» Miscellaneous » Complaint / Review: Comcast Corporation-Customer Service Department - Customer service representive threatens to perfer criminal charges against customer rather than to deal with none show up of service individual. - Horrible customer cable service repairs and excuses. #550331

Complaint / Review
Comcast Corporation-Customer Service Department
Customer service representive threatens to perfer criminal charges against customer rather than to deal with none show up of service individual. - Horrible customer cable service repairs and excuses

I am going to discuss a Ryan who is willing to lie to the police FOR COMCAST, make threats. This all occurs on Jan 21 between 430 and 6:45pm.

Of a criminal nature as part of HIS agency with customer

Service for Comcast. (AN ASIDE complaint I am

Discussing recorded calls that i did not

Give permission to be recorded but are told to customers they

Are being recorded in violation of florida law, that no

Calls can be recorded by florida statutes, without the permission of the customer.

The customer is not given the right to decline a recorded call,

IN FAVOR A NONE RECORDED CALL BY COMCAST.) third - legal complaint

Is this is alsoo

A complaint againt the discrimantion of the elderly and disabled. Major complaint - So I will work backward to the threat of having me

The customer arrested due to a policy of Comcast to use the FLORIDA

Police, to charge customers with criminal behavior to scare them off of making customer service complaints. As to rather

than handle legitimate customer complaints of their none service, and the real reason behind the none service. The title of this has to do with criminal behavior on the part of Comcast and with plain lies and threats, and abusive business practices on the part of Comcast employess especailly one Ryan, who would not give his id number. When asked for his ID number, this Ryan, indicated that he did not have to give his ID number.

When this Ryan with no last name, was told my me that another Comcast

Employee had given her ID to me, and ASKED BY ME -why he was not doing so? Per

The fact there has to be a least a dozen Ryans working for Comcast THAT ANSWERS

A local number connect to comcast national network, &he

Indicated to me, since he works in the LOCAL BROWARD OFFICE, WHERE

I am live - he is allowed not to give his id number, whereas this

Doesn't apply to calls answered by say in other comcast locations, not

Local, whose service reps pick up the phone. Mr first name ryan said

Is all then that i allowed to give you //???

The none release of his customer number, not his last lame, was a

Specific policy resticted locally according to him, and he asserted, that his last name could be

ID BY ME, THE CUSTOMER, BY GIVING OUT HIS"""" CUSTOMER SERVICE NUMBER, ""FOR SECURITY PURPOSES. (How this is possible in a bit less the credible given Comcast has

HIS id number MATCHED WITH HIS NAME, NOT I THE CUSTOMER. This allows wise guy behavior which is goes beyond this to I allege criminality by agent Ryan) (I guess this too is a slight of hand trick. Comcast can protact some

Agents number that lead to a name and not others. Really or is this a set up

To blow off the customer and when this doesn't work - report customer to the police) OK, NEXT, I INDICATED (Ryan)- MY MAIN PURPOSE WAS NOT TO TALK

To ryan and made clear to him at the start of the call. I wanted a supervisor to call speak to, which

I expressed to this ryan. This ryan tells me - his supervisor is on the

Phone for 15 minutes, and i tell him, i will wait till his supervisor is

Off the phone. To which this ryan indicates that comcast has another

Policy that they can't have a customer on the phone for more than

5 minutes waiting to speak to a supervisor. (really - he was on the

Phone more than 5 minutes with me.)

Ryan instead of a supervisor is the last of 4 calls made to comcast.

To, wit, he also indicates -

That the supervisor will call me back if i give him all the information

Per my reason for the call, and all of my information. I answer


Sc0 (customer service number) The real service number of a Comcast agent-

Shana, (this irritated ryan as he had not given his service no.)

And also to someone else had been told i wanted a supervisor to call

Back, and she did not ask for this information, nor did a supervisor,

Call back, and that one of their reps, sent me, deliberately to another department, new accounts when i asked for

A SUPERVISOR. (The clear point is that there is a clear policy dealing with

Issues that supervisors are not placed on the phone, maybe by the supervisors,

Who reject calls they can't handle, and use these customer service people as

Catpaws so to speak, to if necessary threaten a customer with false arrest to

Shut up the customer complaint, SO ALLEGED, PER CONTINUATON OF RYAN.)

