» Miscellaneous » Complaint / Review: Sawyerand - In my opinion crooked, lawyer dirty Sawyer put my moms life in extreme danger by using trickery. #850872

Complaint / Review
In my opinion crooked, lawyer dirty Sawyer put my moms life in extreme danger by using trickery

In my opinion this dirty lawyer thought she pulled a fast one on me and my mom but we have her number. My mom had close to $200,000 in the bank. Let's say $185,000 and this dirty lawyer, Sawyer in my opinion deliberately did not reveal this entire amount to the state of Florida resulting in (MEDICAID FRAUD) Yes could you believe my mom got qualified for FREE STATE RUN ASSISTANCE! Having all that money!!! Looks like fuzzy math to me. I'm an outraged taxpaying individual and anyone reading this should be too.

MOM WAS THROWN IN A HELL HOLE NURSING HOME SO ' THE ' in my opinion equally sinister creep x-family member could take ALL my moms money out her accounts. They think they are so slick and you'd never be able to figure out how they did it. Anytime you use trickery on any person it never has a good ending. Especially the unsuspecting elderly.

It amazes me that someone who has a title of 'Elder' attorney in front of their name doesn't care about the elderly. Good disguise. I think she should be in Jail for ripping off my elderly mom. When you see the notes her client wrote and you will because I plan a book and a website you wouldn't believe what a REJECT she was helping. For example the reject x-family member writes me after mom passes that 'I owe the estate $25,000 because of notes she found in a drawer I wrote to my mom. So I'm looking for receipts and guess what I find.

A cancelled check from 2001 for $25,000. Don't you love when the pot calls the kettle black (FREAK) only a moron would be so reckless. Ripping my mom off and trying to make me look like the bad one. Oh here's another thing extremely disturbing out of this my opinion crooked lawyer, dirty Sawyers paralegal informed me that ' the' in my opinion the x-sociopath daughter was in dirty, Sawyer, crooked lawyers office asking how she could get moms house that was totally paid off and valued at $200,000 in the freaks name alone???

Hello, Ms. Crooked, lawyer, dirty Sawyer (in my opinion) that is stealing from the elderly. Didn't your parents teach you what's right and wrong. If crooked, lawyer, dirty Sawyer in my opinion called in the authorities like normal, caring people who have ethics would've, my poor mom would've had the end of life she wanted and deserved. I can speak for my mom. She didn't want to be fraudulently thrown in a nursing home to be abused and have ALL her money drained from her accounts and given wrong medication from the staff so that her head couldn't stay up for more than five minutes. No, I guarantee mom didn't want that.

It's disgusting to do this to our precious elderly and help the real (in my opinion) criminals in the family. Don't worry I have LOTS of PROOF. I love paper trails as a matter of fact - i want that on my tombstone. Hey I made a song hope it becomes a hit. It's in protest for the way my moms life went down and how everyday I can't get rid of this holicost feeling of when I put the key in moms assisted living room and she was gone - moved next door in the deathcamp where abuse to my mom ran rampant. Denial of medicines by her client. That's documented and that's been investigated.

My story starts out with a crooked attorney

She"ll find a way to hide the money - so your loved one can live for free

Whatever happened to my - loving family???

Oh break my name right off of that branch - you're not a part of me

Elder abuse and medicaid fraud are her specialty

And with your time on earth

You were such a rotten stupid freakin jerk

And with your love for stolen money

Ain't it kind of funny - that with those properties you bought

They are not worth what you thought

That's what you get for being a selfish, stupid ass

Someday you'll lose those properties including the grass

And then i will have the last laugh

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

Everybody repeat the chorus - come on lets do this!

Offender: Sawyerand

Country: USA   State: Florida   City: Orlando
Address: 8913 Conroy-Windermere Road
Phone: 3212882152

Category: Miscellaneous


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