» Shops, Products, Services » Complaint / Review: Dynasty Sports & Entertainment Marketing - Smart Circle, World Access Marketing, SJS Acquisitions Dynasty Sports & Entertainment Marketing Deceptive Hiring and Job Postings Scam or Sham?. #515306

Complaint / Review
Dynasty Sports & Entertainment Marketing
Smart Circle, World Access Marketing, SJS Acquisitions Dynasty Sports & Entertainment Marketing Deceptive Hiring and Job Postings Scam or Sham?

Is Dynasty really a scam?
I have looked into it and I have formulated an answer. This is a must read if you are thinking about Dynasty.
First let me give you a bit of background information about me. I have 20 plus years of extremely successful sales, marketing and management. I have helped several Fortune companies hire, train and set loose on sales campaigns. My resume and my energy is unmatched in the field. I have been considering a lateral move into the Sports Marketing and Representation my travels I have made numerous high level contacts in the professional sporting arena. Some of them include big name athletes and owners of teams. That being said, I would like to make a comment on the practices of companies such as Dynasty.
It is a sweat shop or may as well be one. It is a place where hungry dogs with alpha characteristics will prey on the underlings. I believe this to be a common practice in the wide world of business so this alone can't catagorize them as a scam. From what I can gather it is an MLM (multi level marketing) firm that does direct sales with absolutly nothing to do with marketing or sports. You will have to follow me through the past coulpe of days to get a grip on what Dynasty is.
Day 1: I am looking through some job postings on craigslist and find a posting that reads "EXPANDING SPORTS MARKETING - Hiring ASAP" so I open it and find this... Http://boston.
I compose an extremely crafty email and decide to attach a. Pdf and. Doc file of my resume. I disregarded the demand to "copy and paste". Wouldn't you know it that I had a response within 15 minutes telling me to "call for an interview". I did and in the meantime I started browsing their webjoke. Sorry bad joke, their website for some more info I find a really cool website with a bunch of nifty treats, although there was no helpful information about what the heck Dynasty actually does. Andrea answered the phone and she was about as helpful as a hemoroid in a beauty contest. Meaning she didn't hurt the cause but didn't help either she was simply a pain in the butt. She asked if I could come in for an interview the following day. I agreed. Andrea sent me a confirmation email which instructed me to bring a "Hard Copy" of my resume and 3 references. I am always prepared so neither one of these was a problem. The email contained directions to the office but I didn't need them because when I had Andrea on the phone I asked her for the address and informed her that I was programming it into my navigation.
Day 2: As I mentioned previously I am looking to branch out or make a lateral move but I am currently working on several projects. My interview was scheduled for 2:30 pm. At 10 am I got a call which I had to ignore as I was meeting with a potential client. No message was left but 5 minutes later the same number called. Again I had to ingore it. This time Andrea left a message to confirm my appointment at 2:30. Wow so much for leaving the decision to make an impression on the cantidate. An hour later ANOTHER call from 781.270.7801 AND AGAIN NO MESSAGE. At this point I am just about to call Andrea back and tell her to read my resume and then guess if I am the type of cantidate that appears to be unprofessional enough to blow off an interview. As soon as my meeting was over I decide to call without the attitude and confirm. When I called a gentleman named Rich answered and informed me that Andera was not available and asked if he could help. Sure he could inform Andrea that I was calling to confirm my interview at 2:30. He asked my name and introduced himself as "The Director". He informed me that he would be conducting my interview. Okay.
The office is in a building that has an "Office space for rent" sign on the outside of a large building in a NO MAN"S LAND section of Burlington MA.inside the front door of the building there is a laminated sign with the Dynasty logo printed from what looks to be a dot matrix printer. Okay so there are some things about the organization that, with my experience and ambition could benefit. I walk in expecting to find something more, like maybe a sign pointing me in the right direction. Nothing but a split level and a 50/50 chance of getting it right. Up or Down? Wait I almost forgot I am a professional and I carry a Blackberry that has my email thingey. Andrea was knid enough to include in the directions to the building, the directions while inside the building. Thank my heavenly stars that I wasn't going to be late for the most important interview of my life. I go downstairs as instructed and enter an empty reception area. Empty of people that is. There was a cheap flat screen television mounted to the wall with CNN playing Obama talking about something that I could care less about. A glass L shaped empty desk from K Mart, with 2 mismatched file cabinets on either side and no phone to speak of, at least not one that could handle the thousands of calls you might expect coming into, well as they so eloquently phrase in their job posting, " DYNASTY is Boston's top advertising firm representing clients in a variety of industries ranging from PROFESSIONAL SPORTS TEAM...".
That is an actual quote which I copied and pasted. So I decide to have a bit of fun with this whole ordeal. 2 or 3 minutes go by and Rich emerges from an office. I stand, extend my most business like hand (that's the right one), make direct eye contact and introduce myself. He hands me a clipboard with a questionaire or application or piece of s#! T on it. The paper was cut in some akward shape making me take another look at it. Sure enough it was like a piece of paper that didn't make the cut at the packing plant and was sent to be sold at auction with a disclaimer denoting its irregularity. Rich asked me if I had brought a copy of my resume. I responded that I did and he was gracious enough to tell me that I didn't have to fill out the section relating to my previous experience. Thanks Rich! He asked me if I had a pen. Now this is something that anyone out there in "Job Hunt Land" needs to know. The pen is without a doubt the most essential piece of hardware you will ever use in business. Trust me, this is imperative always have one, no scratch that, TWO pens with you at all times. If you are ready to ink a deal with the biggest account you have ever seen and you have to go look for a pen... Well don't imagine what could happen. Just think you might even need it to Jason Bourne your way out of a jam.