(Another tactic to avoid a supervisor with a first and last name.) The catpaw trick by Customer

Service after discribing the problem sends me to

THE NEW ACCOUNTS PICKED UP (instead of a supervisor). AND THEN

Then new accounts was supposed to be a supervisor in customer service,

And new accounts he put me on hold, and then disconnected me. (

This is the dead end line. This new accounts person must get this

Call 100 times a day. The idea

Is let dis connect the customer to the guy who will disconnect you

The wrong department trick, as if these comcast employees,

Don't know how to connect from one department by another by


A cable company doesn't have employees able to know how to operate their own phones

Give us all

A BREAK. This point is this is a catspaw to get rid of complaints.)

The fact is

That this is the point comcast must be telling these consumer service

Employees that the best way to get rid of handling complaints,

Is from misdirecting a call, to the extreme of calling the police

And threating to make up lies of criminal behavior on the part of customers.) after hearing this

From me ryan (this is the obvious -run around above as an explaination

As to why i wanted a supervisor now, and the request i was about

To make, which is the

The record of my prior calls this day.)

Ryan again asks for my phone number - he obviously got the point that

One two and three catpaws run arounds didn't work,

Becasue it made known to him before giving him my phone number


Also, I would want the record of the calls. THE RECORD OF MY COMPLAINT is in their database by the

Phone number if i were to give it him, so i said to him

"i will give you my phone number, and i would like the names and reports"

Of at least, 4 other people, "i have talked to concerning this complaint."

He, says, what is your phone number.?? Is ryan 's answer. This

Is again so that he is supposed to connect me for a

Callback from his

Supervisor. Ok, i give ryan my phone number which accesses

My records, of making these calls. Ryan was told by

That he had all the information in his records, and as stated

I want to know what was in this record of jan21 of the

Many calls. One he had the records his new piece of catpaw - namely to

Quote him

You cantget tHE NAME OF PEOPLE SPOKE OR DETAILS OF MY PRIOR CALLS, or deal with the problem due to security. (not even the first names, not anything of these records. This is while they are illegally recording my call for quality assurance purposes. Wait, Ryan claims this is for their security.)

From here one wants to know what this ryan is talking about as

It doesn't make sense - does it. Then i tell him this. Then he want

Me to tell him what the problem is although he admitted he had it

In front of him, and nothing was done about it. The point

Goes on and then i explain how i made an appointment that i was

On time for, as i was on time for other comcast appointments,

And that i am disabled, and that the fact that my cell phone did not

Beep for a message should not have stopped anyone from comcast


Policy especially when dealing with the elderly and seniors, which

Is if they can't get to respond on the ct. Phone on the day of your

Appointment, they unilaterally cancel the appointment. They

Comcast, doesn't assume that you may be on your way from one

Far off place to make their appointment or in the case of myself - the

Disabled, that i have to take medications to be alert, to take

Calls or i might be busy in a bathroom dealing the medical issues

I was recently hospitalized for. Comcast make a contact with

The senior community i live in so that i pay for their cable out

Of my maintenance. Comcast is aware this is a senior community,

And is takinging advantage of the disabled such as myself by

Even expecting any disabled or senior to have to answer their

Phones at a particular time. This is in violations of american disabilites

Act and other federal and state law sthat protect the disabled and

Elderly. The fact is seniors as well as most daily behavior

The requirement of making an appointment is that the individual

Who makes the appointment show up, more so with the elderly and

Disabled, and certain appointments are not to test the ability

Of the phone or the remembering to bring a portable phone so

They can answer a phone prior to an appointment to prove they

ARE AT THE APPOINTMENT SITE. (all of this is an asside issue to

A dispatcher scam - Which casues the discrimination to the disabled by policy.)

