» Politics & Government » Complaint / Review: Cps In Washington State - FAlse accusations against mother. CPS gave abusive father our children. #566822

Complaint / Review
Cps In Washington State
FAlse accusations against mother. CPS gave abusive father our children

I am writing you as I am in a dire need of a lawyer. I am having absolutely no luck finding one to help me with my case or the situation I am in and the urgency. That is where the letter comes into play now. I am writing my story hoping just maybe someone will have the heart to help me. I guess let me start with stating a little bit of my background before jumping straight into the facts here. I have two beautiful children one will be 9 years old on the 24th of September and the other turned 4 years old on January 19th. I was married to their fatherin 2002 and we separated on January 15. I have been suffering from chronic back pain for approximately 10 years and have been on a pain contract for about 2 years.

My boys lived with me full time after their father moved out. He barely saw his children or when he did it was not at long periods of time. He has had quite a temper and has always been physical with our children. Several times during our marriage I would send my boys to stay with my parents to ensure their safety as I knew he was in a bad mood. He was not meant to be a father as he treats our children as if they are his friends and if they dont do what he likes than that is when it starts to become rough. I have never been able to punish my children as I had a hard time doing so after seeing what their father put them through. My form of punishment consisted of time out, sitting in a corner, lose a toy, and lose TV time, and so on. My oldest son has had it the hardest with his dad and within the Bergren family.

Since the day we told my huuby family I was pregnant his dad and his dads girlfriend, started in saying that it was not his child. The step mom kept trying to say that I slept with a mutual friend of ours, got pregnant and trapped him into believing it was his child. The in laws tend to think I purposely got pregnant because I was interested in what their family had to offer, meaning their assets. That was farthest from the truth as it could get. After our first son was born his family still had issues with our child, they were trying to bribe Carsan to leave me with buying him a new truck, giving him a house and so on. He also turned down the paternity test that was available in the hospital because we were not married at the time. He claims he had no doubt in his mind that it was his son and that he didnt need to have the test done.

It wasnt but only 3 months of our son life and were still rude and nasty towards me. They flat out told me that I would never be accepted into the their family and I should not waste my time or energy. It no loss to me, I didnt need their negativity and their hatefulness around my baby. We decided to get married; we eloped as we knew what would face us if we were to tell his dad and June. So needless to say, they read about our marriage in the newspaper. Approximately 3 more months passed with absolutely no word from his family. I could see the hurt in hubby eyes as he was pretty close with his father until June moved in with him and started causing all the problems with us. I knew the only way that hubby and his dad could talk is if me and t he witch and I were on speaking terms. I swallowed my pride and called June and asked if we could talk.

At first she basically told me where to shove it and than had the same view I did. Just because we didnt like each other doesnt mean we cant try to grin and bear it for the men in our lives. June came over to my apartment and at first started slamming on me. Calling me a whore and that my 6 month old son that was sitting there playing was not Carsans son. The reason for her thoughts on as to why Jacob was not his son was because he looked nothing like him and looked exactly like me. I never did figure out what her reasoning was for when I was pregnant than? That night we met up with Carnan and June and had dinner with them. We made an attempt to see them at least twice a week. Until the finalization of the divorce between Carsans parents, Carsans mom got the house in the divorce. His mom offered us the house to move into so we could save up some money and pay bills off.

Once June found out that we were moving into that house she was back at being an evil person. To make a long story short, we lived across the street from them for 4 years and did not say one word to them. They wanted nothing to do with Jacob at all. They still had it in their head that he was not Carsans son. They found out that I was pregnant again and than tried weaseling their way back into our life. During this time they tried to be nice to Jacob but you could tell it was fake. June has told Jacob on several occasions especially in the last year that Carsan is not his father. Carsans family is just plain rude and vindictive individuals. If something doesnt benefits them in some way then there is no reason for them to do it. When Aaron was 10 months old we moved from Peshastin to East Wenatchee into an apartment. The Bergrens showed up for Aarons first birthday and we didnt see them again.

Carsan and I were separated by Aarons second birthday. After Carsan moved out his abuse towards the children became worse so I let him visit less and less and started documenting the abuse and took pictures. I also started drinking a lot to deal with the heart ache. Carsan called CPS on me, but my case was closed the next day. I didnt drink after that day as it wasnt an issue to me. But the social worker noticed all the bruises on my children and started questioning them and Jacob; my oldest told them that his father hurts him. So Rachel Jaffee asked me to come down to the office so she could get pictures and document all of this. Carsan was just asked to take anger management and parenting classes to close his case which he never did. He was asked to always have supervised visitations and for me to always have someone I felt could protect me against Carsan if needed.

Rachel diagnosed Carsan as a silent killer and said he could strike at any minute when it is least expected. She also asked me to put a no contact order on Carsan and a restraining order on the Bergrens because of the mental and emotion abuse they did to my children. I didnt do it because I promised Carsan that no matter what I would never withhold our children from him. I regret it now as that is what they are all doing to be and all on false accusations and keep adding more bizarre stuff in to make me look ever crazier. On February 13 was the worst day of my life. I cant myself tell you details as to what actually happened on that day as I dont remember 7 days due to this car accident. I was driving towards Wenatchee on this dreary day. I was told I was doing approximately 60 mph which is the speed limit, and my tire blew which I guess caused my car to swerve to the right side of the road and I collided into a parked State Patrol Vehicle.