I start filling out the jokepplication. Name, address you know all of the stuff that is right there in the "Resume Attached" file. Then I get to the part about the "have you ever been convicted of a felony?" Well I really like this part because I HAVE been. Taxes, and insider trading in the 90's. Thanks to my Great Cousin who will remain nameless who is personal friends with a nameless former President of the US, I was granted a full Presidential Pardon. The reason I like saying that I was convicted of a crime is that I enjoy even more explaining my connection to the higest office in the land. Rich took my app and said he would be right back after reviewing my info. Perfect I told him thinking what a load of crud, a 20 some year old possible recent college grad going to review my resume! 2 minutes later he emerges from an office and proudly invites me in. The walls are covered with pictures, posters, and what seems to be composition cards from previous sporting events. Extremely tacky! Nothing on any of the walls shows anything of which I could even get a hold of. Whoooooa. Holy Moses A Bachelor's Degree from Cornell? IVY LEAGUE! I asked Rich if he was the IVY LEAGUER to which he responded no it was, get this "The Director". I thought he WAS the director. Now I'm wondering if it was a real diploma. Oh, I get it, Rich needed to feel like he was something while the BOSS WAS OUT. Ok so give the kid a break he's young he will adjust to being a nobody in this world just like the rest of us. He explained the interview process as 3 rounds. The first one being very brief. WAIT! I have interviewed with the best and I have taught the best how to interview so that aint gonna cut it Rich. I'm gonna have some fun while I'm here. I explained to him that I am a sales person and I am currently working on several million dollar projects right now. I am looking to develop into another entity. He pitches me on the start at the bottom and work your way up. I already know that this isn't the right place for me but he is still in his Mack Daddy Closer Mode. He asks me to watch a video about how great their promotions work. Okie dokie go for it. He brings up some cheesey video from the net and walks out. I take out my Blackberry and start a game of tiltris (like tetris but you tilt instead of...).
When Rich comes back in I let him know that I am not the right person for this position and that my ideas and ambitions are much bigger then selling coupons from Smart Circle. He tells me how lucrative the job is and how rewarding it can be. I Again inform him that I was looking to do something with professional sports and with the contacts I have it should be easy. But he persists and tells me that there is an events something or another position. I kindly thank him for his time and proceed to the door. All of this was surreal.
If you are a recent college grad or a GED carrying warrior like myself, the first thing you have to come to grips with is that the world is a dog eat dog frenzy. I started my first business while I was a sophomore in high school. I had an idea. I wanted to sell t-shirts with a monopoly board design on the back. I obtained copyright approval and started selling the spaces on the board to local bars and restaurants. The shirts were printed and I was in business. Things really heated up when a national manufacture caught wind of the idea and approached me. They wanted my copyright and wanted to go national instead of just in my hometown. I dropped out of high school and sold the rights for $1.5 million.
20 years later I am still looking for new and creative ideas to foster. This brings me to Dynasty Marketing in Burlington, MA. The question stands: Is this a scam? Their mission is to sell, lets call it stuff. Now we all know that to make money we have to do something, unless you buy a lottery ticket when your stars are aligned during the new moon of the second quarter and you are facing west You get the point.
What is that SOMETHING? To become legendary you have to do legendary things. Sell more stuff, shake more hands, smile at more peolpe and dont forget to start at the bottom. Without the knowledge and experience of being the runt of the litter you will never become the alpha dog. What dosent kill you will always make you stronger.
If you are still reading then you will unquestionably get something from this. I am sure you are asking what the heck does this have to do with Dynasty being a scam? Their approach at obtaining employees is without question a scam. They will offer you something. That something is an opportunity to see if you are truly an alpha dog, a person who can operate way outside your comfort zone. Can you think of something you have done in the past which has made you feel ashamed but you still did it? Maybe drank too much and got sick, or had a romantic encounter with someone you regret? Maybe not but if you have I am sure you learned something from it. Perhaps you learned what your limit of drinks should be, or that the experience with the troll your friends caught you with was still fun.
Dynasty is simply a place where you will be able to do some soul searching. They will give you nothing in return if you give them nothing. They prey on the needy. Their mission is the same mission as yours: MAKE MONEY! I find their hiring techniques to be vague at best and their website plain old comedy. They say they represent professional sporting teams but dont tell you which ones or in what capacity. Misleading your prospective employees with hype is a SCAM.
I would be perfectly fine with the company if their search for sales talent read something like this: DYNASTY IS LOOKING TO BUILD YOUR CHARACTER BY THROWING YOU TO THE WOLVES. Only the strong will survive. THIS IS VERY HARD WORK FOR VERY LITTLE MONEY BUT YOU WILL LEARN!!!
Dynasty is a scam if you are looking for an easy job with good pay. Dynasty is a scam if you were thinking you would be working with professional sports teams. Dynasty is a scam in that they will lure you in with grandiose figures. Dynasty is a scam just like all other sales opportunities. You have to be able to distinguish the differences between a scam and potential. I am quite sure that if you sell more stuff than anyone in history for Dynasty, you will have accomplished 2 things: 1. Made someone a lot of cash and 2. Learned the basic strategy of the sales cycle. Dynasty, SCAM? Absolutly! Dynasty, potential? Only you can determine that answer.
Thanks for reading!

Offender: Dynasty Sports & Entertainment Marketing

Country: USA   State: Massachusetts   City: Burlington
Address: 217 Middlesex Turnpike Burlington MA 01803
Phone: 7812707801

Category: Shops, Products, Services


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