Comcast, point was that since my

Metro phone did not beep, to show there were any messages from

Comcast on the day of the appointment they could cancel the appointment. It was pointed out to ryan and to the other comcast

Reprsentatives, that if comcast employees had to follow the same

Procedures, they would have respond by phone before they

Arrived at their job, and if they did not call before they came in,

They should be considered absent for the day, even if they arrived

On time for work. This talk on my part or any such logic,

Is was made by ryan as well as by most of the comcast agents

Into a policy statement indicating their customer regularly make

Appointments and don't show up, so they call a few hours before,

And use these calls to cancel if they are not answered. They

Can't understand the nature of an appointment is that they

The customer shows up, and not that he is answering his cell phone

Or that he or she has a cell phone. (all of the above is really

A story line that comcast feeds agent know is a lie i allege

And it all is to cover for their dispatch scheme.) this is especially true for

The disabled and or trying to discuss any of this with

Ryan he pretends he doesn't understand. Then you find out from

Not ryan but from another source that their dispatcher uses this information. This is the problem.

That they comcast does n;t indicate. They comcast do not tell customers

To call before the appointment time to indicate they are in their

The location waiting for comcast. Why, becasue the customer

Service people have to contact dispatch, so the whole point

Is to abuse the customer. The customer has to be available for

Calls when dispatch calls, which is not in the comcast contract.

This certainly would not be placed in any contract with the disabled

And or elderly. The dispatcher really makes the appointment on

The day of the appointment. So, if a customers would call in

A hour before the dispatcher made their calls out on the day

Of the appointment, they the c.S. Rep of comcast would be telling

The customer to wait for the dispacheres call or we will call you.

To avoid this information ryan is will to accuse me falsely with

Criminal behavior or threats to do so on his part. Now getting back to ryan. Ryan escallated the

Conversation when this is being explain by me in more graphic terms

As being so against the normal flow of human understanding

As to be deliberately not making appointment deliberately.

Comcast is deliberately not providing services on this basis,

And told i wanted my money out of comcast so that i and my maintenance

Payment to comcast would not be charged me. I consider this

Fraud to be a form of theft of services. I am not supposed

To be confirming a dispatches deployment and if i was supposed to

Do this should be told both in contract form and orally,

That this is the case prior to any appointment.

Futher, this is not repeat not a provision that would be allowed

In any contract with a, disabled senior living facility, condo. Where

I live in florida and allowed to be so called in fl statutes.

Back to ryan, the discussion of the above got loud by me, and him,

As this ryan, was supposedly not able to respond to anything

Told to him to which ryan was talking over me and not allowing me

To describe what i am stating above - deliberately - to which point i began to

Tell him, at first nicely he was being rude to me, and then

He would not stop, and then more loudly. Now this became a shouting

Match, where it was obvious that ryan had no intention like the

Others to refer this to a supervisor.

Now we get to the point that ryan indicates, i am criminally threatening him personally,

And that he is going to call the police and report me for some criminal

Behavior against him. At this point, i told him to do so, and to indicated to me

What criminal behavior he was talking about. I did this about 5

Times or more in a very loud voice as i was allegedly dealing with a liar and

A woud be perjurier who is was acting as an agent for comcast. I

Allege comcast allows encourages the accusation of criminal

Behavior by their employees as for quaity assurance they listen

To these calls with or without customer approvals per their none

Responsable inforation at the beginning of the call that they

Record for quality assurance purposes.

I allege comcast by this deliberately allows and encourages its

Employees to make false reports to the polices and any other

Agencies and allows it employees to bear false witness and slander

Others. This ryan is comcast agent and was acting as such to

Commit these alleged fraud torts, and criminal behavior, and in fact allegeded is false reports to the police

Or the threat thereof is extortion and theft of my services from comcast. I allege instead of customer

Service comcast agent ryan engaged in extortion so my complaint

Would be silenced by him for his employor, and that this extortion policy,

Has to this date been recorded by comcast and i allege is a policy of

Comcast, as they, and not i. Made an illegal tape recording of this.

Ryan must be getting something from comcast to behave in this way?

As this is reveiwed according to comcast for quality assurance.

At approx 6'45 i called the local margate police and wanted to make

A report of this, and was told by police lady answering the phone,

That she doubts that margate pd would make a report of the incident.


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