact, during the successive phone calls I have made, nothing was mentioned to me except "we will call you back, we will look into this or your file, Wani will give you a call".

I have been calling and been waiting for a call back with a resolution to this problem. The people I have spoken with several times were Valentina, Wani and Gary but it is only today that you, Omer has actually asked me to send an email.

IDC, through Omer, is telling me that you will not give me my $500.00 back because it is already passed the 10 days when I called to ask for my money back. Your membership requires a fee of $1000.00 which my husband and I did not meet. We did not even get the chance to learn about the system access that is supposed to be the very essence of being a member of IDC. I work in the customer service industry and so far, right now, I am not pleased with the customer service IDC have been giving me. I am very disappointed, stressed and distraught. How can you expect us to trust IDC that IDC can give us the lifestyle that you promise? It was said in the presentation, "if you want a limousine, just call us and we will find you a limousine!" How can we trust you with our savings and money if a simple phone call and resolution is not delivered to me on time and in a considerate manner? This has taken almost 3 months now.

I ask you to please put yourselves in my position. If you only have such small amount in your bank account and that small amount ($500.00) will help you a lot in meeting the necessary needs of your family, would you not want that money back so badly? I do not need to embarrass myself or anybody else but I am hoping you get the idea why I am insisting to have my $500.00 back.

You claim to be in the business for such number of years and during the presentation, the lifestyle you are offering is of a company that is so profitable. $500.00 should be a small amount you should be able to easily write-off. Why would you have a unsatisfied customer because of $500.00? I am not a member of IDC but I still am a customer. If you cannot keep me happy and satisfied now, if you cannot help me now, when can you expect me to ever trust you again?

I hope to hear from you as soon as possible with a positive resolution.

Sincerely and respectfully yours,

Second email sent as a follow-up

Date: November 11 10:13: 21 PM GMT-05:00
To: [email protected]
Subject: Fwd: January Go - request to refund $500.00. FOLLOW UP

Hello Omer,

I am following up on this one. Please reply. Thank you.


: Still no reply.

Date: November 11 10:14: 43 PM GMT-05:00
To: [email protected]
Cc: [email protected]
Subject: Fwd: January Go - request to refund $500.00. FOLLOW UP

Hi Wani,

How are you? I am following up as per below.

Please reply. Thanks.


: Still no reply from these 2 people Wani and Omer.

January 8. We received a mail stating we owe them. We owe them what? They never replied to my emails, and now they want us to pay?

Date: January 9 1:31: 48 AM GMT-05:00
To: [email protected], [email protected]
Cc: [email protected]
Subject: Fwd: January Go - request to refund $500.00. FOLLOW UP

Dear Gaurav Jindal,

I opened my mail today and read a letter from IDC stating that we have a delinquent account. Please see below email thread that I have sent requesting for a cancellation and for a refund which up to now I have never received. Kindly update your accounts and remove us from your contact list. We do not want to be part of your business.

We were there only once and it was a big mistake going there. IDC has already caused me stress. My husband and I would appreciate it if you leave us alone.

We did not benefit or gained anything from you. We never get to set up for a second appointment to get the access to what you were selling. We lost $500.00 already and now you want us to pay?

We do not want to be part of your company. We do not want to be a member of IDC. We were never a member of IDC.

$500.00 is a small amount to take it to the court, but is there anybody that can help us to make this company to stop harassing us?


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