» Miscellaneous » Complaint / Review: Hughesnet - All you need to know about Hughes net - Hughesnet. #540264

Complaint / Review
All you need to know about Hughes net - Hughesnet


To all the Hughes net sufferers, who have been somehow cheated wrongly informed or have been promised something which was never delivered.
I am about to let you know how to give them back, what you deserve.
I will let you know, everything there is to know about Hughes net (ISP). This article is referring to the following modem types: DW 4000, DW 6000, DW 7000, HN 7000, HN 7000S and HN 9000.
I will discuss about the following:
1. FAP (Fair Access Policy)
2. Slow Speed (slow download / slow upload/Speed disclaimer)
3. OOW (Out of Warranty work order / Out of warranty Modem)
4. Installers complain (Wrong installation done)
5. Email Issues (Webmail, Configuring Email client)
6. How to speak to advance tech support (Tier III)

This is what Hughes net has to say about it:

Some activities are more likely to exceed the download threshold and trigger the application of the Fair Access Policy (FAP). Several examples are listed below:

Full-length movie downloads

Peer-to-peer (P2P) file sharing programs such as Napster, Kazaa or LimeWire

Continuous downloading or viewing streaming media content such as audio or video programming

Hosting of server devices such as email, FTP or Web servers

Hosting computer applications such as Web camera feeds

Automated computer to computer connections used for archiving of local computer content

Extensive downloading of Usenet Newsgroups (NNTP)

Use of BitTorrent applications

Simultaneous file downloads

Downloading large files (i.E., file sizes that are close in size to the download threshold of your service plan)

Excessive downloading or use of the services described above may cause subscribers to be affected by the Fair Access Policy, or in severe cases, to be terminated from the service.

But for more info about it please visit this link.
Http:// Pageid=fairaccess&Container=com. Webridge. Entity. Entity[OID[BD8BE0839F414B4FB7CDDCA10EFA5369]]

The above information is all bullshit.
What is FAP actually is, any hughesnet subscriber can only download a certain amount of megabyte in any 24 hrs according to their respective plan.
That means that you can only use your internet connect for a certain time only. Now when I say 24 hrs it does not mean one day (Which everyone is confused about). It means your total download or internet usual should not exceed your total download threshold eg: 200 MB in the last 24 hrs. The 24 hrs is a cyclic clock and not a fixed 24 hr clock. When I say download it does not mean you have actually download data. Any internet usage done online eg: surfing website like google, chatting, playing game etc.
You have an OPEN Window which is 3 am to 6 am EST. But most of the time the usage data recorded in incorrect. Even when you have turn off the P. C or the Hughes net modem still it will record some usage on it, which stats that the usage is very incorrect.

Now there is a good new for DW 4000, DW 6000, DW 7000, HN 7000 and HN 7000S users. Hughesnet’s technical support can deactivate the FAP for a customer twice in a month. So you can call the Technical support and tell them that, when the usage page shows data online the P. C and the modem is turned off. You don’t use a router and the windows update or any other software update is turned off, because they will try to blame the router or the windows update. The technical support will reset the FAP for you on the call then a there. Do not get off the call until the FAP is deactivated, because if you are informed they will forward the info to someone or some other Dept then nothing is going to be done at all.

MORAL OF THE THIS STORY: Call up hughes net tech support has ask them to reset you FAP as they can do that. Twice in a month.

 Slow Speed (slow download / slow upload/Speed disclaimer):
What Hughes net has to say about it?
With the Home service plan, you can connect to the Internet with maximum download speeds up to 1.0 Mbps, with typical speeds about 550 Kbps to 650 Kbps during peak times. Upload speeds, which are capable of reaching 128 Kbps, are typically 70 Kbps to 80 Kbps during peak hours.

With the Pro plan, connect to the Internet with maximum download speeds of up to 1.2 Mbps, with typical speeds about 700 Kbps to 800 Kbps during peak times. Upload speeds, which are capable of reaching 200 Kbps, are typically 100 Kbps to 120 Kbps during peak hours.

With the Proplus plan, connect to the Internet with maximum download speeds of up to 1.6 Mbps, with typical speeds about 800 Kbps to 1.0 Mbps during peak times. Upload speeds, which are capable of reaching 250 Kbps, are typically 130 Kbps to 150 Kbps during peak hours.