Thank God he was not in his car, he was out talking to the person he had pulled over at the time. I had my three year old son in the car and he was fine, shook up but fine. I now have permanent nerve damage in my head. After being released from the hospital that night I was taken home by my cousin. It was almost a week later we had a CPS family meeting due to me hitting the state patrol car with my son in the car. I was founded to be under the influence of prescription pain medications, which were all prescribed to me. At this safety meeting I agreed to place my children in my parents house and so did their father as he has never wanted them full time, he doesnt have what it takes to parent children. I also agreed to follow and comply with all of their stimulations they placed upon me. They asked me to do a drug and alcohol evaluation and assessment, parenting and anger management classes, detoxify from my pain medications, and get into treatment. I finished everything asked of me except of get into treatment.

I was on a waiting list at The Center for over a month and a half. As for Carsan and another child abuse case being called in on him Karen Oyler claimed she closed it because my children could not give a specific time or day of when the abuse happened. Jacob has told his teachers at his school is afraid of his father, he was confiding in Julie Thompson my childrens guardian ad litem of his fear of his father. Jacob tried to express his fear with Marie Scanlon our cps social worker but she claims that my parents and myself are putting awful things in Jacobs head such as if he lives with his dad he will get hurt. I brought up a point to Marie on the phone I said how do you know Carsan didnt say anything about him moving in to cause the upset ness Marie came back with All of the visitations are recorded. Sorry to say Marie, that was a lie! They are not recorded!

Well, what about all the other times he was hurt and Carsan wasnt trying to get my children to live with him? Or perhaps is it now because Marie Magnotti Scanlon knows me from Wenatchee High School. She is also friends with June, Carsans step mom. Mike Magnotti whom is the Chelan County Sheriff is Maries father. Carnan Bergren, Carsans father was a police officer for Chelan County as well was his father, Carl Bergren. June and Carnan are also on the Peshastin/drydan city council and Carnan is the PUD commissioner so for all of them to know each other and be intertwined, most definitely! I have been saying its been conflict of interest from the start and no one seemed to care. Marie from the start had it out to get me. I was never notified of anything that happened when I did I was pretty much humiliated and they made sure in every single way. The caseworkers intentionally misled the court, fabricated evidence against me. They are trying to claim I was in two car accidents that day, I am aware of one.

If I were in another, I think I would have been notified or it would be on my driving record. The caseworkers also withheld information from the judge regarding the emotional distress of my children, who want to be with their mother. Both of my boys dont want to be with their father. They both feel forced to be there. Jacob will actually tell you stupid Marie is forcing me to live with daddy. I have done every single thing CPS required of me. I just got out of 31 days of inpatient. My lawyer told me the only way I would get my kids back is if I went to treatment. So I went to American Behavioral Health Services In Spokane, Washington. I was pretty much set up. The moment I got in there everyone started working towards placing my children with their father. I left 9 messages with Marie Scanlon as I wanted to see my children. She never called me back. My counselor started calling her and finally she called Emer Simpson back. I didnt see my children for 2 weeks.

I had court ordered visitations as well which were Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. But Since I went to treatment Marie tried to claim that I gave up my parental rights when I left. I sure the hell did not! I finally was able to get visitations with my children. Transport brought my children twice a week. Every time I saw my boys they cried and cried saying that Marie was forcing them to move to their dads and they didnt want to. My kids are afraid of their dad and never have really had a relationship with him. It has always been me and my two boys. I have always protected them for him and now I cant and especially now that CPS threw out his child abuse case. Julie Thompson my childrens guardian ad litem is very upset that my boys were placed with their father. She has fought and fought not to place them there. They were staying with my parents while I had to finish everything CPS put upon me.

Now there is no one to protect my boys. They have their dad and his family emotionally and physically abusing them now. I am fully aware that driving under the influence of my pain medication was irresponsible and should have never happened but I dont feel that my children should be taken from me. There has to be something that can be done to get them back and out of their fathers care. This all has to do with money and power and because I have neither in this town I lost my boys. My children are not safe where they are. I wish I could have them speak on the stand. Because as the CPS worker claimed they dont have a say in anything, I feel they should have a choice! They should not have to live their life afraid or in pain. They are my life and I am no mother if I dont fight to save my babies. Someone please help me!!! I sit and cry every night because I feel so helpless. I dont get to see my kids but maybe twice a week if Carsan feels generous and only for about 2 hours at a time.

I can see the sadness and pain in their eyes and I cant help them! I promised Jacob I would never let him live with his father and I let him down. I will never forgive myself for this and I cant sleep or stop fighting until I have my children back home where they belong, out of harms way! All CPS ever asked of Carsan was to take parenting and anger management classes and from experience of taking the classes personally I dont see how they would cure a person from being abusive, plus its been over a year and still has not finished the classes. Carsan was abused as a child as well but he will of course deny it like he did in our last court hearing when Julie Thompson pulled it up out from the previous CPS case. I know he was abused I heard it from him and his parents. I have even seen home videos. I was with the man for nine years I do know him very well and know more than most people think. Now the kids are being even more abused. Jacob my oldest is peeing his pants, drawing pretty disturbing pictures and CPS just doesn't care! I need help, most importantly my children need help! They are going to end up dead if we don't do anything!

Offender: Cps In Washington State

Country: USA   State: Washington   City: Wenatchee
Address: 325 Chelan Avenue
Phone: 5096676100

Category: Politics & Government


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