» Miscellaneous » Complaint / Review: Michelle McCord Pond Passions Outlet - MickyDonald12 on Ebay Fluval filter was damaged upon arrival. #559352

Complaint / Review
Michelle McCord Pond Passions Outlet
MickyDonald12 on Ebay Fluval filter was damaged upon arrival

Well, this will be the third ripoff-report for Michell Mccord and Pond Passions Outlet.

I bought a filter on ebay from her and she sent it out... Not in a very timely manner but I did recieve it. The UPS box was unharmed. But upon opening my fluval box i noticed a few bits of plastic on the bottom of the fluval box. I inspected everything and it all checked out... Or so I thought. I figured the bits of plastic came from some of the packaging or something like that. I went downstairs to my aquarium and started the assembly process. As you know the fluval filters have a lot of pieces and take time to set up. I had cut the hoses to fit my tank and opened all the individual packages of media.

I then went to the sink to fill up the canister part of the filter and water came shooting out the bottom at me. The bits of plastic were missing from the bottom of the canister. The entire filter is now obsolete because it doesn't hold water.

Now in Michelle's defense there would have been no way for her to know that something was damaged internally (except the crushed corner of the fluval box) but fluvals come completely sealed and unless she had opened it up before sending it to me she would not have been able to know. So in her defense I politely called and emailed her, knowing that there are predators on Ebay I decided to cover all my bases.

I recieved no phone call nor email from her for 24 hours. I then called her again the day after and she answered. I explained to her what happened and she said "ok, what is your ebay user name? I'll send out a replacement today" That was easy I thought... A little too easy. Perhaps I was getting blown off?

Well a week had gone by and no replacement canister. So I emailed her again threatening her with a paypal dispute and I got a similar response as I first did "oh I forgot I'll send it out today"... Heard that before Michelle! So I opened the dispute to show I wasn't bluffing.

Well PayPal would like to give me all my money back but if I send her the filter in the same condition I recieved it in. Well if you've been following my mundaine story you'd know that this is not possible. I had already cut the hoses to spec and opened all the individual packaging. So I could spend the extra $20 so ship the filter back to her just so that she could claim that the filter has been "used" and then I would be out all of my money. So I had to order a replacement canister at the cost or $55.

Thanks for listening, It's too bad we have people like this on Ebay that have zero respect for their customers or are complete space cadets and forget that they have customers that need assistance. There is also something going on with her website at the moment. Looks like it's either under maintainance or she didn't pay the hosting bill since the website is inaccessable.


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