With the Elite plan, connect to the Internet with maximum download speeds of up to 2.0 Mbps, with typical speeds about 1.0 Mbps to 1.2 Mbps during peak times. Upload speeds, which are capable of reaching 300 Kbps, are typically 165 Kbps to 180 Kbps during peak hours.

With the ElitePlus plan, connect to the Internet with maximum download speeds of up to 3.0 Mbps, with typical speeds about 1.6 Mbps to 1.8 Mbps during peak times. Upload speeds, which are capable of reaching 300 Kbps, are typically 165 Kbps to 180 Kbps during peak hours.

With the ElitePremium plan, connect to the Internet with maximum download speeds of up to 5.0 Mbps, with typical speeds about 2.7 Mbps to 3.0 Mbps during peak times. Upload speeds, which are capable of reaching 300 Kbps, are typically 165 Kbps to 180 Kbps during peak hours.

If you choose to run a VPN over your satellite service, your data speeds may be reduced by as much as addition, we do not recommend using HughesNet® to run time-sensitive applications that require fractions-of-a-second user inputs (such as twitch gameplay or real-time equities trading).

For more info try this link: Cfm

What I have to say about it:
Hughes net connection speed sucks. All the Ads on the Television are lies.

You will always face slow connection speed with Hughes net and there is nothing you can do or they can do about it. Because it is that way the system is designed. Hughes net connection is based on SHARED BANDWITH. That means the entire HughesNet customers share the same band with available through HughesNet. So the more customer hughesnet has the lesser speed you individually you will get.
Now when you will call Hughes net for any slow connection issue, let it be slow upload or slow download. All they (Tier 1) will do is they will ask you to delete your P. C’s Cache, cookies and browser history. Restart the P. C in safe mode with networking. And at the end they will asked you to run the 5 Web response test back to back (not the SPEED TEST) but the response test. If the Web response test is any where below 12 then they will ask you to run the test for 2 days and call back. What it does is nothing. Just buy time. And when you call back after 2 days and after running the test all you will get is a SPEED DISCLAIMER. That is you will get no more. Because the web response test will most of the time will be below 12. So if you want to get the issue resolved then you have to speak to the ADVANCE TECH support. And the only way you can speak to Advance tech support is when you don’t run the speed test.inform the person that you can’t run the speed test. Tell them as soon as you click on Initiate Web Response test you get the error “Page cannot be displayed”. And so they will transfer you to Advance tech support and then you can run the test and do the troubleshooting that is required. And after that you don’t have to speak to tier I as you can refer you case number that you got from Tier III.

Moral of this story: do want is stated it above and you will get issue resolve or cancel the contract.

 OOW (Out of Warranty work order / Out of warranty Modem):
What Hughes net has to say about it?
Hughes warrants to the original buyer that under normal use and wear the equipment used to access the Service (the “Equipment”), which includes the Indoor Unit (satellite modem), Power Supply, and Outdoor Unit (Antenna & Radio Assembly), will be free from defects in material and workmanship for a standard limited warranty term of 24 months* from the date of activation. Any Equipment replaced or repaired under this warranty will be warranted for the remainder of the original warranty period or thirty (30) days, whichever is longer. This warranty is not transferable.
If under normal use and wear, the Equipment becomes defective in materials or workmanship during the warranty period set forth above, Hughes shall at its option and expense, perform one of the following:
• We will repair or replace the defective Equipment within thirty (30) days of the date the defective Equipment was returned to Hughes’ designated address at your expense, to cause it to comply with the terms of this Limited Warranty. Reconditioned replacement components, parts, units or materials may be used if the Equipment is repaired or replaced.

• If service to the Outdoor Unit (satellite antenna and transmitter) is required, Hughes will, at its expense, repair or replace it pursuant to the limited warranty for the first six months after installation. From six months to the end of your limited warranty period, Hughes will cover the cost of the replacement equipment, but the cost of the onsite service technician visit, if necessary, will be paid by you. You may request a price estimate prior to the work, based on the type of the replacement. If your satellite antenna needs to be re-pointed after the first 6 months of service, a standard onsite visit fee will be charged to you. Reconditioned replacement components, parts, units or materials may be used if the Equipment is repaired or replaced.

• We may upgrade the Equipment to a later-generation product that performs the same function and complies with the terms of this Limited Warranty.

