» Shops, Products, Services » Complaint / Review: ProServiceTechs - PRO Service Techs Subsidiary Of Fort Knox Security, Inc. Dispatched me on jobs then requires me to sign a non-compete agreement to get paid. #331822

Complaint / Review
PRO Service Techs Subsidiary Of Fort Knox Security, Inc. Dispatched me on jobs then requires me to sign a non-compete agreement to get paid

I have problems with ProServiceTechs. The refuse to pay me unless I sign a non-compete agreement with them. I was never asked BEFORE I went on the jobs to sign it. I was only asked to send a W-9 and direct deposit form. I have been paid for $140 and they owe me $190. Not a lot of money but I did drive 350 miles throughout Ohio and 2 seperate trips in Michigan, busted my but for them for peanuts and now I can't even get paid the peanuts they owe me.

Just to be fair I wanted to share with you the e-mail. Again the trend suggests that these type of companies are bad news. Read the e-mail exchange here and you decide if you want to do business with Proservice techs and Jay Klee. Maybe I am just being difficult but at this point I am not signing anything with anyone associated with this band of brothers (Velocity, The Greatest Phone Company Ever, Inc., Joe Nerd Inc, Nerdy Works, or

You decide if you want to take a CHANCE with the company. For what they pay I would just walk away.

Original Message
From: techs@proservicetechs To: Mark Newton
Sent: Fri Jul 25 19:03: 25 2008
Subject: Missing Forms

Mr. N*,

During technician file auditing, we've discovered that we are missing a few crucial forms from you. At this time, we have a W-9 on file and an incomplete direct deposit form. I understand that you do not have a voided check, that is fine as long as you can provide a letter from your bank stating your account number and routing number on bank letterhead. I am also missing your Company/Contractor Agreement as well as your Confidentiality Agreement. You will find these forms in the attached. Pdf file. Please return them as soon as possible to avoid future payment issues.

Technician Required Forms:

(Please Return All Required Forms To: Techs@ProServiceTechs or via fax 813-880-9234)

Reply to Message Re: Missing Forms From: Mark
Date: Friday, July 25 8:07: 17 PM

I would just like to be mailed a check. Like the 1st if my paperwork in not ok. At this time I no longer wish to do anymore work for you and do not wish to sign any non compete agreements.

From my BlackBerry Mark

Reply to Message Re: Missing Forms From: techs@proservicetechs
Sent: Fri Jul 25 20:43: 28 2008

I spoke to the owner of the company about this matter and as per his orders, I am to inform you that you will not receive your check if we don't have your required paperwork the very beginning, you were told that payments would not be issued if required paperwork was not completed.

Thank you,

Technician HR Dept.

Reply to Message Re: Missing Forms From: Mark N
Sent: Friday, July 25 8:52 PM

I was not told to sign this before I went to work. Ask the owner if he really wants to start problems? I already have problems with joe nerd. And velocity. Do you really want to be part of the fight? I will not sign anything. I did the work. YOu dispatched me. I was told by greg that jay assured me I would be made whole by today. I accept vias and mastercard.

From my BlackBerry Mark N

Message Subject: RE: Mark N's Arguement From: Jay @ Proservicetechs
Sent: Fri Jul 25 21:30: 18 2008

Actually, I have forwarded several of your blogs and you have already brought my company into the spotlight when it comes to your escapades with the nerds of the world. So your threats really don't hold water to me. Plus we do not want to associate with any contractors/employees or vendors that actually spend any of their lives blogging or reading them.

You were told several times, and it is very well documented with recorded phone calls and emails, that you needed to fill out our paperwork (just like the hundreds of other techs we have around the United States) and that we would pay you for the first set of jobs on good faith (again just like hundreds of other techs). We kind of assumed that you would be an adult, send your paperwork, and live up to your word.

Yes you did do work for us, and yes we have a check waiting to be mailed out.

You are not special, we will not be making an exception for you just b/c you know how to blog. Congratulations.

As soon as we have your proper paperwork in our hands (ie. Your W-9, the contractor agreement, and the non-solicitation agreement) you will have a check.

Oh, and don't worry I will forgive your transgressions against my company and your solicitation of Velocity (whether you were working with them prior to us or not) you were asked via our LEGAL paperwork not to solicit, in any way shape or form, our client.

I am asking you as another human being on planet Earth, please hold up your end of this bargain so that I may hold up my end, and we can both move on and you will never hear from us again.

Please also rest assured that you will not be reading any blogs or any information on websites about yourself or your Nerds On Site company from my company or myself. We have much better/profitable things to do with our time than to post or blog our digressions.

Jay Klee
5688 West Crenshaw St.
Tampa, Fl 33634
813-514-2121 office
813-880-9234 fax
http://www.proservicetechs. Om

Reply to Message RE: Mark N's Arguement From: Mark Newton
Sent: Friday, July 25 9:52 PM

I am not going to sign anything. I was not asked to sign anything until after the work was done. If you have anything that proves to the contrary send it to me.

I sent in the paperwork the w9 and deposit form mj sent me. He did not send me anything else. I would not sign such an agreement with the little work you have provided.

At this point you are just as bad as joe nerd. Just a different story.

I don't understand why someone can't simply get paid for the work done. I invested a 14 hour day and 350 miles wear and tear on my car.

I am amazed. Yes I will share this with everyone I can. Not that I want to. All I want is to be paid and go away. I think I might try picketing the novi rite aid on monday and call the local news. Tuesday toledo rite aid. Wednesday in Finley..

This story gets more and more interesting.

From my BlackBerry Mark N

Reply to Message RE: Mark N's Arguement From: Mark Newton
Subject RE: Mark N's Argument From Jay @ Proservicetechs
Friday, July 25 10:18 PM


I will find that information that you seem to have misplaced. Good luck with your picketing, hope it doesn't rain.

Oh, psst. Just as a heads up. Greg, Rite-aide, and Fuji's Lawyers are all better than any you could afford.

I am out of this situation. You have my response to the situation. I do not expect or want to hear from you again, unless it is an email with your forms.
Just b/c you don't want to hold up your side, has no baring on myself or my company.

Please don't make this an issue that I have to get my lawyer involved in also. You might want to look up a couple things before you say too much. Libel/slander/defamation of character. Things like that. (just incase your not sure. They are legal terms that you might want to read up on before you start getting letters in the mail from guys that have many years of college and a lot of student loans to pay off)

Oh and lastly, hundreds of techs have gotten checks and direct deposits from our company its not that hard to get paid. Hmmm, follow the rules?

Jay Klee
5688 West Crenshaw St.
Tampa, Fl 33634
813-514-2121 office
813-880-9234 fax

Offender: ProServiceTechs

Country: USA   State: Florida   City: Tampa
Address: 5688 West Crenshaw St
Phone: 8135142121

Category: Shops, Products, Services


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