THESE ARE YOUR SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE REMEDIES FOR DEFECTS DURING THE WARRANTY PERIOD IN ANY EQUIPMENT COVERED BY THE LIMITED WARRANTY. To request Limited Warranty service you must contact Hughes Customer Service, toll-free, at 1-866-347-3292 within the Limited Warranty period.
For more info check the link: Pageid=subscriber&Container=com. Webridge. Entity. Entity[OID[A8F7F0D9E61CCF428678A77A7EA0297F]]

What I have to say about it:
Keep a check on your warranty status check when it is going to expire. People whose warranty status is still active nothing to worry. But for those whose warranty status has expired there are options:
1. Sign up for an Express repair home so instead of paying $125 for the Out of warranty work order you will only pay $99.

2. Ask for credits ask the tech person for credit speak to the sup and his sup till you get the credit that does not mean you get for 1-2 week. Credit means you should get the whole credit for the work order.
3. If there was a tech sent out to your location in the last 6 mths then you have put an installer complain that the installation was not done correctly and they will have to send a tech out free.

4. Speak with the Retentions dpt and ask them to waive off the charge, they can do that.

Moral of this story: hughes net will and should send a tech out free. Speak with a supervisor and if required speak to his.

 Installers complain (Wrong installation done):

What Hughes net has to say: Nothing they don’t have anything to say. But we can get them.
What I have to say about it:
Well you can only file an Installer complain if the installation was done in the last 6 months. If you think that the installer has not done his job properly, which is true most of the time or if the installer was rude to you. Call up technical support and file an installer complain speak to supervisor in this scenario. What you can do is call them up and tell them that the installer did not install the antenna in the right position, it is pointing toward the tree or something else. The antenna is not fixed right it keeps on shaking or moving when there is wind. The cables are lying in front of the lawn or it is not put underground. When the complain is filed and you are given a case number, you will get a call back within 48 hrs from the install escalation this case always speak with a Supervisor.

Moral of this story: hughes net will and should send a tech out free. Speak with a supervisor and if required speak to his.

 Email Issues (Webmail, Configuring Email client):
What Hughes net has to say about it: We don’t support this we don’t support that.

What I have to say about it:
If you face any issue with your email. First check if you are able to access you emails from the webmail that is: http://home.

Try to sign and check your email, check if you are able to send and receive emails from this website. If you are then Hughes net will say everything is OK. And will refer you to someone else.
So try to configure the Email client (Outlook / Outlook Express etc) by yourself.
If you need help in it try the link: http://www.oucs. Ox. Ac. Uk/email/config/

Other than that you will require.
Incoming server: mail.
Outgoing server: smtp.
Username: (This will be you complete email address)
Leave the rest as it is.
For more info check other links:


Moral of this story: try to resolve the issue by yourself and if have to call tech support speak with a supervisor as they know what they do.

 How to speak to advance tech support (Tier III):

What Hughes net has to say about it: We can’t transfer you to Tier III, Sorry you will have to troubleshoot the whole thing again.
What I have to say about it:
Following are the ways to speak to Tier III:

1. If you have spoken to tier III in the last 7 days refer the case number. And if they refuse to transfer tell them you refuse to troubleshoot and want to speak to tier III only. Speak with the supervisor and he will authorize the transfer.
2. If you have spoken to Tier III much prior to 7 last then. When they ask you to open the System Control Center by: They will ask you to ask you to provide the Transmit status. Give the transmit status as TX code 9. What they will try to do is switch off the modem and restart it. What ever they do you have to say that the Transmit status is still TX code 9. And they will transfer you to Advance technical support. You can try this even during the Troubleshooting.

Other tips for all you Hughes users:
IF YOU CHECK YOU SYSTEM CONTROL CENTER (TYPE in your address bar), check your system status.
If your TX code is

6 or 7: you need to re point the antenna and at the end send a tech out or speak to advance tech support.
10 or 13: you will need a tech at your location.
9: you need to speak to Advance tech support.
24: your transmit cable or the transmitter has an issue. You need a tech out.

And one more thing: SPEAK TO THE SUPERVISOR’S as they know what they are doing. And the reps have no idea what the issue all about.
For any feedback or any info contact me on: [email protected]

And their customer care number and address:
Hughes Corporate Headquarters
Hughes Network Systems, LLC
11717 Exploration Lane
Germantown, MD 20876 USA
Phone: 301-428-5500
Fax: 301-428-1868

Offender: Hughesnet

Country: USA

Category: Miscellaneous


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